The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

From Deep Discount (using code EGGNOG)

Galaxy Express 999
Galaxy Express 999 Eternal Fantasy
Adieu Galaxy Express 999

From Wordery (using code JINGLEBOOKS)
Baccano vol 6
Graineliers vol 1
Queen Emeraldas vol 2
Karneval (omnibus) vol 8
Picked up two of the Rightstuf Mega Deal titles that went back on sale yesterday on the last day of the Holiday Sales:

Chaika: The Coffin Princess Complete Series + OVA
Scrapped Princess BD/DVD combo
Went into Newcastle with a friend today and bought Don't Be Cruel 5, Everyone's Getting Married 6, Assassination Classroom 19, Rokka novel 3, Konosuba novel 4 and a Hanamaru figure.
Assassination Classroom Season 2 Part 1 CE. Thank god AL posted a reminder about the 20% off code on twitter as I forgot to buy this.

I also forgot about the code! Just had a poke about the store to see if there was anything I wanted, ended up buying Mai Mai Miracle for £14. Sounds like my cup of tea, although I do need to start watching the anime films I buy, my pile is ever increasing.
Some manga from Wordery with their January discount code:

My Monster Secret v8
Nekomonogatari Black
Watamote v11
Yona of the Dawn v10 (and a preorder for v11)
From HMV:

I know Manga have just recycled their existing discs with the missing subs, but I wanted to upgrade to BD, and I kinda wanted the book, too, so...

BD double points as well.

(And I know just enough Japanese to understand those two lines without the subs.)
Accidentally brought this:

Oh well, best brush up on my French!
I still find the idea of that tin as a package sliiightly creepy given what the final function of it is.
It contained a precious cargo just like this tin.
I've since discovered that Sukuma Drops are sold in, I guess, a retro tin (if the design on the tin from the film was authentic). It would be the cheaper, and sweeter, way to have that conversation piece on your shelf.

Ordered from Wordery (using code NEWYEAR to by one book and then get 12% off everything else in your basket)

Tales of Zestiria vols 1-3
The Case Study of Vantitas vol 3
Drifters vol 5