School Idol
For those of you who are waiting for Sound! Euphonium to go on sale, RightStuf has just sent out notice that they're almost out of print.
Right Stuf Anime on Twitter
Right Stuf Anime on Twitter
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The customs fee is 20% of the value of the items+shipping (basically, paying the VAT that you didn't pay due to ordering from outside the UK) plus a handling fee from the carrier for doing the customs paperwork on your behalf (£8 for Royal Mail, £11 (I think) for Parcel Force).Is it always the same charge or is it dependent on the price of the items?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the £8 handling fee is the same but the charge itself varies based on the total worth of the package. Royal Mail charge 20% on said total worth of the package.
Thought so, my description wasn't the best.its 20% of the items value + shipping if its value is over £15. Then for handling the paperwork for you its the courier's flat rate fee which in royal mail's case is £8
So in example if you have a package worth £80 and the shipping was £20 that would be £100 total value which means £20 VAT to pay + handling fee
I should move to the UK as the handling fee certainly is lower than what we have in Belgium, below 150€ handling fee is 15€ (about £13) and above 150€ it doubles to 30€ (about £26)
Mine missed customs, but I only had Freedom in it which was below the LCG threshold for VAT.Like everyone else my RS black Friday items have been hit by customs, just waiting on the card. Not much point them using Swiss post if it doesn't go via Switzerland.
My previous two orders, 2016 and 2015 Xmas, both missed customs but it sounds like it's a pretty much guaranteed hit from them now. Guess I'll skip a possible Xmas order this year :|
I think it's telling that almost everybody who didn't have it went and bought Freedom. It's telling because it shows just had bad these modern Right Stuf sales are wherein one of the few items to truly get a proper sale everyone bought and for most only that and nothing else.
I've not bought anything from a Right Stuf sale in 2 years now and this year I haven't even bothered to look beyond that first day because I knew nothing was going to be truly worth it if you are outside the US.
Think is if you can get items without import fees from deep discount is it worth bothering with Right Stuff anymore? Any savings are wiped out by shipping and import taxes.
Hell Amazon were selling the Gundam Wing UE, including shipping and UK VAT for less than what Rightstuf were looking for ex VAT and shipping.Think is if you can get items without import fees from deep discount is it worth bothering with Right Stuff anymore? Any savings are wiped out by shipping and import taxes.
Hell Amazon were selling the Gundam Wing UE, including shipping and UK VAT for less than what Rightstuf were looking for ex VAT and shipping.
Thats pretty bad seeing as it is a Rightstuf/Nozomi product.
I don’t know how other people do their business, but having been involved in wholesaling before wouldn’t the licensors have already sold those goods to Amazon and recieved whatever wholesale price they asked for them?Meet the reason AoA don't allow other retailers to sell their products.
I don’t know how other people do their business, but having been involved in wholesaling before wouldn’t the licensors have already sold those goods to Amazon and recieved whatever wholesale price they asked for them?
The ones taking the hit on discounting in that situation would be Amazon, surely?
In my experience (in Sweden), they still use Asendia for their faster shipping. It's just that Asendia partners with USPS for the faster shipping instead of SwissPost like they do with the slower shipping.Do Rightstuf also use Asendia for their faster shipping?
Seems a bit self-defeating to do yourself out of potential sales from retailers who have a massive customer base just because you don’t want to be undercut. I mean there’s nothing stopping a company keeping their wholesale prices high so the amount other retailers can discount is limited.They want complete control over how much ot ever goes for to maintain its premium price brand