Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Mirrors - Kiefer Sutherland in a horror? That's right! I can't help but see Kiefer as 24's Jack Bauer in anything he does now. Was a great film like. Was better than some horrors I've seen. The story had me more than anything else. I'm not one to fear the supernatural. I'm more of a chainsaw massacre kind of guy. The Descent is probably one of my highest rating modern horrors. I definately suggest giving it a watch.
As for Mirrors, I would definately suggest it as it never got boring and it was entertaining to say the least. I'd give it a 6.5/7 out of 10. I would have rated it higher if it had scared me more.

Madagascar II - Not as good as the first imo but enjoyab;e to watch. 7/10
Watched the following blu-rays over the weekend,

Red Cliff Special Edition 9/10 (about twice as long as the cinema version)
Matrix Trilogy - The 1st film gets 9/10
The 2nd film gets 8/10
The 3rd film gets 7/10

Red Cliff is based on the Three Kingdoms period of Ancient China with Lu Bei and Sun Quan going up against Cao Cao.
Drag Me to Hell - 9/10

Loved this. It's very campy and funny and still a good, somewhat serious horror film at the back of it all. Brilliant!

Ils (Them) - 7/10

This French horror film was on Channel 4 last night and I was impressed. The start of the film in particular is excellent, the tension is built up very well as the film's unfortunate couple are tormented by some unknown force in their own houses and trying to work out whether it's spirits and poltergeist or human intruders or someone else is great. Once that mystery is revealed though (about half-way through the movie, which is quite brief at around 74 minutes) it gets a bit predictable and cookie-cutter. And that ending is really pretty poor. Still well worth watching though :]
CitizenGeek said:
Drag Me to Hell - 9/10
Very odd. I was about to put this on a bit earlier myself. I watched up to the title sequence then realised I could do with making space on my Sky box so I watched Star Trek III: The Search For Spock instead. It was pretty good.
Drag Me? It's Sam Raimi, I'm going to love it but I just needed to free space on the Sky+ HDD. I hope I'll get time to finally watch it soon.
Leon: Directors Cut (blu-ray) 9/10

Very good film by Luc Besson with strong performances by Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and a young Natalie Portman in her movie debut.
Twilight was excellent. The actors are charismatic, the score works really well and there are some serious themes and some serious violence in it. It was great, and I'm looking forward to New Moon :]
CitizenGeek said:
Twilight was excellent. The actors are charismatic, the score works really well and there are some serious themes and some serious violence in it. It was great, and I'm looking forward to New Moon :]

Other than the brief fight at the end, what violence?

Seemed to me to just be people standing around talking & staring moodily.

Vampire light if you ask me.
I'm not rating Twilight objectively. That takes far too much time and effort and I am unwilling to expend such time and effort in order to rate it objectively. I loved the characters, the cast was uniformly brilliant, the atmosphere and style of the movie appealed to me and I enjoyed the violence and the themes. That's all :]
Jennifer's Body, 9.5/10.

I know some people might be calling ********, but this is a fantastic movie. They just marketed it wrong, in every way. Megan Fox is not the main character. Amanda Seyfried is. It's hardly a horror, its more of a women empowerment movie thing (which is awesome). It's refreshing and fun to watch. Adam Brody is a complete dick which is massively different to The OC's Seth Cohen we know and love.

Really enjoyed it and lived it up to my highest expectations I have for Diablo Cody (and Jason Reitman... and Amanda Seyfried).
Ponyo 7/10 - great Myiazaki movie as usual. Not one of his greatest though.

Mai Mai Miracle - 9/10
Amazing film. Balanced doses of funny moments and dramatic moments, some fantasy in the mix, characters you get to like easily. It's a movie about friendship as I haven't seen in recent years.

Aion, if you read this, I believe you will enjoy Mai Mai Miracle, although the fantasy bits will get your final score lower.
Lupus said:
chaos said:
Aion, if you read this, I believe you will enjoy Mai Mai Miracle, although the fantasy bits will get your final score lower.
I assume it has its fair share of tit and panty shots, right? Otherwise it's 5/10.

I guess it's a 5/10 for you then =) Can't remember panty shots at all and there is no tits in it.
Blood the last vampire (live action): 3/10

Absolutely bloody rubbish. About 20 minutes of scenes from the anime and then about 1:10 mins of nonsense. The second from worst film i've seen this year... I mean the bad guys turn from buffy esque vampires to deamons dressed like power ranger badguys.
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