Oh, I'm chuffed to bits it's found a new fan!Found Dragon Half online.

It's just great stupid fun. And don't even get me started on Negima!? I'm a big fan of that, too. I mean that in a good way*.

* Recurring line from the show
Oh, I'm chuffed to bits it's found a new fan!Found Dragon Half online.
Ha. I saw Negima!? before the original series and I love it. The Makie/daddy sub plot is so funny and has one of the best pay offs for a joke I've ever seen in a show.Oh, I'm chuffed to bits it's found a new fan!
It's just great stupid fun. And don't even get me started on Negima!? I'm a big fan of that, too. I mean that in a good way*.
* Recurring line from the show
I saw Negima!? before the original series and I love it.
I love how theres always a visual joke happening on screen whilst other stuff is happening.
Same here, and I agree with all of the above! It's got so many great routines where two characters are playing off of each other. Zazie and Mana with their pun-offs spring to mind, as well as so many hilarious scenes featuring the pair of mascot characters, Shichimi and Moutsu. And then there's Takahata-sensei and Evangeline with their tea ceremony discussions... I could go on.It actually made the original series something of a let down when I finally saw it.
a cut where a character was drawn with six fingers on one hand.
You mentioned Sakamoto before, dude. Do you rate that? I've only seen a trailer for it, but I liked what I saw
I love this series, great animation, music, story, characters, there's a few moments where it feels like it drags, or that certain characters are one dimensional, but it still holds up. 9/10
Also I forgot to watch the movie, so I'll have to get to that.
Kill la Kill
I'm catching up on all kindsa series and I didn't get around to finishing this one when it was on Netflix but I bought the blu-rays anyway, and it's awesome, I love how over the top it gets, even when it's trying to tell a serious story it's goofy as hell, I kinda wish it didn't end, but it's a perfect length, 24 episodes tells the story perfectly, the 25th episode isn't needed but it's just a little bonus thing, no big worry. 8/10
It's a real gem of a show Erased. I'm a big fan of who-done-its anyway and the supernatural twist in this show really spiced things up. It was a good mix of some stuff I was able to predict and some stuff I didnt see coming.Sorry for the double post, first of all.
Watched Erased over the last two days.
I really liked it, it's a very tidy and small scale story, and I liked the main character's journey into becoming who he wanted to be. The supernatural twist to the series kept things interesting even if they didn't went too crazy with it. I suppose that could be seen as a plus.
It looked good, the main theme used throughout the series is beautiful and the conclusion is satisfying even if I wasn't expecting the relationship with the antagonist to be what it was. One thing that irked me was the amount of red herrings. It felt like it had a ton and it felt like a cheap way to defy the viewer's predictions.
Solid 8/10.
It's a real gem of a show Erased. I'm a big fan of who-done-its anyway and the supernatural twist in this show really spiced things up. It was a good mix of some stuff I was able to predict and some stuff I didnt see coming.
I'd say she manga makes you appreciate the plot more, though the art gets a bit messy at times with large blotches all over the pages, can be quite unclear to know what you're looking at sometimes, but it's still as beautifully set as what's covered in the anime, I would love to see how the rest looks animatedAlright, as promised: Made In Abyss.
This is a weird one for me. Reading some general impressions I was expecting something despair inducing like Berserk or Madoka, and that seems like a widespread sentiment...? Correct me on that if I'm wrong. The point is, it really wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, and judged by itself, I'm not convinced it's that remarkable. This may change with time and a rewatch, but for all the enticing mystery and superb world-building (and it is superb, make no mistake), this feels more like laying the foundation than something that can be fully appreciated on its own.
I am curious about Reg, Lyza, the other white whistles and the Abyss and its effects (I love the way it looks and works so much), but from the moment only Reg and Riki leave in their adventure, you kinda know not a lot can happen to them because neither one nor the other could go far without each other.
