Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

ayase said:
But this is good. Rei always kinda annoyed me, but I think that was less because of her character as envisaged by the staff, more the fact that such a personality devoid character turned into the No.1 otaku wank fantasy of all time (which is doubly bad since Asuka is so awesome). One of the few things I liked about End of Eva was the fact that it did at least make Rei a slightly stronger character.

Both of them are now default character types, tsundere and kuudere, so not to say either wasn't massivly popular.
Rei was responsible for the modern definition of moe, as you have pointed out. (she's moe due to you wanting her to develop a real character)

As regards to being No. 1, for 1995 yes; but there have been other bigger chara since then, ToHeart 2, Kanon, Haruhi, Sailor Moon and Touhou Project all had/have equally massive or bigger fandoms.

@ Wildcard you gave it a 10/10 after the shoddy projection work. Still thought a few scenes had weaker animation work, not that that won't be fixed.
Reaper gI said:
(she's moe due to you wanting her to develop a real character)
Oh no, not that word again, I'll just ignore it I think. Doesn't fit in with what I understand moe to be, but it seems it can mean anything anyone wants it to now, so f*ck it.

I suppose towards Rei the character I'm simply non-plussed. But it has always bothered me that she seems to be so popular because she has no personality (therefore is non-threatening to people who can't cope with real women, who can impress their own ideals onto her). Whereas personally I find it very hard to care about characters unless they have definable characteristics and flaws - I like to see realistic depictions of humanity, warts-and-all. I like Shinji for the exact same reasons many hate him.
ayase said:
Oh no, not that word again, I'll just ignore it I think. Doesn't fit in with what I understand moe to be, but it seems it can mean anything anyone wants it to now, so f*ck it.

I suppose towards Rei the character I'm simply non-plussed. But it has always bothered me that she seems to be so popular because she has no personality (therefore is non-threatening to people who can't cope with real women, who can impress their own ideals onto her).

She's the reason moe has no good definition, it got bent heavily so she was included. Or rather the reasons why she is moe got included.
The impressing ideals onto her would be the critical point, or being able to apply any character to her to fit a given situation. Also she is very definatly not a real person she is an fictional character, and can only exist as such.

Never much liked her either, or any other kuudere chara for that matter. At least, on the other hand, she was an original idea rather than just a stereotype copy.
I'll make this quick so that this thread doesn't veer off too far into an Eva topic.

ayase said:
Wildcard said:
What stood out most of all for me was how much more well rounded most of the cast felt in terms of their character and it's development: Shinji managed to be slightly less pathetic and more active, making him easier to sympathise with...
But being more pathetic and less active made him easier to sympathise with! Wait...

I see your point, but note I said 'less' pathetic. I've always liked that Shinji was reluctant, weak and cowardly as it's what made his character stand out amongst the hoards of macho men in anime and indeed felt more human. I just felt that there was a greater sense of progression towards the end of the film and less of the drawn out procrastination from the series that felt a little overdone at times.

I reckon I share similar views to you on Rei anyhow, up until EoE she was the character I cared about the least. Compared to the rest of the cast I always felt she was lacking (although I suppose that was sort of the point).

Reaper gI said:
@ Wildcard you gave it a 10/10 after the shoddy projection work.

Yes, I did. I wasn't judging the film on the projection quality, annoying as that was it was an issue with the BFI's projector and not with the movie itself, and yeah, there were spots of so-so animation but that was hardly enough to ruin my enjoyment.
ayase said:
I suppose towards Rei the character I'm simply non-plussed. But it has always bothered me that she seems to be so popular because she has no personality (therefore is non-threatening to people who can't cope with real women, who can impress their own ideals onto her). Whereas personally I find it very hard to care about characters unless they have definable characteristics and flaws - I like to see realistic depictions of humanity, warts-and-all. I like Shinji for the exact same reasons many hate him.

If I may add my thoughts in defense of Miss Ayanami...:)

When I first picked up Eva, I was an intensely introverted girl in the prime of my youth with a depressive personality. As many of us no doubt know, depressed people often come off as extremely passive, since they don't appear to care about things in the normal way and tend to go along with things they might normally object to for much longer than they should. Rei fascinated me, in a world usually full of "normal" characters.

Of course they cheaped out and explained away a great deal of her personality in the show later on, but her quiet power and absolute disregard for fitting in really got me interested in the show. I don't see her as a weak, pliable character, because she has some things which clearly matter to her (e.g. Gendou, not wanting to eat meat) which she is firm about. She is just not the kind of "in your face" spunky which grabs attention, and her value system is completely broken compared to everyone else's. I think she's a much stronger person than Asuka when push comes to shove.

