Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Lupus Inu said:
I'm going to go watch The Dark Knight soon, so I can become one of the cool kids too, srsly.
Oh? you haven't seen it yet eh..? :twisted:

Let's see if you can resist the spoiler... nope, didn't think so!
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ayase said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm going to go watch The Dark Knight soon, so I can become one of the cool kids too, srsly.
Oh? you haven't seen it yet eh..? :twisted:

Let's see if you can resist the spoiler... nope, didn't think so!

Thats cruel. Oh, so cruel.
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Just watched The Dark Knight for the 2nd time. Not as good second time round for me, still a great movie but you notice a lot more faults on second viewing. Probably because i was looking for them but i really did enjoy it again, still a class movie. Anyone else think Maggie Gyllenhaal's skin is slowly falling off of her face?
BlackWolf said:
Didn't you regocnise Michael Caine either? The guy who played Alfred? Still say he was underused
Oh i know him! "Your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"
But yeh, i recognised him in the film and Morgan Freeman.

But, on topic~ Dark Knight 9/10.
Very, very good! Certainly the best Joker we've seen yet, i'm sure his performance wouldnt be so recognised if he wasnt dead. But i agree that he was very good.
Batmans voice made me LOL though.
Green Street - 7/10

Some bad acting and bog standard directing yet an engaging film. The ending is quite powerful and hopefully will make hooligans stop and think, Elijah Wood is great in it though.
The X-Files: I Want To Believe, 7/10

I don't regret seeing it, because it wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't brilliant, either. It was great to see Mulder and Scully together, and let their "love" burn, but.. the case that was happening was rather disturbing, and doesn't really let you in on the anything (In that you don't know why something is happening). I'd love to see another movie, or TV movie, or something. I could talk about some pointless things (Dubya Bush reference), or that I felt like it was just an episode, but that isn't that this thread is for.

Oh Yeah - Xzibit is the biggest idiot to ever touch the silver screen. Really irritating. I'm not sure if I would have the same opinion if I didn't know him beforehand, but damn, he wasn't good at all. "X TO THE MOTHAFUCK'N Z"
Jayme said:
The X-Files: I Want To Believe, 7/10
I concur. It was a pretty good movie but there was nothing that really stood out about it which is a shame. Still it was a lot more watchable than the mess that was the final season.
Billy Madison

Forget giving ratings for cinematography, aethetics and direction, for what it is i absolutely love Billy Madison. Sandler at his best before his recent films which havn't been great, it's nice to just switch off and watch a film with stupid jokes and a silly storyline every once in a while. I'd actually put this in my personal top 10 films i've ever seen because it never fails to make me laugh, it's great for watching with friends especially drunk and quoting forever more.

'Shampoo is better...'

Knocked Up 7.5/10

Really enjoyed this film, i love most of Judd Apatow's work (especially Undeclared if anyone remembers it?) and it was full of roles and cameos from Apatow's regulars with some great one liners and message.
I never thought Katherine Heigl was hot before this film lol.
Kurogane said:
Wild Wild West - 8.5/10

Good Smith A/C
I never really understood all the extreme hate for that movie. Sure it wasn't brilliant by any stretch but it was a decent watch.
The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

Ordered it on import from America expecting some really cheesy low budget cash in on the success and cult status of the first. I was wrong, it's actually pretty decent. It's justifiably more gruesome than the first and has references a plenty, whilst it never tops the original it follows along the same lines but the styles of death just arn't as cool as the original "death by stereo"
It doesn't ruin anything of the original and is a decent vampire film on it's own, the characters are likable but the villains just not as cool as Keifer Sutherland in the original, it keep its quirky one liners and the dialogue in terms of adults writing for teenagers is pretty spot on.
If a fan of the original i'd recommend it, get a few mates round, few beers and have a laugh. As i said it's no where as awesoem as the original but it's a great follow up, the only integral part to the original is Edgar Frog returns so nothing is butchered from the classic. Get the unrated edition, there's 2 alternate endings that are awesome!
Die Hard 4.0 - 8/10.

It was really good. Nothing much to say though, the only reason I'm not rating it higher was because, well, it was the same old "bad guy taking over the world" thing :/.

Codename: The cleaner - 7/10

Ehh, it was alright. Nothing more. Nothing less. The comedy was quite funny and less childish than I expected; Especially the bit about "the dirty clean rapper" when he's in the bathroom with the fbi agent holding a gun to his face - lol :p (People who have seen the movie will understand ;D). Also, the movie has a very nice twist!

iRobot - 6/10

Bah, another over rated will smith film. I liked it towards the end, but it felt such a stretch and that it was trying to make itself more serious/epic than it actually was. The comedy was good, though; Like when they look up, and there's LOADS of stairs:

Robot : Approximately 2658 stairs captain.
Will smith : Uhhh... Keep that kinda **** to yourself.
Yagami said:
Die Hard 4.0 - 8/10.

It was really good. Nothing much to say though, the only reason I'm not rating it higher was because, well, it was the same old "bad guy taking over the world" thing :/.
The whole driving a truck through falling bridges and then taking a fighter jet on hand to hand made me knock that down to 6. The the woman who survived after getting hit by a truck at about 40 mph made me knock it down some more. It was like the Terminator but with Bruce Willis. :?
Lupin III - the secret of Mamo - 9 / 10. brilliant movie, if not for some technical limitations you couldn't tell it's a 70's production...
Idiocracy - 8 / 10
idiot people breeding faster than the intelligent ones is a scary thought...

Waitress - 9 / 10
Slow paced, a bit heart breaking, brilliant comedy - should not be missed!

I like this movie. I find it very touch and go with Adam Sandler films. Not only does it get a laugh out of me but out of my miises too (rare). Thus I award it a respectfull 9!
[REC] 10 out of 10

Second time watching it (first in cinema) and its just as great the 2nd time.

Best horror film of the past couple of years, especially the last 15 minutes. You need to see this film now.
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