~The avatar thread~

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New month, new avatar! This time I've gone for a rather adorable Ryuichi in a very familiar looking costume :wink: He's a "March hare". Geddit?
i finally decided to change my avatar...now its link from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess which, annoyingly is still not due out until near the end of the year :(
Ryo Chan said:

i'm starting wonder if you girls know ed isn't real

Lol, just 'coz theres one Ed fn girl on the forums does'nt mean i'm anouther one. I only choose kawaii avatars, if i am a fangirl i'm a Nina fan girl :p
Travis Radisson said:
:eek: Aaaah! Please slow down miss Yukari :shock: there's a red light ahead we're all gonna die nooooo! @_@;;

*ahem* #^_^;#

Anyways, my new avatar is a doll I made using The Candybar Doll Maker. Her name is Wolfie. :p

Man those Candybar things give me the creeps, they look so unnatural =x
XxFrozen_NekoxX said:
Changed my avatar to this Ed one, as i've now hit episode 32 =x
That avvie is (almost) the cutest thing I've ever seen. ^_^

Mini-Mariah said:
Man those Candybar things give me the creeps, they look so unnatural =x
:eek: How can you say such things about my über-cute Wolfie-chan? Just kidding. :p They do have a bit of a generic feel about them; they are only templates, after all. ^_~
The cusp of becoming a space pirate seems a good time change avatar.
This time is it is a different picture of the same subject: Li Syaoran from Cardcaptors Sakura
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