Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Finished Witch Hunter Robin today.

Hard to know what to rate the series really; as in terms of pacing and plotting, .[you're almost looking at two different shows with the same characters and settings. Coming away from the series, I'm left with the debateable feeling it's a series, that paced as it was, both needed more than one cour to develop in the way it did; but ultimately didn't need 2 cours, and thus a lot of early material could be taken as virtual filler, although it does get you used to the feeling of the environment and setting at that point in the story; especially should you have been watching it weekly on TV (bearing in mind it's 26 episode run would take half a year to complete).

It must also be argued, that ultimately this is a plot, rather than character driven show. The characters themselves are somewhat stereotypical, although are used well.
You've got the new 'guy' (although in this case, Robin's a girl), the more serious ace, the hotshot younger team member, the blonde airhead, the tech ace, and the older woman who more or less holds things together aside from the bosses.

The main plot/crux of the show didn't really get going, bar some minor build up, aclimatisation and foreshadowing 'til approximately half way through the series, somewhere near episode 12; and up 'til that point, the core plot is painstakingly slow in developing, almost glacially to the point I got pneumonia watching it[/b]. After the over plot gets moving, the show, no doubt about it, gets a lot better.

By this point, the world is established, and suddenly there's pacing, direction, changes in the story and what you believe peoples roles in the story to be, and overall, it did need SOME of the buildup those first 12 episodes provided, but ultimately I think it should have been cut back to say 8, and characters like Harry; well they didn't really seem to have a purpose except to act as a filler character to provide someone to look at to take up time, until it was time for important stuff to happen.
In this sense, compared to the norm, this isn't a series that loses its way later in the series, arguably it's a series that FINDS its way later in the series.

It's not a bad series, but I do think in hindsight, it needs rating in two halves:
The first half -
Good introductions, and acclimatises you to the characters and setting; however ultimately it's dragged out for too long in my opinion, and some of the material felt substantially like filler to justify the 2 cour.
6/10 (decent but not great)

Second half -
The show really moves forward, some twists and turns in the plot for good or for bad. Pacing is far stronger; and there is a far more coherant story arc to follow, compared to the 'of the week' nature of the early episodes. 'Filler' dissapears.

Overall, I'm going to be generous and say 8/10, I think perhaps 7.5 might be more accurate however, the first half of the show could be considered TOO slow at times; and I'm sure has put more than a few viewers who'd possibly enjoy the second half of the show.
This isn't an issue that can solely be attributed to this series alone, however I feel this series could have been far better if they'd simply paced it more evenly, and used the time they had more effectively to develop the characters.

this series feels like a rip off of gurren largann, i mean look at the main character he kinda looks like kamina if you add the glasses and the animation looks like the style of gurren largann, the main characters are brutal even to there friends, not to mention the main characters are idiots, airheads, brutal, merciless, and are A** holes................... well not all the time but yeah and all the main fightings all in one place and it gose on for nearly 8 episodes.
but the fights are cool and it has its funny moments and it has tease fan service pantie shots and nearly naked girls which to makes up the merciless that main characters give.

hellsing ultimate episodes 1 to 4

the series feels kinda rushed, in the original series it took its time explaining things and more screen time for everyone but hellsing ultimate rushed things and its goofy at times both villains and heroes.

But it has its moments and the fight scenes are good and i love how the nazis are creepy funny.

alucards a bad ass


only wish the other dvds would be released
animefreak17 said:
hellsing ultimate episodes 1 to 4

the series feels kinda rushed, in the original series it took its time explaining things and more screen time for everyone but hellsing ultimate rushed things and its goofy at times both villains and heroes.

But it has its moments and the fight scenes are good and i love how the nazis are creepy funny.

alucards a bad ass


only wish the other dvds would be released

Dude your score does not line up with your review... at best an "it has its moments anime" would be a 7 or 8 surely. If it's a 9.5/10 then surely it had more than "moments" of greatness.
Urusei Yatsura: The Final Chapter - 8/10

With the TV series done and dusted I decided it was time to re-watch the fifth movie for the first time in years. The Final Chapter is an adaptation of the last manga arc. It's the only UY movie that isn't an original story, making it the "purest" of the theatrical outings. A sort-of reversal of the first movie, this time it's a long-lost fiancée of Lum's who comes out of the woodwork, and the series ends as it started: with a game of tag between Ataru and Lum. A less manly man than I would have shed a tear at the very sweet end.

So while The Final Chapter is a bit of a retread and takes few chances, it's a fine ending for the series. The only other disappointment is that visually the film is a step down from the previous two, and I missed Akemi Takada's character designs.
xxxHolic: TV series

It was enjoyable, and in many ways educational. I learnt quite a lot of Japanese folklore as well as Japanese words (especially in the "Shiritori" episode). Shame that there is not much else available in Region 2.