Having said that, I agree in principle with what you are saying and that characters set up purely to be fanservice-bait are not the greatest examples of human achievement. What I am trying to say is just that feisty girls such as Revy or Misato are just as much an otaku fantasy as the disconnected, aloof kind of bishoujo. If I were the kind of person who worried about such things, I'd be just as concerned that a society had an expectation of me to be spunky and highly fluent in socialisation as I would be that a society expected me to keep quiet and serve tea for the menfolk. Words like "housewife" and "mother" are almost dirty words now in the west in the pursuit of a different, equally sexist feminine ideal of a highly educated, outgoing overachiever.

Swerving back on topic I thoroughly enjoyed the Eva 2.0 film. Was a little irritated by a combination of pace and new content making Rei seem less "Rei" than before, but by the end I decided it had actually worked quite well and feel positive about the next ones when they are finally released.

Been hitting the Bluray's
Eva 1.11
It is always difficult to judge it by it's own merits rather than comparing it it's predecessors but It's like Eva but prettier, with less whining, and slightly off pacing. Watching it instead of series... maybe not, recommend it over series... will have to wait for the end where Eva generally is weakest.
Only other thing to say is that they ripped so much of Rahxephon :roll: :p
8/10 (mainly on looks, plot wise maybe 6 some of the more poignant moments where cut and some little atterations were made which detracted)
Ghost in the Shell 2.0
If you've seen the original it's the same just shinier in places. Planes and the opening scene have been redone, the computer interface bits are orange rather than green and some have been redone others haven't. If you've already got it don't bother upgrading, otherwise go for it.
8.5 (but would give the orginal 9 some of the redone scenes jar a little)
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
Mamarou Oshi doing what he does best, philosophy, beagles and some kick asre battles. Also wonder if he wanted to be a music video maker, cause he breaks off into a few in the middle of things. Not much point upgrading if you have the DVD.
Sky Blue
Pretty fluff.
Rainbow 8/10 Great show, really into it now, not sure I'd buy it but it makes for compelling watching =)

Heroman: 7.5/10 Standard Saturday morning cartoon throwback affair but done with great panache, the first few episodes are a little too bland, but they get better as it progresses.

Full Metal Panic! TSR: 9/10 Awesome, they've really nailed balancing the action and comedy compared to the first series.
Bleach: Memories of Nobody

I very much enjoyed this, but that could just be because I adore Bleach!! Liked the character of Senna and also the designs of the villains and their weapons.

Still hate the English dub though!! This is perhaps the only show I physically have to watch with Japanese audio and English subs!! I can only blame the fansubs for that lol.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ... no the original... no Unicorn, yes that's it. Cause honestly this has been recycled more times than a Knock Knock Joke. Kid gets caught up in an attack on a colony, meets a girl, fall for her and ignores the one interested in him, trips into a mecha cockpit that only he can pilot. Hell they even had a "No Luke, I am your father" moment.
But the use of tropes doesn't matter as long as it does it well right? Well yes, pity they didn't do it well, the bland male lead makes every dumb **** decision he can, wanders the wrong way into a battlefield unarmed for a girl he met 10 minutes ago who told him to piss off. He only seems to have to emotions, blank and about to cry and generally is a bland as wallpaper paste and cheap tofu. The female lead is a dumb as her male counterpart, wafting hopefully in the right direction to get to some where to try and convince people to start a war by saying please and being as bland as a pair of beige curtains.
An the mecha.... well they where kinda cool. Especially liked the transforming ones as the weren't as perfect as those from Macross, they looked like a mecha that transformed into a plane or tank rather than a perfect mecha and a perfect plane were the transformations if a bit fudged.
All in all meh, there was nothing bad, but nothing good either. It may pick up and go in its own direction, but not holding my breath
6/10 [/i]
Claymore - 6/10

Moderately entertaining fantasy fare that carries a little too much shounen fighting show baggage for my liking. But while the fights and frequent expository monologues tend to be longer than my attention span, I can't deny that the show has some genuinely excellent moments. Those, along with the uncompromising violence and meanacing tone, staved off the tedium of its more generic aspects.

And it's a great looking show... until it starts moving. Then it's a rapid descent into shortcut hell.


Ocean Waves - 7/10

A love-triangle between two boys and one girl. One of the boys appears only sporadically, while the girl and the other boy give absolutely no indication of having romantic feelings for one another. And she's a bitch and he's a doormat. Come to think of it I should be rating this lower, but the film is somehow more than the sum of its parts, and the Ghibli fanboy in me just won't have it.
The Slayers 9/10

I'd been recommended this a few times by a few different people but kept putting it off due to other shows and laziness. Now that I've watched it completely, I can see why they were saying I would like it. It's a great show, with well done characters, offering enough humour to stop the serious side becoming stale. The main character, Lina Inverse, is a fantastic lead, helping to poke fun at the genres staples and breaking the mold of female leads that had come before her.

