Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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No Country For Old Men - 8.8/10

Impressive storytelling, excellent cinematography as well as stellar performances from the whole cast (especially Javier Bardem, he more than earned that Oscar)... and yet, I don't know if I quite got what it was trying to say (obviously it was trying to say something, as it didn't have a conventional story structure). Was it that the world seems to change yet actually stays the same, and that either through age (the Sheriff) or experience (the Vietnam veteran), we're all doomed to feel like outsiders in our own society?
It's probably the most violent film I've watched in HD so far, or at least the most violent one to portray violence realistically. That scene in the cab of the pickup truck... Christ. I could almost feel myself being splatted with the blood.

After a night spent sleeping on it I'll raise my score to a 9. In the cold light of day it's obvious Chigur represented Death, that's why he simply disappears at the end after 'fulfilling his promise'. Death comes to us all, if we like it or not, if we feel it's our time or not - if we have done anything to deserve it or not.

Actually, make that a 9.5.
The X Files: Fight the Future - 8/10. A bit hard to follow at times but Mulder and Scully are fantastic characters, they make anything X Files-related an absolute joy to watch all of the time.

Star Trek: Nemesis - 8/10. I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed this. I've never watched Star Trek before (except the recent blockbuster) but I was thoroughly entertained by it. I'm going to start watching the other movies now, I think. Where should I start?
CitizenGeek said:
Where should I start?
The TOS episode "Space Seed" followed by The Wrath Of Khan and that begins a loose storyline that continues until the fourth movie, The Voyage Home.

If your talking about The Next Generation stuff, I have no idea.
Avatar 8/10 my first 3D movie and I thought it was pretty cool, a great new cinematic experience. Same old story when you strip it down to it's bare bones but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not the greatest film i've ever seen made but one definitely in the top 5 of the year along with Moon and District 9. It was hard to judge with all the hype and build up but i definitely wasn't dissapointed. I'll be very intrigued if he follows it up with Battle Angel.

Gremlins - 9/10 Not that i'm saying it's better than Avatar, it's purely for Nostalgia, but it is a great film lots of fun and directed by Joe Dante who gave us Eerie Indiana! I just hope they don't remake it with all the CGI. The animatronics and puppets are what make this film what it is.
Avatar 3/10 - Yeah it looked great but at nearly 3 hours I felt like checking my watch. There was nothing else there except James Cameron going 'LOOK! LOOK! IT'S AWESOME!'. The characters were one dimensional, it was about an hour too long and the message was about a subtle as getting a brick shoved up your ****.

And CGeek, get First Contact. Best Trek film by far. Patrick Stewart gives an insane performance.
Come on, Sy, you're clearly just being contrary and OTT with that score! :p It was a simplistic storyline with simplistic characters, sure, but it done "simple" very well - there's no way Avatar is a "bad" film.

And I will check out First Contact ... that was the first film with The Next Generation, right? What did you think of Nemesis?
CitizenGeek said:
Come on, Sy, you're clearly just being contrary and OTT with that score! :p It was a simplistic storyline with simplistic characters, sure, but it done "simple" very well - there's no way Avatar is a "bad" film.
I'm not trying to be but I was actually bored about half way through the film. Even though the visuals were great to look at and they have reached a new level I think that since it was all fantasy landscapes and creatures with little grounding in reality I found it extremely hard to be captivated by the action.

Maybe 3/10 is a bit unfair but then I think of some of the more rushed and hurried plot elements, like Jake being responsible for getting the intelligence about the creatures and destroying their sacred tree. They are understandably upset with him but all is forgiven when he manages to tame the most volatile dragon creature? Well aside from that being washed over so fast what about the one he bonded with before, didn't she say it's a lifelong bond and only happens once? So that poor other creature he bonded with is destined to flutter aimlessly until it dies? It just made me wonder why they bothered including it if they weren't going to follow through.
CitizenGeek said:
And I will check out First Contact ... that was the first film with The Next Generation, right? What did you think of Nemesis?
No it's the Next Gen second film but arguably the best of all the Trek movies. As for Nemesis I enjoyed it a lot, it gets a lot of flack and probably could have been better executed but it was a nice way to leave the cast and a entertaining story even if it did focus a little too much on the action.
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The Mist 8/10 - Woah! Hands down the most depressing ending to a movie i've seen in a while, comes right up there with Million Dollar Baby except even moreso! I liked it, it was depressing and manipulative but it felt right and it had something important to express and that's to not give up hope.

I've read that a lot of people hate the ending because it's so bleak but there are enough people that do appreciate it and i'm glad that Frank Darabont took the risk. I'm sure they could have gone for the more ominous ending that the book had but it would NOT have had the same impact. Well done.
Avatar 3d- 8.5/10

Good film, the 3d was fantastic. The story cliched and too long but still entertaining!

District 9- 6/10

I was expecting a fantastic sci fi film. What I got was a slightly above average sci fi. Too many plotholes and a bad script. Was entertaining and well paced though.
Avatar 8/10

I only went to see this because I had nothing better to do at my in-laws' home this Christmas and the alternative was Sherlock Holmes. It was my first time seeing a film in 3D and didn't really feel it added much, though it was occasionally rather pretty. The plot was embarrassingly simple, however the world was lush and interesting and the aliens interesting. I enjoyed watching it. Probably won't rush to see it again.

If it had been separated into two films, one a meandering but lovely look into the Na'vi culture with no driving storyline to speak of and the other a marine-heavy retelling of indigenous people versus interlopers with lots of explosions, I think I'd have rated the former higher and the latter lower. The cliche elements apparently necessary in big Hollywood films nowadays are a turn off. It's like every director has a list of things every film must include to be a hit, and very few are bold enough to ignore it and make something unique.

The worst part was the leads falling in love so conveniently. I almost winced at that scene. Best part was I think everything else that Neytiri did or said. I liked her.

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jonboy said:
I was expecting a fantastic sci fi film. What I got was a slightly above average sci fi.
It's not really about the science fiction, that's just a face for the political commentary about something very real that was happening in South Africa.
Sy said:
The Mist 8/10 - Woah! Hands down the most depressing ending to a movie i've seen in a while, comes right up there with Million Dollar Baby except even moreso! I liked it, it was depressing and manipulative but it felt right and it had something important to express and that's to not give up hope.

I've read that a lot of people hate the ending because it's so bleak but there are enough people that do appreciate it and i'm glad that Frank Darabont took the risk. I'm sure they could have gone for the more ominous ending that the book had but it would NOT have had the same impact. Well done.

Yeah, the ending is definitely the most shocking (and then even MORE shocking) that I've ever seen. I'd never thought of it as being a message about hope, but I quite like that interpretation :]
[quote = "Sy"] [quote = "jonboy"] I was expecting a fantastic sci fi film. What I got was a slightly above average sci fi. [/ quote]
It's not really about the science fiction, that's just a face for the political commentary about something very real that was happening in South Africa. [/ Quote]

Yes I know the aliens are treated as outcasts and there is a strong political aspect to the film. But the flaws still hold true.
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