The last couple of episodes surprised me in that Riko finally suffers the consequences of her thirst for adventure in such a perilous place, even if it's in a less severe way than I was expecting. The other thing that surprised me was Mitty. They held nothing back and I admit a few of her flashback scenes made me sick to my stomach. But the thing is that I can't judge an entire series based on its last two episodes.
The series looks great, sounds beautiful and has some nice moments of animation. Something I appreciated also is the clear feeling you get that the world is uncaring for our protagonists, even if, again, I don't see either being in any true danger so soon.
I don't know. I don't know if it's just a 7 or an 8. I don't know if knowing what happens next in the manga would make me appreciate it more or not. I do know that I want to watch the movie. But I watched this on Netflix because I was interested in the MVM set and I still don't know if I want to buy it or not. If it becomes something exquisite to my eyes, I will be annoyed at myself for having missed a CE for the first part of a great series.
Im going with a solid 7 for now. I'll maybe re-watch down the road.
Apologies for the disgustingly long post.
Alright, as promised: Made In Abyss.
This is a weird one for me. Reading some general impressions I was expecting something despair inducing like Berserk or Madoka, and that seems like a widespread sentiment...? Correct me on that if I'm wrong. The point is, it really wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, and judged by itself, I'm not convinced it's that remarkable. This may change with time and a rewatch, but for all the enticing mystery and superb world-building (and it is superb, make no mistake), this feels more like laying the foundation than something that can be fully appreciated on its own.
I am curious about Reg, Lyza, the other white whistles and the Abyss and its effects (I love the way it looks and works so much), but from the moment only Reg and Riki leave in their adventure, you kinda know not a lot can happen to them because neither one nor the other could go far without each other.
The last couple of episodes surprised me in that Riko finally suffers the consequences of her thirst for adventure in such a perilous place, even if it's in a less severe way than I was expecting. The other thing that surprised me was Mitty. They held nothing back and I admit a few of her flashback scenes made me sick to my stomach. But the thing is that I can't judge an entire series based on its last two episodes.
The series looks great, sounds beautiful and has some nice moments of animation. Something I appreciated also is the clear feeling you get that the world is uncaring for our protagonists, even if, again, I don't see either being in any true danger so soon.
I don't know. I don't know if it's just a 7 or an 8. I don't know if knowing what happens next in the manga would make me appreciate it more or not. I do know that I want to watch the movie. But I watched this on Netflix because I was interested in the MVM set and I still don't know if I want to buy it or not. If it becomes something exquisite to my eyes, I will be annoyed at myself for having missed a CE for the first part of a great series.
Im going with a solid 7 for now. I'll maybe re-watch down the road.
Apologies for the disgustingly long post.
I'd say she manga makes you appreciate the plot more, though the art gets a bit messy at times with large blotches all over the pages, can be quite unclear to know what you're looking at sometimes, but it's still as beautifully set as what's covered in the anime, I would love to see how the rest looks animated
Dont forget theres a film in japan next month, based on the end of volume 4 and pretty much all of volume 5. If you hate bondrewd now, you'll be praying for a time where Abyss Still had a bit of it's cute charm when the film comes along...
I guess I was lucky in that I saw the show knowing nothing and without any outside influence. For me the way the show juxtaposes the cutesy art style and happy go lucky attitudes of the early part of the show with the horror and brutality in the last 4 episodes (which to be fair is a third of the show) was really striking for me.
It really highlighted what was, to me at least, a major theme of the show which was: how far is a person willing to go, and even forsake themselves and their humanity, to achieve their goal.
This is the question the show is always posing Riku from the landscape and the creatures posing challenges to her to Ozen much more literally asked the question. You then have Reg, Nanachi and Mitty who are all in their own way asking the same question of Riku. Reg begins with no humanity and no goal. Mitty has had her physical humanity forcibly stolen but remains able to care even if they can no longer move forward and Nanachi is trapped in stasis emotionally unable to push forward trapped by their remaining humanity.
For me the show was an easy 9 and I cant wait to see what transpires. For the record I have still avoided the manga and will probably just follow this in the anime form. For the time being at least.