Official Xbox thread (gamertags and general chat inc)

stuart-says-yes said:
Peh, theres increasing the price of xbox live, which is pretty ridiculous considering PSN is free, why the hell did I buy an xbox?

'Cause you want a huge paperweight after it Red Rings? :D
The other day I paid £27 for 12 months LIVE even though I hardly ever play online. Figured it was less hassle than phoning MS and cancelling. Lupus! We must get around to that Resident Evil 5 co-op playthrough.
My gamertag is: JRockFan

Feel free to add :)

The games I currently play online are:

Tenchu Z
Black Ops
Modern Warfare 2
Bad Company 2
Fable 3

My Gamertag is AmuroWhiteDemon

A Halo Reach Regular
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2

To name a few! Just let me know who you are when u add me :D
Currently slowly playing through Reach, although my 360 isn't on that much anymore, as I've got too many good games queuing to play on my Wii and PS3
(Xenoblade, Yakuza 4, FFXIII PS3, soon to be Zelda etc)

Anyone wants to add me I'm there as tyranuus
I'm playing MW3 and MvC3 at the moment and I'm looking for new people to play with so my gamertag is PS Aisoku - add me then let me know who you are, I'll be online most nights from 6ish.
The new dashboard isn't bad [I'm in the beta]; feels less over simplified and childish than the current version (which to me feels worse laid out than the Wii which is actually aimed a younger audience).
My tag is FourthLion

I'm not playing much atm as I'm in the process of moving house, but looking forward to settling down with Catherine, Battlefield and Skyrim again soon.
Re: Official Xbox 360 thread (gamertags and general chat inc

I'm "Golly Gotha", feel free to add me!

Currently playing: Skyrim & Dragon Age 2 :)
Re: Official Xbox 360 thread

A thread for XBAWKS HUEG users? Sign me up

Gamertag: gloryofmacabre (PM me first if you're gonna add me)
Currently Playing: Mass Effect 1, Mirrors Edge, FIFA 12 (Yeah, it's my brother's copy and knowing him, we won't be getting FIFA 13 until September next year.)
Notes: Don't have XBL Gold (Even if I had the money, I'm rarely on it since it's in my brother's room and he wouldn't let me play it when he's around)

So, the new dashboard... It still hasn't arrived for me yet. Is there something wrong?