The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

The Skull Man
Nighthead Genesis

Vampire Knight Volume 9
Gantz Volume 9

I needed to slow down on my spending recently with Road Tax, M.O.T. and a few other expenses around the corner. But with so much coming out subbed only (I can't forum or read manga/comics whilst watching limiting my use if time) and watching legal streams of things my piles of to watch and read stuff are still hardly going down. So I am getting more selective again with what I buy price, perceived quality and can I wait for the box set are coming into play.
Ghost In The Shell Movie Double Bill boxset(contains 1st and 2nd movie)
Ghost in the Shell-Solid State Society
Sgt.Frog Season 2 Part 2
Mushishi Complete Collection-Viridian Collection
Emma,Victorian Romance Collection 1
Emma,Victorian Romance Collection 2
Decided to buy the Blu-Ray version of Dante's Inferno. Well, since HMV were selling both DVD and Blu-ray for the same price, I thought I'd get the better quality one.
.hack//roots AL collection because Aion tempted me. It's been on my list for ages but I didn't want to pay much for it; this works out well.

It's good to know I tempted you by informing you it's a bit naff. I type up lengthy reviews telling people to buy ****, and they ignore me... but when I helpfully inform people that something isn't great, they buy it.

That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
It's good to know I tempted you by informing you it's a bit naff. I type up lengthy reviews telling people to buy ****, and they ignore me... but when I helpfully inform people that something isn't great, they buy it.

I have a lot of Haseo doujinshi, so I need to watch his show one day. I thought Sign was a bit rubbish too so I'm expecting the same kind of thing only worse.

SIGN... rubbish? Blasphemy! It got me into anime, and that makes it great. Without it, I wouldn't be sharing my insight with you.

Compared to roots, SIGN is fast-paced. The key difference between the two is that SIGN has a story of its own; complete with its own characters. roots, on the other hand, has the same lead as the G.U. games and can only go up to the very start of the G.U. story.

Also, if you've ever heard any of Ali Projects 'music' before, you'll have a good idea how WONDERFUL the soundtrack of roots is. The only good music is the OP.