Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Lutga said:
Trigun - 8/10

'Super ugly' - really? I was never a huge fan of Trigun, but I always thought it was a decent looking show at least. Very archetypally 1990s, but other than Vash's horrendous John Lennon glasses, I actually quite liked the aesthetic of it. Fwiw, I think the Badlands Rumble film is a far better prospect; I felt it squeezed everything that was good about the show into a single 90 minute chunk.
I thought Trigun aged pretty badly too. I may be a little bias as I tend not to really dig how pre 2000s anime look in general with a couple of exceptions but I generally though the limited animation in places and the overall look of the show doesn't look too nice. I would have liked Trigun a lot better if the whole show had the tone of the second half to be honest. The early episodes really didn't do anything for me. I ended up giving it an 8 but only because the second half salvaged it. I probably would have went for a 7 if the tone was light throughout.
I love the aesthetic and style of the show, especially the characters - I just don't think it's animated particularly well. Everything just looks really mucky and cheap, and when scenes are zoomed out for example, faces and finer details just descend into blobs of nothingness.
I watched Trigun pretty early on in my anime watching career so it's unlikely I'd have had issues with art/animation. It might be interesting to go back and see how I like it now, I don't really remember loads about it (probably the key story points though). I did enjoy the Badlands Rumble movie, I guess it doesn't have the darker content from the main series but it's a pretty good "fanservice" adventure (it probably stands up okay on it's own if you like similar shows).

I really should re-watch Fruits Basket at some point. There's a lot of good stuff in it, I like that it kind of avoids being too heavily a romance or whatever and is more just about people working through their problems together. It can be pretty rough at times though, even the most cheerful or goofy character can pull out a devastating emotional backstory. I probably watched Fruits Basket and Trigun around the same time, I'd say I remember more of Fruits Basket.

I quite liked the dubbed versions of the Fruits Basket OP and ED, I don't think it's a good thing to do in general but I think it worked with Fruits Basket because the songs kind of tie in to the themes of the show quite well.
Wasn't so keen on the Fruits Basket OP but the ED is fantastic, and probably the only English dubbed OP/ED theme I can actually stand. I believe Laura Bailey actually sings it too? It's weird how dubbed theme songs were a thing back in the day though.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's sung by Laura Bailey.

I kind of like the Negima songs, not necessarily because they're good as such but they're kind of fun. I thought the Ouran ones were maybe okay but I re-watched it a little while ago and I guess I was wrong.
Oh no, the Negima one was awful - I just found it so shrill and cluttered. Really didn't click with me at all. That must have been one of the last ones, right? I haven't heard any since then.
I wouldn't say you're wrong about the Negima songs but I think that's part of why it worked for me, it kind of fits the show with it's slightly chaotic nature. Probably more so the second series though.
Smeelia said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's sung by Laura Bailey.

I kind of like the Negima songs, not necessarily because they're good as such but they're kind of fun. I thought the Ouran ones were maybe okay but I re-watched it a little while ago and I guess I was wrong.

It was indeed sung by Laura Bailey. She also did a pretty good job with the translated OP and ED of Blue Gender.
Say “I Love You”

There are good high school romances and there are great high school romances. The good ones send you on a rollercoaster as boy/girl struggles to win the affections of girl/boy, eventually scoring a cathartic success. The great ones stick around and then ask: “Good, now what?”

Say “I Love You” establishes the couple within the first few episodes, after which they must figure out the dynamics of this new boyfriend/girlfriend thing. There’ll be misunderstanding, conflict and reconciliations.

What’s really good is that it is all done by mostly avoiding the High School Romance 101 cants. Firstly, the leading couple is properly presented as a pair of teenagers who have not reached peak emotional maturity and are still figuring out how to maintain a relationship. The storyline is understated with little if any reliance on wild takes and OTT actions. My favourite scene in fact is a reconciliation involving a broken bracelet and not a word of dialogue – let alone sappy dialogue – where the actions say all that need to be said. Best of all is that the characters come across as proper characters instead of anime tropes; there’s a strong sense of humanity to all of them, even the main antagonist.

There’s also the relatively small matter of the closing theme – “Slow Dance” by Suneohair – which is now ingrained in my mind.

