The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

If you wanted to be funny and fail, adding 'T' to the end would've been the way to go.

But, seriously: I'm ordering pretty much all of these DVDs because I will watch them. Collecting rarities for cheap is forcing my hand, yes, but I wouldn't be ordering when the pound is doing so badly if I planned on only stacking the DVDs on shelves.



Green Legend Ran: AIC + NaTHaT + $7.99 + OOP + Complete = buy

The Legend of Black Heaven is aimed more at adults. It's also OOP and cheap, so it was an easy decision.

Disney stole from Kimba to create The Lion King. Leo is a movie based on what Dianey stole from. And, of course, it's OOP and cost little.
In the case of most of what I ordered, there was only one in stock, so you're **** out of luck if you go hunting for what I paid for.
Higurashi volume 6

It's a nice huge volume which I'm looking forward to reading tonight :D
Probably the nastiest content in the series, excluding two scenes in meakashi-hen. Consider yourself forewarned. And yep 300 pages is a bit much for one volume, the answer arcs (Kai) have 4 rather than 2. I hope they publish all of Rei (the side arcs+ the ones unique to the manga) as well.

Need to go out and pickup volume 5 of Nightmare of Nunally soonish, damn stupid tiny print runs
Just Passing Through said:
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ilmaestro said:
I would read the rest of your reply, but it all seems to be a MoO point.

It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't's moo

How I love the wit of Brits. Astounding.

Do you know any cat jokes?

It's from Friends. A Joey-ism. Friends is an obscure US comedy show. You may not have heard of it.

Do you keep Friends DVDs under your turban or something?

Never watched Friends, for the title makes me remember my troubled past and reawakens painful memories.

...That, and I don't 'do' American comedies, or live-action TV series in general most of the time.
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Just Passing Through said:
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ilmaestro said:
I would read the rest of your reply, but it all seems to be a MoO point.

It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't's moo

How I love the wit of Brits. Astounding.

Do you know any cat jokes?

It's from Friends. A Joey-ism. Friends is an obscure US comedy show. You may not have heard of it.

Do you keep Friends DVDs under your turban or something?

Never watched Friends, for the title makes me remember my troubled past and reawakens painful memories.

...That, and I don't 'do' American comedies, or live-action TV series in general most of the time.

I'll ignore the turban comment witmeister... :x

And how can you have not watched friends. Channel 4 break into people's houses when they are asleep and pump that **** straight into people's brains. There are pygmy tribes in Africa, without electricity, without TV, without any semblance of the modern world, and they still greet each other with "How you doin'?"
I have seen an episode or two when glancing through channels, and I know the faces of the characters/Jennifer Aniston, but no more than that. Comedy isn't my thing; I'm too boring and prefer seeing lots of dramaric deaths instead.

Ever since I was tortured as a child, forced to watch the soaps and tricked into thinking they were actually good before the whole internet thing got going for me, I've given TV a miss. Beyond the news and footie highlights, I might as well not be able to watch TV channels.

After being introduced to anime, my only live-action entertainment is Hollywood flicks, and I haven't bothered with many of those in awhile.
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Comedy isn't my thing; I'm too boring and prefer seeing lots of dramaric deaths instead.

Watch M*A*S*H, the only decent comedy to ever come out of the US. Most other US sitcoms are horribly predictable, assembled by committee. One time funny, two time cheesy, third time crap. I can't watch a rerun of a US sitcom at all.

I'm in the same boat when it comes to entertainment. I watch about three hours of broadcast TV a week. For some reason I'm hooked on CSI: NY, although it's another one time only show. I'm still watching Heroes but through inertia more than interest. The only shows that I'm looking forward to right now are the return of Flash Forward, and Dr Who without Russell T Davies overegging the pudding. I watch about one Hollywood flick in the cinema a year. A couple of years ago it was Indy IV, last year JJ Trek, and this year it will be Tron Legacy. But Hollywood has long become predictable and stale.

I prefer to watch stuff I've never seen before. Something unfamiliar and fresh. Something not Reality TV or soap, or predictaflick, Michael Bayvision. Everything gets stale after a while. I think I'll go watch a kung fu movie.
I need to rub up on my Friends knowledge. I don't watch that show on a regular basis anymore. I was able to do it for a while but now... I struggle to keep an entire episode on because I could be watching something I haven't seen - even if it is crap (90210). The best shows for reruns are where you catch things the second or third time that you didn't get on the first. Some are good just for the emotional rollercoaster but overall, I get somewhat tired or seeing things again.

