The 3DS(updated Page 7)

BlackWolf said:
This is quite true, and they'll probably sell some DS's anyway if people don't go for the 3D effect. I mean just because they's a PS3 doesn't mean people stopped buying PS2s straight away.
They did in fact, until Sony removed the backward compatability.
Saddly they didn't also rerelease the PS2, outside of Japan, when they did that.
PS2 games were still being released for a long time after the PS3 launch.

i'm shure there's a huge backlog of in development/localisation DS games to come out yet.
Since it is late, and i don't exactly have the mind-set to give all the details given for the 3DS, here is a couple of things you maybe interested in.

It has a 2gig SD card built in, will utilise Miis, can multi-task, mid-game you can hit the home button and access other pieces. You will get access to a virtual console for the 3DS which will let you purchase Gameboy and Gameboy Advance games.

Oh, and the big bit. Release dates and prices known now are as follows:

Japan: 26th February 2011, price tag 25000yen.
America and Europe: March 2011: price tag TBC

Colours of course will be Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue

Ill write more on it later, but i'm probably gonna grab 40 winks for now.
I win! (Well, if anyone listens to me in chat, anyway, which I certainly wouldn't recommend) I knew there was no way they would suddenly make a change to releasing it this year at this late stage.

No way I will be able to afford an import in Feb factoring in the inevitable mark-up due to supply shortages, but March is perfect so I'll probably just get a UK one pending region locking news.
Kirrimir said:
I think you guys can have fun with your overpriced handheld. 300$ isn't a price i'd be willing to pay for a glorified normal DS. so ya

I guess if you chucked the japanese price into a exchange rate, yeah it'd be that, but remember there is no price yet, don't jump to conclusions.

Also, "glorified normal DS"? wut? This actually goes wayyy beyond what a DS does. I mean, that was fact whenever they announced at E3 that DS games are Backwards Compatible, so.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Kirrimir said:
I think you guys can have fun with your overpriced handheld. 300$ isn't a price i'd be willing to pay for a glorified normal DS. so ya

T'is more powerful than a PSP and can play GB and GBA games, t'is way better than a DS.

March is a good time, I can save up for it in plenty time and theres nothing on, in march school wise.

Actually, the mention of GBA was a typo from what has been said, though i can still see it being implemented, i think they meant GBC. Regardless, it's nice that we'll get Links Awakening DX and that back again.
Talking Pokémon, Black/White are apparently set to have "3DS features". I can't exactly say what they are though, but still..

Anywho, Gametrailers have put up a couple of videos, one showing new Wii titles, one showing 3DS titles, and one discussing the features the 3DS has. ... wii/705395 - Wii ... 3ds/705394 - 3DS ... 3ds/705393 - console overview

And if anyone asks, yes, that IS a fatal frame game they are showing there for the Wii, i want it.
Oh wow, my bad I've been converting the $300 into £ which is an outrageous price, the yen to pounds is much more reasonable, only £190. So, sucks t be america pretty much.

EDIT: No wait! I'm a double moron because I just misread the original conversion as 290. Doi...
Maxon said:
It's funny that Americans that get it the cheapest yet they complain the most. Bunch of tight bastards.

Yup. "same price as a ps3" Yeah? Our Ps3s are $460 so shut up. Also, interesting think to note, for some reason the kinect is cheaper in the US than here but the PS move starter kit is vice versa. Not that I'm getting either just something odd I noticed. Maybe japan hates america more than the UK =P
Maxon said:
It's funny that Americans that get it the cheapest yet they complain the most. Bunch of tight bastards.

You should see them go on about petrol prices, even though they pay less than 1/4 what we do. XD

Then again, over here be get a better wage for doing the same job than they do. And we've already got proper healthcare.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Aww, one can only hope though.
I hope the re-release the original pokemon red/blue & gold/silver, they were great, even better if you can transfer 'mons from the downloaded games to your 3ds pokemon games

We've already had a re-release. Why do we want more remakes of the same old?
Does anyone get the feeling the constant re-releases of the DS killed off some enthusiasm for this among the general public? There was hype for the PS3/360/PSP whatever ages ahead of them, but I can't help but think the fact this has "DS" in the title just makes people think its more of the same.

Is this just me getting stupidly nervous because the hype-market-machine hasn't begun yet?
Well it is plausable that it would be made available, because the 3DS is getting a GB and GBC(possibly GBA as well) virtual console, so pokémon red/blue/yellow and such could appear on that virtual console, still early days though to say anything fully on the matter.

@Sparrow: I did mention the price on the other page, but yeah, it is a bit much at the mo, though hopefully in the next week we will hear from Nintendo of Europe/America and get our prices confirmed.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Godot said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Aww, one can only hope though.
I hope the re-release the original pokemon red/blue & gold/silver, they were great, even better if you can transfer 'mons from the downloaded games to your 3ds pokemon games

We've already had a re-release. Why do we want more remakes of the same old?

not a remake, an re-release of the original game, preferably with some updated features, but essentially its the same game it was in GBC, would be pretty cool considering its a downoload-able no?

Why on earth would you want the most powerful handheld Nintendo have released to date, just to play Gameboy Colour games, with Gameboy Colour graphics? What's wrong with the remakes? And, you say "with some updated features", where do they stop? Surely, that's all the remakes are? Essentially, the same game with some updated features?