Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Baccano! 7/10

Good series. However, the problem was, for me, the unexplained parts of the plot and storyline that just annoyed me. I both liked and disliked the fact the story was constantly jumping from character to character, place to place, and timezone to timezone, although after the first few episodes this novelty began to wear off and grew tiresome trying to keep track of the storyline. Episodes 10-13 however, were definietly the saviors of the series; seeing how everything fit into place and came together in the end was great, even if the middle of the series was a bit unenjoyable for me.

Some of the characters were great (Isaac and Miria) and despite the fact some of the characters were very unlikeable and annoying (Jacuzzi and Ladd), I feel as if it was natural for this to happen with such a wide variety of characters.

All in all, I think the series was alright. If the annoying characters and unexplained and hard to watch stories were replaced, it could of been much better..
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor: The OVA

It has to be said that the OVA is certainly not as good as the original series. While it is an interesting plot I missed the comedy. Also, some of the episodes were confusing and the ending is left somewhat unresolved. Luckily, as was mentioned a few pages ago, the liner notes on the DVD explain what happens after the end of the OVA.

Score: 6 / 10
fabricatedlunatic said:
Usually I don't care much for animation quality in comedy anime, but here A-1's stellar work adds so much personality to the characters. I don't think it would have been quite as good a show in the hands of a lesser studio.

Kannagi was definitely an "OK, need to watch anything and everything this studio makes from now on" show for me.
Banner of the Stars II - 7/10

Thar be some light spoilers ahead. Since this is an old-ish series in which there's little interest I won't bother tagging it.

Banner of the Stars bored me after a few episodes so I jumped straight into the sequel. In this series the two lead characters -- Lafiel, an Abh princess, and Jinto, her human bitch/friend/soulmate -- become territorial ambassadors for a planet in a newly-conquered system. They're not best pleased to discover that it's actually a prison planet housing a million criminals, and trouble is brewing between four factions, all of which put forward a representative claiming to be in charge.

It's a strange set up. On the east of there's the male prisoners. On the west is the female prisoners. Between them is are the largest group: a voluntarily sterilised mixed population. To the south is where the prison guards and staff reside, and it's their representative who Lafiel and Jinto recognise as having authority. Turns out the male prisoners want kids for some reason will stop at nothing to get to the fertile women, who want the Ahb to help them emigrate before the men reach them - but it's a race against time because enemy ships are approaching.

And it all plays out in quite a thrilling fashion. But something that bothers me, aside from the few things that don't quite ring true, is that the representative of the female prisoners is heavily sexualised, and subjected to numerous leering close ups of her heaving chest and hot pants-clad posterior. Given that it's implied that many of the female prisoners turned to crime after suffering sexual violence, and given their fate if the men reach them, her depiction seems wholly distasteful.

What this series does miss, and why Crest is still my favourite of the three series, is the lack of interaction between Lafiel, who stays on the ship, and Jinto, who liaises with the prison guards on the surface. Still, the characters and their dialogue continues to be exceptionally well written. Screenplay for all Crest series was handled by Aya Yoshinaga, who later proved in Kurau that she has a keen insight into the relationships between people.

Incidentally, I strongly recommend the first series, Crest of the Stars, to anyone and everyone.
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie

Meh. Not great. Not bad either

Good things:
Good animation
Some really good fight scenes

Bad things
Absolutely crap story!
Not many fight scenes

Ive noticed something about these Naruto movies: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!! Its always about escorting someone who is emo and doubts himself. Naruto does some speech and and then they gain confidence in them selves. It was good the first time, but now its boring.
El Cazador de la Bruja

A Short but fun ride about a bounty hunter escorting a young girl across a unmentioned Latin American country where their Trip becomes a lot more than they bargin for.

The two main characters Nadie and Ellis are very likable and their relationship between each others and the animation is fell done and everyone moves well.

The dialog gets iffy in places and cringe worthy but thats about it it won't set the world on fire but it's a nice little series about two young ladies on the run

I give this series a 7/10
sanji no 1 said:
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie

Meh. Not great. Not bad either

Good things:
Good animation
Some really good fight scenes

Bad things
Absolutely crap story!
Not many fight scenes

Ive noticed something about these Naruto movies: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!! Its always about escorting someone who is emo and doubts himself. Naruto does some speech and and then they gain confidence in them selves. It was good the first time, but now its boring.
i know right i watched naruto shippuden movie the other day and i felt the same way. when i first watched it i loved the animation and fights but the story was crap..........but the ending after the credits was awesome (naruto was like sure il help but he misunderstood lol)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Wonderful film, which seems to feature all the things you come to expect from later Studio Ghibli films - thought provoking themes and elements which are surprisingly adult for a film given a PG rating.

The first time you see Nausicaa she is flying on her gilder in the opening credits you can see right up her skirt. I found myself wondering of you could actually see her backside of if her trousers were a sort of flesh colour. What is more you see blood and people being killed.

Score: 9 / 10
Ah, the eternal "is Nausicaa wearing pants?" question. Apparently she is but I don't see any harm in continuing to believe that she isn't ^_^

Ga-Rei Zero - 6/10

I don't have too much to say about this. It looks great and has some quality action set-pieces, but there isn't quite enough to the characters to make the tragedy effective. A shift in tone towards the light-hearted during the early/middle episodes seeks to endear the characters to the viewer and make the inevitable more devastating, but it's only partly successful. Ga-Rei Zero is okay but not especially memorable. (Except perhaps the girl/girl pocky kiss :nosebleed:)

Though the story is wrapped up fairly conclusively during the final episode, one particular loose end annoyed me. I'm guessing that more about that is explained in the manga, to which the anime is a prequel, but it's supposed to be not very good.
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vashdaman said:
Ah, the eternal "is Nausicaa wearing pants?" question. Apparently she is but I don't see any harm in continuing to believe that she isn't ^_^
I should hope she is, or else she has bloody irresponsible parents!
Or lives in a better society where people aren't so hung up on nudity and don't always see it as sexual. That was my interpretation anyway.
vashdaman said:
Ah, the eternal "is Nausicaa wearing pants?" question. Apparently she is but I don't see any harm in continuing to believe that she isn't ^_^

I should hope she is, or else she has bloody irresponsible parents!

To be fair, her father is bedridden and her mother is not even in it.