Upgraded my A Silent Voice standard edition to the collectors edition. It looks so very shiny 
A used seller on Amazon JP had Twelve Kingdoms part 3 for £23 roughly. I swiftly ordered, and will have it forwarded using biginjapan to me :3
so lucky. been after it for years now.
https://wordery.com/makoto-shinkai-authorYour Name Another Side Earthbound novel
Sword Ortaria Volume 4
Both from book depository. I think Your Name is going to get cancelled though because they don’t have any stock and it’s out tomorrow..
Amazon says it’s release is 21st November. Even on Yen Press website says the November date.Not sure it’s a Shinkai work, I think he’s just credited because it’s Your Name. I managed to find it on Wordery here, but looks like same situation as Book depository where it’s not in stock yet...