The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

My Anime Legends Beez sets arrived today (although strangely Gundam Seed Part One hasn't even shipped). As expected, bricks, but not stacked bricks, which is cool.




I think they made a typo on disc 9 :p Really can't fault them, considering how much they cost, and I still can't believe they're able to put these out at this price point. I genuinely hope they do very well for Beez.
The Eureka Seven disc art is attractive. In hindsight I should have waited for those Anime Legends sets rather than blowing £60 on the R1 art boxes and singles (though I do love those boxes). The show's good but not great.

Aion kindly sent me duplicates of the first three volumes of Gundam Seed, so I'll watch those before deciding whether to buy the AL sets.
ilmaestro said:
BAKA said:
I think they made a typo on disc 9 :p

I hope it is just a misprinting, although I still wouldn't be too pleased about it.

I don't think it's so bad. It's sadly pretty common too, at least with a lot of my R2 purchases. My first volume of Tsubasa has copyright information related to Full Metal Alchemist lol. Although, as one of the few who actually loves Gundam Seed, I wish it did have an extra 5 episodes.

fabricatedlunatic said:
The Eureka Seven disc art is attractive.

I very much agree, it's a shame the same person isn't doing the Graphic Design work for the sleeves (I presume it's not the same person). They should shoot the designer over a copy of Manga's Darker Than Black Season 1 Set cover over, or failing that just shoot them period :p. But I really can't complain at the cost.
BAKA said:
They should shoot the designer over a copy of Manga's Darker Than Black Season 1 Set cover.

Bar the always-ruinous BBFC logo, that's one of the best looking covers I have seen in years. The only quibble I have with the Eureka 7 cover is the Anime Legends branding, which I can only imagine to have been a decree from Bandai on high.
That was my point, it's a great cover, very minimal but superbly designed and gives an impression of quality. Which I personally feel the Anime Legends sleeves could have done with a touch of, ergo shooting over the designer the cover to take note.
Ah, I see. You probably could have worded that better, shooting someone 'over' something is generally taken to mean shooting someone 'because of' something, so that's what I thought you meant. Though yeah, your use of the phrase 'a copy' should have perhaps alerted me to your real meaning.

ps. I've just noticed it says "Lenght" on the back of the Eureka 7 case. I nearly spat coffee again.
ayase said:
Ah, I see. You probably could have worded that better, shooting someone 'over' something is generally taken to mean shooting someone 'because of' something, so that's what I thought you meant. Though yeah, your use of the phrase 'a copy' should have perhaps alerted me to your real meaning.

There really isn't anything wrong with the way it was worded. It was a play on words (the expression of shooting and the literal), and perfectly constructed, thank you very much. :x

ayase said:
ps. I've just noticed it says "Lenght" on the back of the Eureka 7 case. I nearly spat coffee again.

Oh, I didn't notice that! Strangely it's correct on the Gundam set.
BAKA said:
There really isn't anything wrong with the way it was worded. It was a play on words (the expression of shooting and the literal)
I'm more than willing to let it lie, but now I'm utterly confused. I got that shooting meant physically shooting... at least I think it did.
sanji no 1 said:
The anime i bought from HMV today was:
Gurren Lagann volume 3
The conclusion to the manliest, best mecha anime!

Wait, you paid £33 for a 2 disc DVD set? I love Gurren Lagann but I found those prices insulting when there's probably going to be a box set for £40 around the corner. But if you have the money to spend on it then fair enough but I don't.
BAKA said:
My Anime Legends Beez sets arrived today (although strangely Gundam Seed Part One hasn't even shipped). As expected, bricks, but not stacked bricks, which is cool.


Wow, for a what's essentially a budget release thats some really nice disc art! :D
fabricatedlunatic said:
Looks as though the Witchblade 1-3 collection is three discs in a regular sized keepcase. Observe.

The one place I didn't think of checking was MVM's website. :|

...Eh, I won't mind too much if the three DVDs are shoved in a single disc sized case. I'll just put it next to the last three volumes. It's just, I expected the set to either be three DVDs together or a half-season art box because MVM don't sell brick sets.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Aion kindly sent me duplicates of the first three volumes of Gundam Seed

And you even more kindly deleted a long message of mine on the day they arrived. I guess people show appreciation differently...

You've pretty much already seen Gundam SEED by watching the important bits of the original Gundam. SEED is basically a more colourful copy of the original; so much so that I couldn't help but notice that the plot of the original was executed in near enough identical fashion.

It's also worth noting that you'll hate it towards the end because, rather than animate fight sequences, Sunrise re-used animation they'd used in previous battles. SEED is weird in the sense that it peaks halfway through with a fairly epic friend vs. friend mecha battle to the 'death', and then gets progressively worse until the end.

Also: I received my Eureka set, too. I'm in no real hurry to watch it, taking into consideration its length, the fact I dropped it and the second set not being in my possession. I only pre-ordered it 'cause it won't get much cheaper than £14.99.
Adamjoseph64 said:
Wow, for a what's essentially a budget release thats some really nice disc art! :D

Looks virtually the same as the single disc art apart from the singles have a white background instead of clear and no green bit under the BBFC logo.

I'm watching Otome at the minute. A totally random 'Otome' search on SS to see how much they were charging revealed that the OVA had been released in the US, and that SS wanted a fair bit less than the new prices. You can guess the rest!

As for the other two DVDs, they were ordered because... hell, you know what? SCREW TRYING TO JUSTIFY WHY I KEEP ORDERING SECOND-HAND DVDS FROM AMERICA! I didn't want the Otome OVA to get lonely - that's all.

Seven orders at once... I think that's a new record for me. :D

Edit: I went back and ordered again, after seeing an art box + 4/5 of the other DVDs going for like $2 each.


I knew I shouldn't make an EIGHTH order - taking the currency conversion alone up to over £3 (note to self: try harder to make eight into six or seven next time!) - but the opening persuaded me...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The fact an opening involving a turtle laying/pooping eggs and a little girl wearing cat ears 'meowing' tempted me proves how much anime has demented me.
got today

stop bullying me -yaoi-
love hurts -yaoi
d.gray man vols 10-14
fullmetal alchemist 18-22

was hoping for my sebastian nendoroid but he didn't come today =(