Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Fantastic Children - 8/10

A triumph of good storytelling over flashy visuals and loudness -- which probably explains why so few people have watched it. Fantastic Children is a subdued, atmospheric tale of reincarnation that has a bit of everything: science fiction, fantasy, drama, mystery, tragedy, and a little action.

A group of white-haired children have been wandering around Europe for centuries. Tired and rootless, they are looking for something that has remained elusive, and their mystery is gradually revealed over the course of the series. Other characters who play a part in this tale include Thoma, a young martial artist who one day finds a young girl asleep on the small island where he lives with his parents. A quiet, sad girl, her name is Helga and she's continually drawing a scene of a strange place she doesn't know but to which she is inexorably drawn. More characters enter the picture later, and each is tied into the mystery, which is satisfyingly resolved by the end.

At times, Fantastic Children looks amazing. The beautifully rendered backgrounds possess a Ghibli-esque quality, not surprising considering that art director Nizo Yamamoto has contributed his talent to many Ghibli works and other high budget anime movies. Animation fares less well, however, with even the show's few actions scenes lacking fluidity and dynamism. The character designs have retro appearance, and this is doubtless one of the main reasons the show remains unappreciated. They're just not cookie-cutter enough for today's fans. The sweeping orchestral soundtrack is suitably epic and melancholy.

But there are a few problems. Most notably is that the pacing is very slow and deliberate, and it's not helped by the many, many extended shots of characters gasping and trembling in anguish, shock, or fear. Presumably a way of increasing the drama while keeping the cel count down, after a while it becomes plain annoying. And as good as the story is, the characterization is somewhat weaker. Even though I found myself caught up in their epic story, I can't say I ever really cared much about any of the characters. Thoma in particular would occasionally irritate me with his abundant energy and incessant screechiness.

Overall, though, Fantastic Children is a wonderful adventure anime that puts its story before anything else. And it's a really great story.
Fantastic Children is trully fantastic.
I've watched this one about an year ago, as I got it on my first London Expo visit and the story is really captivating.

The character designs reminisce Osamu Tezuka's designs, the story lacks the twists in plot every other episode that many anime have nowadays. It's almost a straight line, with almost no detours, but the mystery and subsequent challenge the characters face, is compelling enough to keep you interested in the series.

It could easily do much better if the series wree shorter though.
There are a few plot twists that I didn't quite see coming, such as the true identities of Gherta and Thoma, but yeah, it's not overdone. I also agree that the show could have been shortened a little without losing anything important.
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Here is a 3 for 1,

One Piece: Season , Part 4 9/10

This ends the fight with Arlong & the fishmen then akes us to Loguetown with a brief cameo for Buffy the Clown in between. The show looks and sounds great. My on disappointment is the lack of extras. Other than a commentary for episode 44 the only extras are textless songs and trailers (which I don't count).

I'S/I'S Pure Complete Collection 6/10

Good but not as good as Video Girl Ai.

Dragonball Z: Season 9 7/10

Compared to some of the recent Dragonball Z box sets there is a high episode count here. The main problem I have is the Japanese language track which is MONO!!!
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 10/10
I bought this film way back at Christmas but just never got around to seeing it.If you could sum up this film in one word it would be "perfect".I really suppose the best accolade I could give this film is this,it was made by the great Hayao Miyazaki way back in 1984 and I think that in another 25 years people will still be watching this film and just saying WOW like i did when I watched it this afternoon. :D
It is an excellent piece of filmmaking, it was so good it convinced me to pick up the manga.
Havn't made massive headway with the manga but the illustrations are awesome.
Black Blood brothers 2/10
Havent finished watching it. Not going to eaither because its a boring, gay cheap rip-off of Hellsing!!! :evil:
Manga ent. do release some great anime (Street Fighter alpha, heat guy J, Afro Samurai ressurection, Naruto, fist of the north star, Guyver, Hellsing Ultimate, Bleach, Noien) but by god do they release some crap ones aswell! (Tokyo Underground, Otogi Zoshi, Black Blood brothers)
Patlabor: Movie 1

I was wary going into this because of the director. Instead of seeing mecha action, I was half expecting to see sleep inducing philosophical rambling. In the end, I saw neither GitS chatter or mecha action.