To call this one of the better high school romcoms is to do Say “I Love You” a disservice. It’s one of the best actually. Like the best – that would be Toradora, Please Teacher and His and Her Circumstances – it brings something new and appealing to the table. It scores a solid 9/10.
Yakumo said:
Smeelia said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's sung by Laura Bailey.

I kind of like the Negima songs, not necessarily because they're good as such but they're kind of fun. I thought the Ouran ones were maybe okay but I re-watched it a little while ago and I guess I was wrong.

It was indeed sung by Laura Bailey. She also did a pretty good job with the translated OP and ED of Blue Gender.

Ooh, I watched that recently too and remember thinking it was pretty decent - didn't realise it was her though.
Devil lady

......... I haven't seen anything like this ever since I saw anime on sci fi years ago... ans the anime on sci fi was mostly violent mature stuff that had supernatural sci fi Gore blood and so much other stuff that was such a delight....... this series is not only good... but brilliant for those reasons.

It's all hand drawn
I see the grit

Todays anime seems to follow the same formula
In your face fan services

But this has non of that stuff we have seen over and over.

In this series we have nudity but not in a servicing way just to show people what they want to see but for the story to show us services... which is good.

The tone is good too with its maturity ans the fact it treats us like adults.

The story is something I saw in guyver before people turning in to monsters.. but that's still fun to watch.

The animation.... It's aged.. but I don't care about that I love how it's presented to me... i love how it was all drawn instead of todays computer made series.

I love go nagais work.... like violence jack and many other of his works.... they are so mature and violent.

The music sounds so oman.

I found an new favourite.

I know this is going too high and I think the manga would of been better at telling the story to this better..... but like I said .... this series brings back memories from when I was watching anime on tv on sci-fi.


I'd never heard of Aiura until a couple of days ago when I saw a gif of it on Reddit and it was pretty funny and after finding out it was a short series, I thought I'd give it a go and I'm really glad I did as I really enjoyed this show. First of all, this show is really nice looking. It's not exactly KyoAni but it's definitely better than average. It looks rather unique in that the backgrounds look like watercolor paintings and it makes for a very nice looking aesthetic. The characters are also very cute looking but are more standard slice of life fair in comparison to the backgrounds however I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the legs in this show.


As for the show itself, there isn't really much to talk about in terms of story or anything. The characters are all likable, have good chemistry and are very entertaining to watch. The show is also quite funny with quite a few jokes being packed into each episode. My only issue with the show which is holding it back for me is the length. When I said earlier to was a short show, I wasn't talking about the episode count. Each episode only clocks in at 4 minutes long and the OP is a minute, meaning you're only looking at about 3 minutes of content per episode. If the show was longer I really feel this could be something great and I'd love to see more from this series and it's characters as this really was a blast to watch.

If you're a fan of slice of life then you have no reason not to check this out. You can watch the entire show in under an hour and it's available on Crunchyroll. It's pretty great.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed-8/10

Gundam Seed is the first Gundam show that I've seen and while I'm sure that there are better Gundam shows out there, this one didn't leave an amazing first impression of the legendary series. I'm not saying this show is bad by any stretch but I feel this is a show that is quite flawed in a couple of areas.

I'll start off by briefly commenting on the art, animation and music before I get to the meat of this review (Kind of feels weird calling it a review but I'm not sure what else to call it). First of all, this show is very okay looking. Middle of the road. Good enough. Nothing that's going to blow you away but quite serviceable. Of course seeing how the show is approaching 15 years old, I guess it's kind of excusable. I do take issue with some of the character designs however. Some of the characters, particularly Kira seem to have eyes that are waaaaay too big. It's not exactly Clannad but I did find them to be quite distracting sometimes. The actual animation itself is nice, especially in the battle scenes. The fights are always very well animated and fluid. The music was also really quite good and consisted of a good range of music.

