Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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ZombieLand - 10/10

Awesome. Awesome. Violent, action, hilarious. It was really really good. Kept me entertained. Film is exactly as the title says it is - zombies, zombies, zombies everywhere.
Lupus said:
I had my doubts, but Up is probably the best film I've seen this year.
See I didn't love UP as much as other people. Sure it was Pixar's usual good standard and the opening sequence with his wife was absolutely fantastic but that boy scout kid nearly ruined the movie for me. He seemed to be there just so kids could 'relate' to a character much to the same annoyance the human characters in Wall-E caused me. The dog and the bird were enough to make the story work and because of that i'd only give it a 5 or 6/10.
Saw Zombieland yesterday. Solid 9/10 from me.

The best proper comedy (i.e. not Bruno) I've seen at the cinema all year. Hilarious characters and situations with a real heart. Really loved my time watching it. Inventive uses of empty space on the screen as well - Lots of background gags. Jesse Eisenberg was pretty good, not far away from how he was in Adventureland. Emma Stone was fun, Abigail Breslin was fun but Woody Harrelson (together with Jesse) made the movie.

Always check the backseat. ^__^
Inglorious 2/10

First part of the film looked promising, and then the rest just seemed like pointless talking and killing. The plot was weak at best in all honesty.
chaos said:
Jayme said:
JamesX said:
and then the rest just seemed like pointless talking and killing.

Your talking about Inglorious Basterds, right? I haven't seen it, but what you said describes every Tarantino film.
And the reason I like then all =P

True, but the others seem to have something good going for them.. this one felt empty some how. I don't know, some people might like it. I just felt it could have been a lot better.

It seems to get lots of mixed opinions from the people I know who've seen it, majority of them didn't like it but a few thought it was great. So I guess it's just one of those things.
Up - 9/10

Absolutely fantastic. Perhaps a little too overzealous with the emotional manipulation at times, but otherwise a very touching, very funny, enormously charming fantastic film :]
I'm surprised at how people can quickly judge Up!, it's been a while since I watched it and I'm still so indifferent to it. I was to Wall-E after the first viewing. I didn't care for pretty much all the characters and only laughed a couple of times (the squirrel thing the dogs done was hilarious) and felt it was way too long. The old villain man was contrived. I really disliked how this 78 and 100 year old were jumping from plane to plane.

I can't rate it yet anyway. Needs another five or six watches for me to understand it and love it. Hopefully.

Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, 8/10.

This might be because it was nice to revisit that universe after such a long time or the fact it makes me like the later seasons in a better light. I really enjoyed it. It was a fun spin on everything and is probably worth the watch. I'm sure people will see it as completely pointless, but I liked it much more than the travesty that was BSG: Razor (which might have had something to do with that actress, Stephanie Jacobson... Dislike her)
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Isn't there? My bad. I'm not sure if it was that, but I just didn't really enjoy it, which was sad. I think the length along with the 3D glasses just ruined the experience for me.

What I wrote was rather sour now I look at it though. I'm more than sure that I'll enjoy it more when I watch it on disc.
Maybe the 3D spoiled it a little by removing some of the charm? I didn't get to watch it in 3D because we missed that showing and had to settle for the non-3D showing.
am watcing Place Promised in Our Early Days now, my friend Aj was raving about this movie.
wil rate it when i finish
in terms of non anime Ive just got back from Fantastic MR Fox

6/10, great animation, but strays pretty far from the warm glow feel of the book -or at least how i remember it.
I've just seen "9" - 7/10
animation is amazing, the story is ok-ish.
This film would do better with a more solid plot.
This Is It.

I can't fault it (or rate it). It does what it does. Only problem I had is that I had to resist the huge urge to clap after every song. Probably would have been spectacular if I saw it in a busy theatre. Saw it in the large The O2 cinema during the day so it was fairly empty, as expected.
Rewatched Nikita... on Blu-ray in 1080p.

F*ck me, that's some good stuff. After repeated viewings of his films, Besson may just be my favourite director. Aside from the direction, the music cues in this scene are so perfect... would anyone else have made it such a powerful scene?

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