Official Xbox thread (gamertags and general chat inc)

My tag is Mikekuul, but I won't be online for a while. At the weekend my first 360, must be over 2 years old by now, finally gave in to the RROD. Saddest. Moment. Ever. :(

Unless I can get it fixed, I'll buy a new one when I can afford it.
akamike said:
My tag is Mikekuul, but I won't be online for a while. At the weekend my first 360, must be over 2 years old by now, finally gave in to the RROD. Saddest. Moment. Ever. :(

Unless I can get it fixed, I'll buy a new one when I can afford it.

if it's an original, buy a new, my 4th replacement one has died after 2 months, thankfully it still reads disks so i'm gonna pull a fast one over game and trade it in for an elite
Hey hey,

My XBL Tag is SimplistcEnigma

Im on my second. Although my first didn't go wrong...I just wanted the elite hehe. Black looks nicer, doesnt get as dirty either! Plus is compliments my Blu Ray....I mean PS3 as they both sit next to each other!

Im an AM in a games store anywho so if mine broked it wouldn't be hard to replace!
Gamertag is speedlolita

I got a falcon, so I shouldn't have overheating issues. Don't really play anything online though.
If my Xbox 360 ever broke I'd just get a PS3. Now that the price has dropped, I just think it's worth getting the console with the blu ray player built in (not to mention the built in wireless internet connection).
GT - LukasROAR

Usually play online Halo 3, ODST, Gears of War 2

We should get a Anime UK News gaming night on.
Tried once before but not to many people were interested :(
I'll give you an add later on tonight then. I'm normally on Halo 3 or some fighting game. I'm more than hoping to get 3 other people to lend me a hand on the last 2 vidmaster challenge achievements on ODST, but either noone has it, or they've done it already =/
Arbalest said:
I'll give you an add later on tonight then. I'm normally on Halo 3 or some fighting game. I'm more than hoping to get 3 other people to lend me a hand on the last 2 vidmaster challenge achievements on ODST, but either noone has it, or they've done it already =/

Lol I aint got it but i'd sure like it!
sounds like a challenge

You on Waypoint as well?
The Reach trailer was awesome and the anime shorts were great
very belated, but i'm adding ya to me friends list Lukas. So whenever you are about, let me know and we can try and get a couple others to help with the achieves.
My OH and I have signed up for our one month free trial. ^_^

GT - Ebichumon (the missus thought my "a" was an "o"... guess I won't be saving anyone's sex life for a while)

I don't play the XBox much as I work 9pm-7am four nights a week and my days off are spent doing chores and catching up on sleep. My OH plays often though.

Her GT: Donashi

We usually play Gears of War 2 or Left4Dead 2. Other games she plays include GOW, L4D, Street Fighter IV, Dead or Alive 4, Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe, Resident Evil 5 etc.