I need to ignore how incredibly English most of AUKN is as well. The BBC do provide the Best Entertainment Ever™ of course. It is the 1970s, you know.
Jayme said:
I need to rub up on my Friends knowledge. I don't watch that show on a regular basis anymore. I was able to do it for a while but now... I struggle to keep an entire episode on because I could be watching something I haven't seen - even if it is crap (90210). The best shows for reruns are where you catch things the second or third time that you didn't get on the first. Some are good just for the emotional rollercoaster but overall, I get somewhat tired or seeing things again.

I need to ignore how incredibly English most of AUKN is as well. The BBC do provide the Best Entertainment Ever™ of course. It is the 1970s, you know.

I find it funny how people get tired of watching things again and yet buy dvds, I'm not saying you specifically since I don't know if you do, but I've always found that odd =P

I love rewatching stuff usually. Obviosly not in the same day or week, but I do enjoy a good rewatch =3
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I love rewatching stuff usually. Obviosly not in the same day or week, but I do enjoy a good rewatch =3
I rewatch some things, more so on DVD. I've seen Arrested Development a few times through and have watched the majority (key word) of Buffy and Lost a few times now. It's just... well... you know. It's Friends. I imagine I would have a better view of it now if I had that sexy boxset of it and it wasn't on TV everyday. I love that I can just choose specific episodes whenever I might fancy. I mostly don't feel the need to rewatch everything just because I watched one episode, and that's a good thing. And yes I'm ignoring that The OC rewatch I did because I watched that one episode.

I am a okay example for what your saying though. I tend to buy things for what it is more than if I'm going to watch it. More applies to anime and CDs.
Thank God for credit cards and having a month after the bill arrives to pay. I hate SS/Wherehouse.


Arslan has been on my radar for awhile, but I hadn't read up about it. I Googled, read that it's based on a novel by the author of the books LotGH was based on and ordered.

There were two options: the cheaper dub only re-release for $10, or the dub+sub original, '99 release for $14. I went for the older release for story comprehension reasons. Stories with lots of fictional-world terms getting thrown around can be a bitch to understand without reading.

As for Slayers, when the code wasn't active, I saw the OLD, $120 RRP (lol) set selling for $9. It went fast. Then, when the code recativated, the far newer 2007 Funimation re-release appeared for $12.99.

I went to watch the first half of the episode on YT, and I thought it was excellent. I loved how the characters/Funi took the piss out of the anime itself. I then read a review of the old $120 set, it being pointed out that that set had a nasty sound fault, and I felt even more happy to be picking up the Funi release.

The .hack game soundtrack: with its cheap price, I found it hard to resist seeing how SS/Wherehouse send CDs. It's only got one CD, unlike the JP version, but the .hack game music is most excellent. It's too bad it isn't one of the SIGN or G.U. soundtracks, mind you...


Geneon. Inspiration for Escaflowne (?). Epic. 6-7 episodes per disc. 5/8. $3.10-$4.70 per disc.

How could I say no?

I needed Gokudo 2 'cause I picked up Gokudo 1 last time around.


Pet Shop of Horrors is a recent ADV/Sentai re-release. It's also based on a popular manga series, highly rated and a rare horror anime. With me able to get it for less than it'd cost new, I had to order it... I HAD TO!!!

I'm a fan of the G.U. games, like the movie, it isn't out over here (yet) and it cost me less than it would new. Hopefully, it'll arrive 'as new' and I'll be happy.

Chance Pop 2-3 got ordered with it simply because I needed more DVDs in the order to get the order sent in a box. The risk of squashed DVDs scares me. But I do want Chance Pop - the ANN review description tells me I'll like it. It just kind of sucks volume one vanished sometime after I bookmarked it...

...I'm pretty sure this is the end. I know I've said that like three times already, but SURELY I can't find anything else tempting... right?
ilmaestro said:
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Geneon. Inspiration for Escaflowne (?). Epic. 6-7 episodes per disc. 5/8. $3.10-$4.70 per disc.

How could I say no?
Because it's ass.

Also, no-one puts a "t" in "LOGH".
Yet they put an O which should also be ommitted. Or could be intentional like Kannazuki no Miko:Destiny of Shrine Maiden.

Bokurano vol1,
Hayate no Gotoku (manga) vol 11,
Code Geas: Nightmare of Nunally 5,