Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

One Piece Season 4 Voyage Three


We get right into what is my personal favourite saga in One Piece. Luffy vs Usopp is the most emotionally charged fight in anime history, there's just so much on the line, it's like watching a family tearing itself apart. We also get the introduction of a certain SUPER character, whom I love, though I'm not keen on his dub voice at this point. The characters have all been brilliantly cast in the dub up until now so I'm quite disappointed, Franky has such a unique voice (well, apart from Bon Clay) in the original and a lot of little quirky intricacies (moreso than every other character) that maybe it was always going to be hard to live up to.

Anyway, that minor complaint aside; it's One Piece, it's Water 7, the amazing Usopp arc and I love it...And it's not over yet, there's still so much more to come.
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Card captor Sakura

^_^ I'm so happy I got to watch this cute series again after all this time, so nostalgic, cute, oh so grand.

When I think magical girls the first thing that comes to mind is card captor Sakura cause cardcaptor Sakura was the first ever magical girl series I watch as a kid....... Well early teen that acting like a kid.
Anyways I watched the English version with the English opening and it was a awesome theme but the Japanese theme is alright. I wish I had the English dub on DVD but what you see is what you get.

I think people who likes loli and shota would like this, * it doesn't have anything dirty in it* but how cute the kid characters are everything in this series is cute and light hearted * which I like *

I like his series a lot
It's nostalgic
Light hearted
Fun to watch
And has a few laughs there and there

I'm just so happy with the series, I just wish I had the movies, the specials then my collection of the series will be complete, I was a oil sad with the ending but if I had the movies that would all change.

It's hasn't aged it's just as I remember it
The charecters are all likeable
The story and adventure is sweet and nice

It's a very very very cute sweet anime from my childhood and I love it to pieces


Would of been a 10/10 if I could have it in dub instead of reading the subs the whole time

I'm so happy I love light-hearted anime anime
Rather slapdash, but I was determined to have a Christmas episode.

In hindsight, maybe I should have reviewed Violence Jack.
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Mega zone 23

I'l be honest
This series reminds me of the old cartoon transformers and the idea of the first robotech series and I could see it.

This series has aged and I couldn't really get in to it, I think the reason for this is cause of the combination of what I just said.

The idea of the first robotech series and the look

I guess for a classic series it's ok but I couldn't get in to it but I finished it

My Little Monster

I reviewed the start of this series when it began for MyM, giving it a 4 out of 5. I commented about the dark humour that was adopted in early episodes. As the series progressed however, I would say that the dark humour was overtaken by safer material. While the series was still good, I felt that at times the comedy in latter episodes was lacking. However, the more dramatic and romantic elements kept me watching, so in certain aspects it was made up for.

Score: 7 / 10
Professor Irony said:
In hindsight, maybe I should have reviewed Violence Jack.
Ha. Full of seasonal cheer, that one, especially Evil Town. On a similar note, have you done Mad Bull 34? It's coming out on DVD in a couple of months courtesy of those fine folks at Discotek, and I can't think of a more perfect specimen for a Your Anime Sucks examination.

Anyway, yeah, Tokyo Godfathers is that rarest of things: a Christmas movie that manages to be heart-warming without succumbing to schmaltz. A noteworthy achievement. It's definitely my favourite Satoshi Kon work after Millennium Actress.
Shockingly, I've never actually seen Millennium Actress. I feel like a right philistine, but it just never appealled to me.

Mad Bull 34, on the other hand, certainly does...
Professor Irony said:
Shockingly, I've never actually seen Millennium Actress. I feel like a right philistine, but it just never appealled to me.
Oh man! You really should watch Millennium Actress. It's the kind of film that appeals to nobody and everybody - by which I mean the premise hardly sounds exciting but the execution of the film is so amazing that I can't imagine anyone (with a modicum of taste) not being impressed.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Oh man! You really should watch Millennium Actress. It's the kind of film that appeals to nobody and everybody - by which I mean the premise hardly sounds exciting but the execution of the film is so amazing that I can't imagine anyone (with a modicum of taste) not being impressed.

Concur 100000000000%!!!
Go Professor, go!

Yeah iv seen it 3 - 4 times and it was and is still awesome

Dojin work

This reminds me of comic party, its 12 min long each ep and it's about a girl who try's making dojin manga. Its funny and has a few pointer there and there if you want to make your own manga. It's like one of those anime series that doesn't have much thought behind them but for some reason I enjoy.

It also has live action parts in them but I couldn't be bothered to watch them

Professor Irony said:
Shockingly, I've never actually seen Millennium Actress. I feel like a right philistine, but it just never appealled to me.

