New Rightstuf/SUNRISE Gundam Updates | 2016 titles revealed!

I'd hope the movies aren't blacklisted for UK sale. Appreciate there might be reasons but the movies are decent and technically trump the show in canon for sequels. I have the old BEI set with the Mark Simmons booklet.
HdE said:
Ah. Could be you got unlucky there.

I did a little digging, and it appears that the Bandai US Anime Legends discs are from a different production run to your version. Which would seem to put the 'limited' in 'limited edition' in the most uncomfortable sense.

Of course, I'd add the caveat that I'd need an industry figure to corroborate that. But in the meantime... dang. Commiserations.
Yes the anime legends version is different, they even fixed the subtitles.
HellCat said:
I'd hope the movies aren't blacklisted for UK sale. Appreciate there might be reasons but the movies are decent and technically trump the show in canon for sequels. I have the old BEI set with the Mark Simmons booklet.

I wouldn't say they were blacklisted, from what Andrew has said, it seems like the failure of the BEEZ release is entirely responsible.

I wonder if he knows something about RightStuf's release plans that made it untenable too. For example, it may be DVD-only, at which point, why bother given the previous DVD release flopped?
Per the latest AL newswire, the announcement has been moved from Saturday after the screening to a separate Sunrise panel on Sunday. So if you don't want to buy an MCM Loves Anime ticket (for shaaaaame!) looks like you'll be able to get in on part of the fun.
Really really hope Turn A is the next one to get a release after OG Gundam - the Yoko Kanno soundtrack is just sublime,
New updates on the Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy DVD release:
- English dub will not be included because Yoshiyuki Tomino doesn't like it.
- The Video masters will be based on the Blu-ray HD release.
- Both 5.1 and original mono will be included.
- There are no plans for a Blu-ray version. Sunrise doesn't want to make the investment in this one.
I see Sunrise are being rather hands on with all this micro management. "We don't like episode 15 so you can't use it" "we don't like the English dub so you can't use it"

What next?
The claim with the missing episode has long been that Tomino personally hates it and it's somehow linked to some dispute with a staff member.

The fact it allows Sunrise to put out an incomplete release internationally and stem reverse importing is either the truth of the matter or a lucky coincidence for which they indulge Tomino.
As much as I understand the desire to protect something you create and try to keep it/make it what you want, I'm not keen on the idea of creators getting in the way of what consumers might want. Generally speaking, it's easy enough to have both and let people choose and I find that preferable to having some enforced restriction. There's nothing stopping them from also including an explanation of why they think their way is the best way.

I find it kind of off-putting when what the fans want is ignored because the creator/owner feel that their wishes are more important (or don't even consider that what they want might not be the same as what others want).
HellCat said:
The claim with the missing episode has long been that Tomino personally hates it and it's somehow linked to some dispute with a staff member.

The fact it allows Sunrise to put out an incomplete release internationally and stem reverse importing is either the truth of the matter or a lucky coincidence for which they indulge Tomino.

The general story from camp Sunrise is that Tomino doesn't think it looks good enough, and they weren't able to go back and correct it. So he's never allowed it to be dubbed or shown in English-speaking territories.

Reverse importation is why they wouldn't just include it as an easter egg or as a bonus feature in the release of Part 2. I'd like to think of AL's release as Mobile Suit Gundam: Director's Cut, purely so I don't get bitter over it, but there's no denying it's a gimped release...
Being based on the BR doesn't mean a DVD will look good I may jus get the JP Br well we have to wait to wait till MCM to see what AL and sunrise are releasing and if some of the DVD releases are coming as Turn A isn't here
Well Andrew has already said Sunrise want to keep things fairly consistent in the West, so AL won't be releasing BDs of any DVD-only titles in the US.
I think you're taking his comments a bit too literally. I doubt he's going to drop a release because it's DVD-only, but if they can, they want to BD as well.

Andrew has already talked about doing Turn A, so he's clearly willing to make exceptions.
I'm pretty sure Turn A is coming, just not in the same order (ie. first) than in the States? From the way I see it, Anime Ltd wanted to gauge the market first with the iconic first Gundam on Blu-Ray before risking with a sub-only DVD release (Turn A).

In a way, I can understand the logic of not bringing the compilation films over - they did sell pretty poorly as the Beez release. Although it'd be nice to get a re-release as they're pretty hard to find at a decent price these days, and people hold them in higher regard than the series because they trim out a lot of the fat, I imagine they wouldn't sell enough to be worth it.

I'd like to hope we get Turn A, even if it is DVD only, as it's generally regarded as one of the better Gundams, and has one of Yoko Kanno's best soundtracks on it.
Andrew said on the last podcast that he was working on something special for Turn A, and that it would likely be less risky in the UK than the US (because we're not that bothered about sub-only releases).

At the time, his comments seemed ambiguous and were misinterpreted, but he later clarified that the series will be DVD-only, but he's hoping Sunrise will let him do a complete series release, rather the 2 part sets the US got.
Buzz201 said:
I think you're taking his comments a bit too literally. I doubt he's going to drop a release because it's DVD-only, but if they can, they want to BD as well.

Andrew has already talked about doing Turn A, so he's clearly willing to make exceptions.

I would like him to stick to his words and we stop getting DVD only of shows avaliable in BR like TURN A
thedoctor2016 said:
I would like him to stick to his words and we stop getting DVD only of shows avaliable in BR like TURN A

Andrew can't just demand a blu-ray. Remember the deal is a distribution deal with Sunrise, so is more collaborative and Sunrise said DVD-only, so AL are doing DVD-only. They can't really make Sunrise like let them release a blu-ray.

From what he's said, it sounds like even getting the nice art box was really pushing it, but it looks great and I'm glad he went to the extra effort. (Just a shame I may not be able to afford it. :()
I certainly think it needs to be looked at as Sunrise treating the UK as an untapped market, not them assuming we've just been importing from US and Japan as most of us have. Therefore yes it makes sense to start with MSG which is always going to be the flagship for them.

That said, as a long time fan I hope we're not in for a baby steps approach and that we really are going to be in near tandem with the US. Among other things, I'm keen on tje chance for writing reviews for all of them at Toonzone :)