The characters in this show were a bit weird for me. On the one hand, most of the main and supporting cast get development throughout the series and are given backstories. However, I never really found myself caring for them that much. In the latter half of the show, there are some character deaths but none of them made me really feel anything. I felt like I should given, like I said, they are pretty well developed characters. I'd say the highlight of the characters are Flay and Cagalli. Flay made me feel such incredible animosity like I haven't felt towards a character in such a long time, she's a total bitch throughout the majority of the show, and I feel that is quite an accomplishment. I really liked Cagalli's character and her journey and I thought her relationship with Athrun was very well done. This is in stark contrast to the Kira and Flay relationship which I thought was handled quite poorly. She seems to swing between love and hate on a dime with no real reason and it all felt quite forced IMO. As for the story, I felt that it was the show's main flaw. To sum it up in one word; monotonous. This show fell into a formula very fast and that made it get quite stale towards the end. The cycle of set destination, arrive at destination, destination gets destroyed, set destination gets tiring after the 3rd time and that's all the story does. It's a very character driven show, so it isn't a huge issue and that is a bit of an oversimplification, there is a bit more to it than that, but that is the basic formula. The battles throughout the show, although very well animated, also get stale in the latter half of the show. There are only so many times I can watch a robot shoot lasers at other robots before it looses it's spectacle. This became especially tiresome in the last 5 or so episodes which were a non stop battle and it really just became a chore to sit through. Something else I dislike was also the amount of footage that it reuses. Flashbacks are a common occurrence and there are 2 recap episodes and 2 episodes that might of well have been recap episodes due to the sheer amount of old footage used. It was just way too much. Finally, I really disliked the ending. When the ultimate outcome of your anime about a huge interplanetary war is delivered via a voice over the end credits it's incredibly disappointing. Not to mention it leaves one very VERY important question unanswered (That being how Kira got resurrected after Athrun self destructed. He just woke up on a PLANT and they mention something about him having the Seed or something but it is never explained in detail) and it also made me question how Athrun and Cagalli survived when Athrun self destructed to destroy the Genesis. That explosion would have been nuclear, how the hell did they make it out? I know there is a second season and I really hope it ties up all the loose ends.

Overall, I enjoyed most of my time with Gundam Seed although I do think that it could be improved in a number of ways. I'd definitely recommend it as a Gundam entry point, unless there is a better one someone else can provide. I just hope other series are better than this one.
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IncendiaryLemon said:
I've had this one on my list for a while but I never seem to get around to watching it. I really should (not just because of the leg thing... well maybe mostly that).

Also in "short" anime, you should give Tonari no Seki-kun a go. Not necessarily because it's similar but just because it's great (it's also slightly longer, being around 7-8 minutes an episode). I also liked Morita-san wa Mukuchi, both are available on Crunchyroll.
Serial experiments lain- 9/10
Some real mind f***ery in this one but totally worth it. A very interesting take on trans humanism and way ahead of it's time.
I re-watched Time of Eve / Eve no Jikan (the movie version) the other day.

I really think everyone should watch it at least once. I'm sure plenty of people won't enjoy it for one reason or another but it's worth the risk for a potentially wonderful experience.

It's a sci-fi story about robots and the feelings they might have. It's a story about people and how we interact with each other. It's also about the way we perceive each other, the way we perceive ourselves, the way we tend to judge people based on limited information and the expected height of eight year olds. It's about all of these things and more. Or maybe it's not really about any of these things and maybe what you get out of it has at least as much to do with what you bring with you.

Technically, it's a collection of related short stories that are mostly centred around a particular café and the people that visit. We mostly see the stories unfold from the perspective of a pair of students who have their own reasons for visiting (and returning). While there is a sci-fi aspect to the stories (perhaps some more than others) they are generally more about "human" issues and the way we treat each other. I wouldn't say it preaches a particular message, it just presents the stories and leaves you to decide what you think.

I'm not well qualified to judge the technical aspects of art/animation. The visuals are certainly well incorporated into the stories and contributed to my enjoyment of the show. I also liked the character designs a lot.

I find that it stands up very well to re-watching, with plenty of things I missed the first time to notice or different ways of interpreting things to consider. I may be a little biased since I enjoyed it enough that I could probably watch it several times in a row and enjoy it each time (though I'm avoiding doing so in case I get burned out on it and can't enjoy it as much in the future). I'd like to watch the episodes (they're on Crunchyroll) some time to see what the differences are, though I think the movie mostly just adds things rather than changing much.

I think one of the reasons the show appeals to me is that I like the idea of a café where people can meet and expect to be treated with respect and tolerance. The café essentially exists to promote understanding and it's a really nice idea. Also, the owner/waitress is super cute (especially with her glasses on).

Anyway, it's a great show so if you get a chance to watch it you should give it a go. I can't promise you'll enjoy the Time of Eve but maybe it'll at least make you think.
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