Watch it...Watch it now. Go on, we'll wait here...

...Have you watched it yet? :p

It's an absolute piece of beauty of a film, in my opinion, but then I positively worship Kon's films (except Paprika, still great but lacking a little compared ot the others).
Yu Yu Hakusho season 2
Yu yu hakusho never fails to entertain me! Some fantastic fight scenes and tear jerking character development. What also amazes me about YYH is the animation. For something that was made in 1992, the animation is very flued. The only bad thing i have to say is that some fight scenes go on FOREVER. Like the fight with the 3 people who were being mind controlled.

Overall great season. Not as good as the first but still good.
The skull man

After finishing this series 3 things came to mind

And guyver

It's uncanny
The skull mans batman
The monsters are from guyver
And the whole series has a sort of baccono feel to it

That's what this series is all three mixed in to one

It felt rushed, you know those ending that that raps up everything.

It gives us a cliffhanger well not one of those that the creators haven't got that far in the series but one of those.......................... Well have a look it will piss you off

I guess its not a bad series but it's not that good but it's a ok series


I like this series, it kicks ass, the story is good, the animations nice, some of the characters are likeable, the series eps follow a nearly hour long run, like broken blade.

Anyways it's just a really really good series with a few good morals, and the main character is a good role modle.

If I had to say one thing bad about the series it's The ending , like broken blade it should of continued and it looks like it too

I like it, give it a try

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a pretty charming little animation this was. In comparison to Miyazaki's Ponyo, this is a much more familiar and grounded reinterpretation of classic children's story. Miyazaki took inspiration from The little Mermaid a lot more loosely, and so wasn't afraid to take us into some unfamiliar and borderline psychedelic places, while this on the other hand is pretty much a direct animation of The Borrowers and so has not much in the way of surprises. But while it's certainly not as imaginative, this isn't necessarily a problem, as it gets the main things just right. Arrietty herself is a charming little thing, beautifully drawn and animated, and full of the kind of impossible 4 inch practicality and ingenuity that make the borrowers so endearing. The movie also nails that pastoral English countryside (even though it's set in Japan) feeling perfectly, in a way that probably no other Japanese animation studio is capable of. I have to say that I did feel that the ending perhaps attempted to tug on one heart string too many, almost bordering on twee. Not that I didn't find it somewhat heart warming though.

Gintama: The movie
Well first off, I haven't seen the series or read the manga, and I suppose that would of helped because I didn't have a damn clue what was going on. Oh well. Its my own fault really. I only bought it because I had some extra money to spare. I will admit that the animation was good and the fight scenes were OK, but that didn't save it for me.

Overall, only buy if your a fan of gintama. If not stay away because you'll be confused beyond hell!
Guilty Crown


Having randomly decided to watch this anime, I went in with very few expectations for the series. After watching the first few episodes I was impressed, and for good reason. The artwork was fantastic, the story - although a tad cliched at certain points - looked to be quite interesting. Basically for me it ticked the right boxes.

Then it just fell apart, especially during the middle and certainly towards the end.

Lets start with how Inori suddenly falls for Shu. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention but as far as I could tell, she just randomly loves Shu. It just feels awkward and to me doesn't make sense.

And then there are the plot holes. Let me just preface this by saying I may have missed subtle hints (or massive indications) as to why these things happen, but I'm gonna complain anyway :p . Firstly
Gui being "resurrected" with no explanation as to how its done. Seriously, how? Not only did he get stabbed by the crystals protecting Mana, he also got stabbed through the heart by Shu. Unless you give me a reason as to why he's suddenly alive again I'm just going to believe that by all rights he should be dead.
Secondly (and the last one I can think of at this time of night)
Shu injects himself with the Void Genome for a second time, despite strong warnings that it will kill him, and is COMPLETELY fine. You...You're not going to explain how your protagonist survived a certain death scenario? Oh Goodie...(It was at that point I thought there was very little the series could do to redeem itself).

The story as a whole just feels like a mess after episode 12 and its a real shame because I felt that Guilty Crown had potential at the start.

To give Guilty Crown credit, the artwork is fantastic throughout the series and is definitely one of its strong points. The voice acting is solid too, as well as the soundtrack. But you can't make a good show off of those alone. To me Guilty Crown is a textbook example as to why storytelling is a key factor not just in anime, but in many other forms of media. You can make other areas as good as you please, but if you set out to tell a story and end up botching it up, it will leave many people with a bitter taste in their mouths.
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