New Rightstuf/SUNRISE Gundam Updates | 2016 titles revealed!

Unicorn and the Origin are both well worth watching if you want to see Gundam with the highest production values.

I'd heartily recommend the Origin manga too from Vertical.
You mean Origin? Not really - as the name implies, it's the literal 'Origin' of Gundam and starts at the beginning. It's basically a retelling of the original TV show from 1979, but with better art (from the original character designer) and in a format that makes a lot of the nuances in the story easier to consume/understand. So yeah, you could pretty much start from the first volume and go from there.
black1blade said:
Do you need any background for unicorn? I've seen the vertical volumes and they do look amazing.

Might be a bettter question for the multi-purpose Gundam thread. Buuu-uuu-uuut...

Unicorn is easy enough to take by itself, but you'd definitely get more from it if you had a little more experience of the UC shows. A LOT of Mobile suits from previous series appear in it, which is pretty rare outside of the most iconic designs. A few characters from previous UC shows reappear as well.

Do see it, though. It's great!
I'd say the same. Unicorn is near entirely new viewer friendly but you get more out of it if you've seen the first three shows and CCA. Case in point, there's a throwaway comment about favourite foods in episode six. It mildly further humanizes the character that says it but if you've seen ZZ it's much more heartwarming.
Yeah - there's also a moment in Bright's office that brought a bit of a lump to my throat.

It's details like that which reward the long-time faithful. But you could totally jump in with Unicorn without prior knowledge.

And I have to say, Right Stuf!'s Unicorn DVD release is absolutely fantastic. Affordable, great picture quality and fantastic extras.
Is that DVD release for all seven parts? Didn't even know that existed.

Didn't they put all of Unicorn up on the GundamInfo youtube channel recently Too?
Lutga said:
Is that DVD release for all seven parts? Didn't even know that existed.

Didn't they put all of Unicorn up on the GundamInfo youtube channel recently Too?
No, I believe it's split into 2 episodes a release.

Sort of, episodes 1 & 3 are visible in the UK, the rest are geo-locked.

HellCat said:
It's kind of a shame they seemingly can't air BF, I think if you got that on say CN or Nick it'd do quite well. I'd worry about Try but then kids here ate up the likes of Bakugan.

Unfortunately, there's no way in hell it would pass Ofcom's brand prominence laws. And the fact it's a kids show pitching toys probably means it'd be under extra scrutiny.

I may wrong, but didn't one of the big card fighting shows get tweaked for the US, as if it looked too much like the real thing it would be considered an advertisement rather than a programme.
I'll definitely pick up Zeta and ZZ on Blu-Ray from AL, and that'll probably be my Gundam purchasing done until they release Char's Counterattack, Stardust Memories or War in the Pocket.
Buzz201 said:
Lutga said:
Is that DVD release for all seven parts? Didn't even know that existed.

Didn't they put all of Unicorn up on the GundamInfo youtube channel recently Too?
No, I believe it's split into 2 episodes a release.

Sort of, episodes 1 & 3 are visible in the UK, the rest are geo-locked.

Yeah - Right Stuf!'s Unicorn DVDs follow the styling of Bandai's abortive releases. There are 4 volumes, containing two OVAs apiece, apart from the fourth, which contains the final, feature length episode.
I think it'll be interesting to see how the various Gundam releases do. At first, I was just assuming they'd be fine because it's Gundam but since everyone has different favourites I guess they do have to be careful about how and when they put out each release. I think the original Gundam should do fine because it'll attract more people who aren't already fans of Gundam and want to know what it's all about, subsequent shows might have a tougher time and a more limited audience to sell to.
From what Jerome M has said, mecha doesn't do well in the UK, so it will be interesting to see how Gundam fairs in the UK.

Andrew has said that in the past non-UC stuff has sold better, so we might see AL focus on the non-UC stuff, and AL have already said the MSG films are a no go, as they bombed in the UK once before, so they won't just release anything they can get their hands on.
I wouldn't say that mecha as a whole sells badly, just that it really depends on the show - Code Geass for example has sold extremely well.

Back in the day, Gundam Wing was one of the first ever anime that had its volumes released on DVD and they sold very well too

If you look at recent stuff though, it's more of a mixed bag, but perhaps that's more of a comment on how there haven't been many good mecha shows recently.
HdE said:
Okay - thoughts on this (now that I'm done frothing at the mouth and pawing at my screen).

Zeta Gundam is a skip for me unless it's available in the UK at some point on Blu Ray. I'm about to embark on a re-watch of my Bandai box sets, hich I've heard may have suffered from some disc rot issues. But if they're still playable, I see no need to upgrade.

Can confirm disc rot issue, disc 4 from my set is unplayable. Original 2004 release with the pencil sharpeners and loosely translated subs.
sniper_samurai said:
Can confirm disc rot issue, disc 4 from my set is unplayable. Original 2004 release with the pencil sharpeners and loosely translated subs.

I have the Bandai US Anime Legends sets. Two big bricks full of Gundam-y goodness. I've just taken a quick coffee break and checked them out and, so far, everything seems okay.

Was this ever a widely known or reported issue?
HdE said:
sniper_samurai said:
Can confirm disc rot issue, disc 4 from my set is unplayable. Original 2004 release with the pencil sharpeners and loosely translated subs.

I have the Bandai US Anime Legends sets. Two big bricks full of Gundam-y goodness. I've just taken a quick coffee break and checked them out and, so far, everything seems okay.

Was this ever a widely known or reported issue?
Not a widely known issue afaik. I have well over 1000 dvd discs and this has only happened to 3, Zeta disc 4 and Lethal Weapons 1 and 2.
Ah. Could be you got unlucky there.

I did a little digging, and it appears that the Bandai US Anime Legends discs are from a different production run to your version. Which would seem to put the 'limited' in 'limited edition' in the most uncomfortable sense.

Of course, I'd add the caveat that I'd need an industry figure to corroborate that. But in the meantime... dang. Commiserations.