Post a photo of your entire anime collection!

Indeed. Feeling a bit envious now so I need to go spend some more money to bulk up my collection some more. I'm becoming a bit of a figure whore these days so the money has been going on them instead of DVDs.
it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to get them all downstairs and an other 1 hour and 30 minutes to get them all back up stairs and putting them in the right places,
it feels like i was on a tredmil for 3 hours.

@Unknownfate it doesn't matter if you've got a dvd collection or figure collection, manga collection. all that matters is how much you love watching ( anime ) reading (manga) or collecting (figure).
if i was a millionaire id by manga, figure, anime books, anime games ect. but im more a anime freak then a manga or figure or game freak

He talks like that in real life too.

But really, impressive collection you have there. Wouldn't mind a few of your titles.
whats that suppose to mean
i talk like the in real life too.

by the way i want to encourage every regularly on here to make there own videos of the collections

pics are good but videos are better.
the creator of this forum should of put *videos of your collection*
Lawrence said:
animefreak17 said:
ok heres my collection
sorry for the lighting
and yes i know my voice sounds stupid

Sweet collection man, I'm pretty jealous of all those dvds now.
But I totally agree with you, Negima! and Negima!? are both good series, though somewhat underrated.

Wait, so theres a series called Negima! and then they made new series and just added an ? to the title?
How would you even discuss it "Oh yeah I thought Negima was good but Negima with a question mark was even better". lol Sorry I'm talking rubbish.
Im surprised that you didn't know that Vash, i thought it was common knowledge :S

I'll be sure to watch the video when i get home AF17 :) need to tidy up my room before i can post up a pic or video of my collection lol.

Though by the responses it sounds like you have about 4 floor to ceiling bookcases full of anime/manga lol.
just to be clear on something im not trying showing off my collection.
i saw a few videos of collectors manga, anime, figures, card, ect so i thought id would be more exciting to show you guys on videos
Tachi said:
Im surprised that you didn't know that Vash, i thought it was common knowledge :S

I'll be sure to watch the video when i get home AF17 :) need to tidy up my room before i can post up a pic or video of my collection lol.

Though by the responses it sounds like you have about 4 floor to ceiling bookcases full of anime/manga lol.

Common knowledge, for who? Negima fans? :?
vashdaman said:
Common knowledge, for who? Negima fans? :?

I think so; that and people who don't like Negima, but know people who do who keep mentioning it.

It's perfectly acceptable not to know trivia about series you're not into :)