The film was a lot like the third Patlabor film; the one that's hated by most fans because it lacks the section two team. You go into it reading about robots, you expect to see lots of action...and instead see a standard crime investigation mixed in with sci-fi elements.

The film wasn't bad. I liked some of the core cast, despite not knowing much of anything about any of them, and the film kept me watching for its duration without boring me. However, the lack of character development included - most likey due to it being shown in the TV series - and the simplicity of the story took away from the experience. Crazy person creates operating system with the intent of stopping the Babylon Project because he had a God complex, the section 2 team try to stop him... That was the entire story. I was expecting something far more complex. Simple isn't always a bad thing but, when I don't have a connection with the characters and there's no flashy action, I need more to get my teeth into.

Not the worst or best film in existence. 7.5/10 is probably a fair rating for it. It holds up reasonably well against other, far more recent films considering it was released a year after my birth.
Final Fantasy Unlimited - 5/10
Not much to say about this one. it's really sad such a popular franchise, animate by such a popular studio ended up being so lame.
Gode Geass 8/10

Just watched the first series and quite enjoyed it. It started off a bit slow and at first reminded me a little of death note due to the nature of the main characters mind control power, geass. Especially when I was looking forward to a bit more mecha action than I first recieved.

However once it got going I was hooked. The mecha action improved while keeping the clever plot going and making sure that at no point in the series could I predict what was going to happen next. The first series left a huge cliffhanger at the end and only made me want more. Roll on the second series I say, cause as soon as its out I'm buying a copy!!! :)
Kuroki_Kaze said:
Gode Geass 8/10

Just watched the first series and quite enjoyed it. It started off a bit slow and at first reminded me a little of death note due to the nature of the main characters mind control power, geass. Especially when I was looking forward to a bit more mecha action than I first recieved.

However once it got going I was hooked. The mecha action improved while keeping the clever plot going and making sure that at no point in the series could I predict what was going to happen next. The first series left a huge cliffhanger at the end and only made me want more. Roll on the second series I say, cause as soon as its out I'm buying a copy!!! :)

It's not as good as the first series mind. The ending is pretty epic though.
Gode Geass 8/10

Just watched the first series and quite enjoyed it. It started off a bit slow and at first reminded me a little of death note due to the nature of the main characters mind control power, geass. Especially when I was looking forward to a bit more mecha action than I first recieved.

However once it got going I was hooked. The mecha action improved while keeping the clever plot going and making sure that at no point in the series could I predict what was going to happen next. The first series left a huge cliffhanger at the end and only made me want more. Roll on the second series I say, cause as soon as its out I'm buying a copy!!! :)
I loved the first series of Code Geass but for the the ending was the only redeeming factor of the second series.
There are too many characters so none actually get any real attention or develop to be very interesting.
Also from about half way through to the end the storyline is twisted quite clumsily into where it needs to be for the ending, and it seems rushed.

Fantastic ending though.
O...kay Kuroki_Kaze. A double post after almost half an hour, with another post quoting the first one inbetween has to be a new record! :lol:

On topic: Bubblegum Crisis 10/10

Everybody, jump on, let's get this classic anime bandwagon rolling! (I'm looking at you there Maltos!)
iisan said:
I loved the first series of Code Geass but for the the ending was the only redeeming factor of the second series.
There are too many characters so none actually get any real attention or develop to be very interesting.
Also from about half way through to the end the storyline is twisted quite clumsily into where it needs to be for the ending, and it seems rushed.

Fantastic ending though.

You have taste, my brother. I rated the first series 10/10, got hyped up over the second series airing...and then dropped it after seven or eight episodes. I'd complaining about pretty much every episode up to that point.

Just for the sake of completion, I'll buy the second series on DVD and then marathon it together with the first series. I'm 99% sure it won't get a rating of higher than 8/10 from me, but I need to watch it to complete Code Geass.
Hey sorry about the double post. Not entirely sure how I pulled that one off. Goes to show you how unused to posting on forums I really am! Glad the Code Geass anime is raising some talk. :)

I have to admit I hunted down the first couple of episodes of the second season over the interent as I had to find out what the heck happened at the end of the first and did find that it was a little werid the way it started one year later. However even if the second series turns out not to be as good as the first I gotta find out the conclusion to all the chaos!