I'll be definitely picking up Slayers Next now when I get the chance and have the money spare.
Hooray i can post replys now!

For some reason i coudnt post replys for about 2 months. If someone could tell me why it might of done that that would be great.


Shadow skill the series
Stick to the OVA. this is a bad series. The animation was bad, The charaters were boring and The action scenes were average

Although some fight scenes were good, i woudnt recommend it!
Rui said:
If I may add my thoughts in defense of Miss Ayanami...
Sorry I missed this, must have been one of those times the forum did it's "not loading" thing and uncoloured all the new posts. You do bring up some decent points there Rui, but I think it just serves to illustrate how individual a thing tastes are; I can understand that Rei would seem a better character if you were able to empathise with her. Personally however, tending towards the more manic variety of depression, I've always tended to be passionate about things whether happy or pissed off; so you can perhaps see how it was easier for me to empathise with Asuka. That and the fact that I've had enough of girls who seemed to act not dissimilarly to Rei in my personal life to last me a lifetime (and I did at times feel quite like strangling them). Personal experience does an awful lot to shape people's views and personalities.

Rui said:
I'd be just as concerned that a society had an expectation of me to be spunky and highly fluent in socialisation as I would be that a society expected me to keep quiet and serve tea for the menfolk. Words like "housewife" and "mother" are almost dirty words now in the west in the pursuit of a different, equally sexist feminine ideal of a highly educated, outgoing overachiever.
Oh, you know me. F*ck society. All that matters is the individual and that each individual is able to pursue their own ideals. I might have a kind of person I prefer (as you probably do as well) but we're all better off ignoring whatever "society's" ideal is.
Well, a short and sweet series indeed. The three OVAs at the end are a bit of a change of pace but add some welcome backstory to some of the characters. Art and animation have been mostly good-to-excellent throughout. It's almost worth watching just for Isaac and Miria, who exemplify the energy of the show. Comedy and violence mingle together well here. I'm not giving it the full "masterpiece" rating because I still think the storytelling adds some false complexity to it but the approach does make sense given the perspectives from which it's being told.

9/10 - happy happpy joy joy.
Samurai gun

Not as bad as everyone said it is. Its was pretty entertaining most the time. Its probably the darkest themed anime ive ever seen.

Good things:
Dark theme was cool
good action
Both opening and closing were very good songs

bad thing:
Hardly any character back story
ending was down right terrible
Naruto season 9
For filler, its really good and a great ending to a great series!

Well ive just finished watching Naruto and wow! it was one hell of a ride. I remember watching the first episode way back in 2006. I was absolutely amazed!! I continued to watch it untill it finished and not at one moment was i bored. There were so many epic moments in the series, like when Iruka saved Narutos life, The forest of death, the chuinin exams, Rock lees fight with Garra, Hokages fight with Orochimaru, lady Tsunade becoming hokage and Narutos fight with Sasuke.

This is a fantastic series and anyone who likes Shonen shows should give it a try. BELIEVE IT!!

now onto NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!!!!!!!!
Shin Angyo Onshi / Blade of the Phantom Master: 7.5-8/10

There are no miracles, huh? Munsu is a bit of a penis but it was refreshing to see a character NOT hesitate to use someone he'd just been talking to as a shield. The film is best described as an excellent trailer, with some deliciously twisted situations.

DNA²: 7.5/10

A guy pukes when he sees females. A girl he meets farts when she's nervous. They work through it together. And a girl travels back in time to prevent the birth of 'Mega-Playboy'... only to discover she created Mega-Play by going back in time. Katsura +1.

DNA² OVA: 6/10

Where did the puking over being near females and making females fall madly in lust with cheesy as hell lines go?... WHERE DID THE PANTIES GO!? A sci-fi action finale to a romantic comedy = bad. Only enjoyable because I cared about the conclusion.

Gun Frontier: 8/10

Set in a barren wasteland, where nobody bats an eyelid over death, and sex is trivial, GF's story plays out. Men kill to survive, while women use their wiles to deceive. There's no romance here: only the bond three share as they traverse the Wild West.
Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 (SUB) - 1 - After All

I like this a lot plus the intro is addictive. Well animated and the bad guys are interesting. Not sure about the 外人name though. Not as bad as the ones in Death Note but Lino Molelu?

I liked the look on the guys face after Birdy drops by his window.