The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

With a name like Tapenshu, I'm voting negative without even knowing anything about it. I'm too lazy to Google, I don't believe in paradise and it's really quite a ****** name. I'm sticking with my Death Note lovin' for the time being, I'm afraid.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Aion said:
FFS! Stop buying crap!!! Go into the sales thread, go on Play and buy more Death Note.
...nah, too expensive. I'll wait for the inevitable thinpak later this year (or, even better, the inevitable reduction of said thinpak to fifty percent of its initial price within a month of release).
You know that you're the reason the anime industry is dying, yes? ;p
Yes, I'm making up for my small penis size by collecting as much junk as possible. Either that or I just like collecting what I'm into.

Either way, it doesn't change the facht that my collection is bigger than yours...even if if most of the titles ar a bit rubbish.
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Aion said:
FFS! Stop buying crap!!! Go into the sales thread, go on Play and buy more Death Note.
...nah, too expensive. I'll wait for the inevitable thinpak later this year (or, even better, the inevitable reduction of said thinpak to fifty percent of its initial price within a month of release).
You know that you're the reason the anime industry is dying, yes? ;p

The price a retailer sets is not the issue, it's just how much stock the retailer buys from the wholesaler, sales could be a good thing if they increase the amount of units bought by a retailer.
I'm going to get all uncharacteristically capitalist here and say that if the anime industry is dying, then it hasn't done a good enough job of not dying (of staying commercially viable, in other words) and deserves to die. Don't you agree?
Well, from one point of view, that's obviously true. From other points of view, it's obviously not. ^^; Not sure how much further that can go without giving it it's own thread. :p
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
You know that you're the reason the anime industry is dying, yes? ;p
Yes, me with my shelves full of anime that I've bought over 15 years ;p
Yeah, back in the day when the anime industry *wasn't* dying. Coincidence?? ^_^
You mean like a couple of weeks ago when I bought Baccano v.1 & box and the first Clannad collection and Detroit Metal City? Or two months ago when I spent £65 on four episodes of Hellsing Ultimate? Or last year when I bought the complete series of Mushi-shi, Kurau, Fantastic Children, Noein, Gurren Lagann, Black Lagoon: Second Barrage, the LE Patlabor movie sets, FMP: The Second Raid, Samurai Champloo, Gunbuster, and more?

But clearly my reluctance to buy singles of a series I don't like that much, a series that isn't exactly struggling to make money, has dealt the industry a death blow from which it will never recover o_O
Buying R1 DVDs doesn't help the UK out much, does it?

You should support Manga for trying to offer anime at shockingly reasonable prices before they stop. They're the only hope of the UK anime industry. Nowhere else in the world (afaik) has 6/10 Death Note been released across 5 volumes, not even in yankland.

Buy 6/10 Death Note. Buy Claymore. Buy Darker Than BLACK. Show Manga love. If you do, and others follow, then it's possible Manga will see the profit in releasing more series in two disc sets in the future. And if that happens, the UK will be able to compre with the R1 market.

I would say buy xxxholic as well...if not for the quality not being high and the sets working out as rather expensive (£30) for 6 discs in 2 cheap cases. I got my first set for like £7 new from eBay. :D
But we weren't talking about the UK (I have destroyed the industry worldwide!) although some of those titles I listed are, in fact, UK releases. But if we are talking about UK releases, I was someone who spent hundreds, perhaps thousands, of pounds buying dub-only VHS tapes containing as little as two episodes. Then, when the releases dried up in the late 1990s, I turned to importing.

I'll be buying Manga's release of Ouran, Darker Than Black, and maybe Claymore. If UK companies release anime I'm interested at prices I deem reasonable, I will buy it. If not, I won't. Simple.
Oh? But I was. Or rather, I wasn't involved in the conversation and started talking about the UK industry.

I find it hard to imagine someone paying lots of money for VHS tapes. I didn't have money during the VHS period, so the idea of giving real money for low quality video tapes that video players tended to ruin/eat isn't reality in my mind. It must hurt to look at your collection of VHS tapes now!

Claymore: I thought you were going to refuse to buy Claymore after THAT thread, and the deletion that followed? It being too kiddy and all. :eek: