New Rightstuf/SUNRISE Gundam Updates | 2016 titles revealed!

The UK cover art is definitely better than the U.S. One.

Frankly, with Gundam of any kind being OOP in the UK for years I'm just grateful to be getting anything.
HellCat said:
I certainly think it needs to be looked at as Sunrise treating the UK as an untapped market, not them assuming we've just been importing from US and Japan as most of us have. Therefore yes it makes sense to start with MSG which is always going to be the flagship for them.

That said, as a long time fan I hope we're not in for a baby steps approach and that we really are going to be in near tandem with the US. Among other things, I'm keen on tje chance for writing reviews for all of them at Toonzone :)

Weirdly, France seems to be the big place for importing Gundam from at the moment. It seems that just before BEEZ shut down, they did a final run of some of the Gundam releases for the French market, which are now all going fairly cheaply from Anime Store.
Lutga said:
The UK cover art is definitely better than the U.S. One.

Frankly, with Gundam of any kind being OOP in the UK for years I'm just grateful to be getting anything.

True and its nice they start with a new at least for UK gundam