Simulwatch Planning Thread - Suggest & Discuss

Hokay then, with the relatively surprising news of the final Evangelion rebuild movie on the streaming horizon, I am now planning a re-watch of all of my Eva catalogue. If other fans have a similar plan, might I suggest a simulwatch?
Sounds good, but it would be a first time watch for me rather than a rewatch.
First time whaa?? Oh you're in for a treat then heheh. It's all good for me, first time or a hundredth time, if there are others also watching then it would certainly be great to join together as a simulwatch.

By the way, I do apologise for the attempted hijack/mess-up of the current schedule everyone, I just got ridiculously excited last night on the news of actually being able to see the final movie this soon (a whole year before I was expecting, though I was hopeful with the recent Netflix releases of having it here to watch earlier!). Feel free to tell me to buzz off if I'm being a pain heh.
@Geriatric hedgehog:

I think it's a very good idea myself. I like these kind of timely "events". It was the same with the 2019 Neon Genesis Evangelion simulwatch: that was timed to coincide with its debut on Netflix.

For me, speaking only personally, of course, that factor would make this take precedence over anything that might've been already in the pipeline that we can just shift to watch at any old time, no disrespect intended towards something like Barakamon, which I hope I'll also enjoy.

What would we plan to include for Eva? For Neon Genesis, I have the original ADV volumes containing TV episodes 1–26, I have the "Resurrection" and "Genesis Reborn" DVDs with the Director's Cut versions of episodes 21, 23 and 24, and I have Death & Rebirth and The End of Evangelion.

For Rebuild, I've got 1.01, 1.11, 2.22 and 3.33.

Which would you want to include/exclude, my man? 🙂

it would be a first time watch for me rather than a rewatch.
We're talking all of Eva here, rather than just Rebuild.
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We're talking all of Eva here, rather than just Rebuild.
Ah yes, missed that bit. Count me out for the original stuff as it's only been 2 years, but I guess @Geriatric hedgehog wasn't around for that.

For Rebuild, I've got 1.01, 1.11, 2.22 and 3.33.

Which would you want to include/exclude, my man? 🙂
I would go with what ever Amazon put up. That's my only option, but others like yourself might have other options.
Are there plans for Rebuilds 1 to 3 on Prime Video as well?
Yeah. The first report I saw was Gravs post on the Summer 2021 thread that only mentioned the latest film, but others pointed out that the earlier ones were also being released. Just checked the AUKN article:
The release will also be accompanied by the previous three films in Anno’s series, Evangelion 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone, 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, and 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo.
Tentative suggestion for an Eva simulwatch schedule?

NGE eps 1–26: Fri 9 Jul–Tue 3 Aug
Death & Rebirth: Thu 5 Aug
The End of Evangelion: Fri 6 Aug
1.11: Tue 10 Aug
2.22: Wed 11 Aug
3.33: Thu 12 Aug
3.0+1.0: Fri 13 Aug
I'd join in for the rebuild films. I'm going to hold off rewatching the series until the new AL set comes out though.
I had that same idea at first, but then I remembered that the Ultimate Edition will likely only include the finalised "Platinum Edition" version of the series (as it was called when ADV released it), which I haven't actually seen yet, so this is a good chance for me to revisit the original episodes before that.

See you for Rebuild, though, buddy! 😁👍
I had that same idea at first, but then I remembered that the Ultimate Edition will likely only include the finalised "Platinum Edition" version of the series (as it was called when ADV released it), which I haven't actually seen yet, so this is a good chance for me to revisit the original episodes before that.

See you for Rebuild, though, buddy! 😁👍
Yeah I have the old Platinum tin dvd edition from back in the day but I am intrigued to see the new dub. I feel I wont like it in comparison but want to give it a fair crack.
I am intrigued to see the new dub. I feel I wont like it in comparison but want to give it a fair crack.
I've heard a bit of the new (Netflix) dub, and it does seem to be as dry and stilted as a lot of people say it is. I'll be watching in Japanese as ever, of course, so it won't affect me. 😋
I'll likely not hit the target dates, as I don't own any physical releases and would be entirely reliant on Amazon, but I'll make a point of watching the Rebuilds around the same time if other folk are doing it.

To be honest, everything I've seen and heard about the Rebuild series makes me suspect that I'm not going to like it, but I'll try to keep an open mind.
Tentative suggestion for an Eva simulwatch schedule?

NGE eps 1–26: Fri 9 Jul–Tue 3 Aug
Death & Rebirth: Thu 5 Aug
The End of Evangelion: Fri 6 Aug
1.11: Tue 10 Aug
2.22: Wed 11 Aug
3.33: Thu 12 Aug
3.0+1.0: Fri 13 Aug
Sounds good to me. I've got the all those bar death&rebirth, though can watch the latter on Netflix so would be good to go.

I for one am definitely re-watching the TV series in preparation, seeing as I've always viewed the rebuilds as being a continuation+conclusion of the end of the Eva saga, so for me it makes sense to. However, I certainly see the rationale behind re-watching with the expected AL release (2024 hahaha @João Gomes you joker.............actually no, not funny!!!). But yeah it will be the same, (though hopefully more polished looking) especially for subs viewers. I'll just be re-watching then again also heh.

If more people would be interested in doing a simulwatch of all of Eva later, then maybe we should aim for it with the AL release and just do one for the rebuilds now? Either way, I'm cool with whichever option and @Neil.T I'd certainly be very happy with the schedule you've suggested.
Tempted as I am to have something else to join in with, I’m not sure there’s a whole lot more I can say about Eva I haven’t said before. Would definitely read though, and Hell, I wasn’t going to join the Gurren Lagann simulwatch and look what happened...
@Geriatric hedgehog:
It seems to me that though there's not much demand at the moment for a simulwatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion, there's interest there for Rebuild. So how about a Rebuild simulwatch in the run-up to 3.0+1.01's Amazon Prime Video release, and in the meantime the both of us can just watch Neon Genesis ourselves and perhaps share thoughts over in The Evangelion thread, kind of like what @ayase and @João Gomes did recently with Darling in the FranXX in the Miscellaneous mecha discussion thread?

How does that sound?
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