Rightstuf's summer sale has been on-going and I wanted to make at least two big orders whenever possible, and it is a shame that the discount codes won't work during this sale but at least I can get some decent deals along the way.

This first order is focused solely on Sentai Filmworks because I want to try and catch up on their releases as much as I can, similarly to Funimation, but the challenge here is that Sentai's prices aren't the best so its hard to jump in whenever possible. The exchange rate is decent but not great so now was an alright time to sort out a new batch. For context it was
roughly this time last year that I had ordered some Sentai titles during their sale so it's good timing I suppose as well.
Now granted you are best holding off until the Christmas sale to get some better deals, but what we have right now is roughly the same as Sentai's summer sale. There was also stock issues on a number of titles so there were some that didn't make the cut, most notably
And Yet the Town Moves which must have spiked in sales due to
Heavenly Delusion.
So here we have 8 Blu-ray releases, which in total costed me a lot but according to my notes I saved almost £100 against UP1 so that's not too bad. The haul was split into two groups; the newer releases, and the re-releases which are older titles that have been re-authored with some amendments including revised translations and sub layouts whenever possible so it's worth looking into these versions if you had yet to own them.
For the newer releases we have
Monster Girl Doctor,
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory, and
I am a fan of Monster Girl Doctor's anime so I wanted to own the series on Blu-ray, while many had overlooked it I liked the premise and the cast is interesting. I have the novels so I can read the rest of the story. Then we have the 'fanservicey new ecchi show' that I was curious to check out with Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory, so there's nothing else that needs to be said there. Last but not least we have YA BOY KONGMING! which is considered to be one of the best shows in recent years, so I look forward to it. Probably the highlight of this haul.
For the re-releases we have
Broken Blade,
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia,
Gugure! Kokkuri-san, and
Now you might see this line-up and go "hang on a sec, Broken Blade and PUNCH-LINE have UK Blu-ray releases" which is true, but they have been re-released in recent years by Sentai so those old UK releases are pretty much redundant especially with Broken Blade as that was a 10 year old disc which could do with some updates (and the cover art was not particularly appealing for my shelf to begin with). Broken Blade is also a mecha series animated by both Production I.G & Xebec so it's one that I wanted to check out as well. Meanwhile I have seen PUNCH-LINE when it first aired and it's a great underrated show by the creator of Zero Escape if you have not yet checked it out, I highly recommend it.
Next we have two shows that had also received UK releases but only on DVD, and were re-released in recent years too. BTOOOM! is one of the few anime that I had watched before I joined the legal streaming venture, and its a fun battle royale with grenades series so I was happy that it got re-released since the previous set came out a decade ago. Whereas Dusk Maiden of Amnesia I've heard a lot over the years and now was a good opportunity finally watch it. I know the original release included OSTs so the music must have stood out to get that sort of treatment.
And then we have Gugure! Kokkuri-san, because I heard its a solid comedy series so I look forward to it.
There we have it. Fun fact I almost added Rent-A-Girlfriend limited edition but I decided it wasn't worth it as it would have made the shipping and VAT even more expensive therefore I replaced it with three more titles instead. To Love Ru was also tempting but it literally just came out so there's plenty of time to revisit it.