The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...


Escaflowne! Gotta love Beez.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Even though it's just £15, that subtitle issue along with the supposedly dreadful video quality are making what should be a no-brainer purchase into a difficult decision.

That's why I have the Region 1 collection on order at Play USA for £17.99. Less dodgy video and no subtitle issues seem worth the extra £3.

But I have been waiting for it to come back into stock for the last few weeks. No sign as yet though.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the R1 collection. While I'd like to support Beez's AL releases, this kind of uncertainty does push me in that direction.

It can take PlayUSA a fair while to restock DVDs, but as long as the title is still in print they will eventually send it.