Score: 7 / 10
Twelve Kingdoms

The main story is simply great, it would be a 10/10 for me. This is the perfect example for the concept of "character development" and for the concept of "epicness" (especially the A Thousand Miles of Wind - The Sky at Dawn arc).
But I have 3 complaints:
- the Sea of Wind - Shore of the Labyrinth arc seemed totally out of place, it was not tied to the previous arc, and it was left unfinished;
- the Sea God of the East - Vast Sea of the West arc was really good per se, but was put in the wrong place, I would have preferred if the series ended with the previous arc, when it reached its top of pathos;
- I hate recap episodes.
I think I'll rewatch this series without the 2 minor arcs and without the recap episodes, just for a full immersion in total awesomeness. And I guess I'll have to buy the books to know how the main story ends, and even how the black kirin story ends.

Score: 9 / 10

Ian Wolf said:
xxxHolic: TV series

It was enjoyable, and in many ways educational. I learnt quite a lot of Japanese folklore as well as Japanese words (especially in the "Shiritori" episode). Shame that there is not much else available in Region 2.

Score: 7 / 10
Erm Japan is region 2. You mean in PAL.
Reaper gI said:
Ian Wolf said:
xxxHolic: TV series

It was enjoyable, and in many ways educational. I learnt quite a lot of Japanese folklore as well as Japanese words (especially in the "Shiritori" episode). Shame that there is not much else available in Region 2.

Score: 7 / 10
Erm Japan is region 2. You mean in PAL.

Sorry, you're quite right.
Fabio's Urusei Yatsura watchings reminded me that I never did watch the final "Obstacle Course Swim Meet" OVA which gets...

10/10 - For a half-hour special made 17 years after the original show ended, it was everything I could have hoped for. I cannot think of any conceivable way this could have been made better; every character got a chance to shine and was exactly as I remembered them. It made me so very happy. Absolutely chock-full of laughs from Ryunosuke's dad bullet dodging items of furniture to Mendou and Ataru's almost-but-not-quite love scene, but the highlight moment which almost had me sobbing with laughter was
Kotatsu-Neko punting out onto the swimming pool to turn the seemingly unconscious characters onto their faces
. That in itself would have been a fairly hilarious place to end the series, if possibly a little grim. No, better that they live on forever tormenting one another in our hearts.
ayase said:
Fabio's Urusei Yatsura watchings reminded me that I never did watch the final "Obstacle Course Swim Meet" OVA which gets...
Hah, that's weird. This morning I was watching the subtitled version on... er, a popular video site that won't be named.

Anyway, I agree the episode is as good as it could be for what it is--a faithful exercise in nostalgia--and it's much better than the sixth movie as a final, final outing for the cast. Suitably manic and everyone's in character.

Even though it's weird watching UY with modern digital colouring and updated designs, I can't deny that the art and animation are great. And it seems they got most of the original voice cast back, though Ryunnosuke's old man and maybe Onsen sound different. No Megane and his insane rants makes me sad ;_;

EDIT: Just found out that the animation director was UY veteran Tsukasa Dokite. Awesome. No wonder it looks so good.
fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
Fabio's Urusei Yatsura watchings reminded me that I never did watch the final "Obstacle Course Swim Meet" OVA which gets...
Hah, that's weird. This morning I was watching the subtitled version on... er, a popular video site that won't be named.

Anyway, I agree the episode is as good as it could be for what it is--a faithful exercise in nostalgia--and it's much better than the sixth movie as a final, final outing for the cast. Suitably manic and everyone's in character.

Even though it's weird watching UY with modern digital colouring and updated designs, I can't deny that the art and animation are great. And it seems they got most of the original voice cast back, though Ryunnosuke's old man and maybe Onsen sound different. No Megane and his insane rants makes me sad ;_;

EDIT: Just found out that the animation director was UY veteran Tsukasa Dokite. Awesome. No wonder it looks so good.
That is just terrible of me to not even notice Megane was missing (especially when I did notice Kurama didn't seem to put in an appearance - or did she? It became so manic I think I'll have to watch it again to take it all in). I agree that UY took to modern digital animation far better than I ever thought it would. It proved that when it's done right, modern animation can be up to par with traditional... just a shame it's so rarely done right. Tsukasa Dokite you say? I wonder if he's been involved in anything else recently...

/goes to look
Probably the reason Megane wasn't there is because the OVAs were produced for Shonen Sunday's 50th anniversary, and in the manga Megane was a throwaway character who only appeared in the very early chapters. The rest of the gang of four made a brief cameo, though, so I'm wondering if I missed Megane somewhere. Didn't see Kurama either. Boo.

EDIT: Oho! This is most likely Megane, and the eagle-eyed viewer spotted a few subtler cameos in the final scene.

Dokite's resume seems rather thin for an animator with so much talent. Hasn't done much since, well, the 80s.
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls


I thought the story was quite slow and the characters were predictable, but it did get better in the last few episodes. It was, in the end, decent but in no means great.

(Also I didn't really like the animation style, but I didn't count that in the scoring as I think it may have just been me being fussy.)

While this certainly had an interesting anime style and interesting plotline, I thought it was rather predictable. You knew that JP was going to win by a whisker and win Sonoshee's heart.

Score: 7 / 10
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