Hah, thanks for the kind words!
I'd love to put stuff back in their art boxes, but those S.A.C sets are a whole amaray wider (since I've kept the extras discs boxed), and nothing quite fits when I do

. Plus you're right, I do think it looks a little nicer when everything is more uniform, even if it does make finding something specific a bit harder...
I also have a lot of love for the Evangelion/Gunbuster (and even Diebuster) DVD sets, they were a real pain to get hold of (the R2 versions anyway). But they don't mesh well with anything else, and I'm sure I can dent my Eva tin just by looking at it... (so I've squirreled them away in that ugly looking box at that back of the first photo). I'm looking forward to spending a bazillion pounds on the Eva blu-ray release and it being too big to put anywhere, assuming it's English friendly in some way.
And yeah, Patlabor is fantastic! I was toying with the idea of picking up the 3rd film, but it doesn't seem a lot like the others, any idea if it's worth looking into?