New Ranks?

I want to be able to have a signature. I'd be able to list all the AUKN nicknames...

AUKN is a dead and backward forum. Few posts, few worthy posters, no custom titles, no signatures and tiny avatars. The only reason I'm here and not on NarutoFAN is because this be a UK forum... well, that and Narutards being annoying lifeforms.

Just for the record, I think Retro should be ranked as '01. Jailbait'.
RetroRainbow said:
Why not just assign us all numbers instead?
mm, tempting... ;)

RetroRainbow said:
Wait, you think that we would somehow abuse the system? Seriously? How on earth would we even manage that? :/
Pardon me if I'm picking you up wrong here~
I could and possibly am overthinking things.

Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Live a little and give it a try ;P.
If it gets abused somehow, at least we'll know not to them again.
Ok. I'll think about it.

Aion said:
I want to be able to have a signature. I'd be able to list all the AUKN nicknames...
Paul disabled it after a while as he had to chase people to get their sigs fixed.

Aion said:
AUKN is a dead and backward forum. Few posts, few worthy posters, no custom titles, no signatures and tiny avatars. The only reason I'm here and not on NarutoFAN is because this be a UK forum... well, that and Narutards being annoying lifeforms.
And you love it here ;)
The avatars can be increased now. I was like that because of previous limitations, that I do not believe are relevant in our new host anyway.
Ryo Chan said:
not that the limitaions ment anything anyway

it's so easy to get around them, it made baby jesus cry
host bandwidth, server storage limitations, if you link it from somewhere else, you're not using AUKN's storage or bandwidth. That's why many places don't like to let people use their images directly.
Why do people give such a toss about signatures? Avatars serve a purpose as they easily identify the poster, and are nicely contained in a side column away from all the relevant discussion.

Signatures... they're just needless vanity that people are forced to see / read over, and over, and over every time they scroll down a page to actually read the posts. Signatures aren't much different from advertising. Advertising for yourself.

At the end of the day the forum could be plain text for all I care. I come here for the conversation not to create my own mini-myspace page every time I post. see that little "www" button? That can link to a page filled with whatever you want! There are plenty of free webhosts and social networking sites out there...

(not really a rant, read with an overlying tone of amusement)
i think you should all be named Minion #1, #2 ect ect, and only have a choice of 2 avatars

in Mods we trust


Chaos reigns supreme

but that's just me ;)
If we're playing like that I demand a custom user title for being one of the oldest members around and still frequent the place and I'm not a mod either. C'mon now.

... Please?
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Aion said:
Just for the record, I think Retro should be ranked as '01. Jailbait'.


i don't think it was needed, but i put it here for the sake of putting it here
Whilst we slowly decide on what we may or may not do about custom titles going forwards, we're open to hearing suggestions on new rank names. Please feel free to make some lists or just replacements for the least popular ones if you like. If we like any that's an easy thing to implement and even if custom titles are one day implemented there will always be people too lazy/disinterested to use them; a pleasing default set would be good for them.

In other words, feel free to suggest alternatives for some ranks in the basic set. If any impress us we could take you up on them.

R (though I quite like Paul's use of Pokemon for new posters, at least)
Rui said:
Whilst we slowly decide on what we may or may not do about custom titles going forwards, we're open to hearing suggestions on new rank names. Please feel free to make some lists or just replacements for the least popular ones if you like. If we like any that's an easy thing to implement and even if custom titles are one day implemented there will always be people too lazy/disinterested to use them; a pleasing default set would be good for them.

In other words, feel free to suggest alternatives for some ranks in the basic set. If any impress us we could take you up on them.

R (though I quite like Paul's use of Pokemon for new posters, at least)

A few ideas I thought would be cool for set ranks:

Abyssal One,

And I thought for the person with the largest amount of posts in the forum could get "King Of Games".

(Please... I'm getting tired of Winry Rockbell!)
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I thought for the person with the largest amount of posts in the forum could get "King Of Games"
If things keep going the way they are our top poster will soon be the "King of Braves", so I wouldn't worry about that. :p
ayase said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I thought for the person with the largest amount of posts in the forum could get "King Of Games"
If things keep going the way they are our top poster will soon be the "King of Braves", so I wouldn't worry about that. :p

I've got no idea what you are talking about...:p

I still want to know what the top rank was with the current list, if the custom rank option is explored and utlized can you at least put up all the ranks for this one?
BlackWolf said:
I still want to know what the top rank was with the current list, if the custom rank option is explored and utlized can you at least put up all the ranks for this one?

That certainly sounds fair.

RetroRainbow said:
such as the ones Wisp suggested (which I quite like, by the way!), give an air that we know what we're doing. I prefer having terms like 'Shogun' and the like over an anime character any day.

Enabling a custom user title option while having the choice to go with the forum's set ranks is a good idea, too.

I agree, this Wisp person sounds like a genius! Naw, cheers X].

In any case, I think there's been more than enough discussion on the forums to at least earn the new titles a chance. Though I was thinking about the people who have won their custom ranks through competition. Enabling custom ranks for everyone on the forum would, uh, mean their victory looses it's value? That would basically mean they won... nothing, 'cept a little pride.

Improve the current ranks with new assigned (but cool) names IMO!
I personally quite like the ones which are more like titles or "shared" names than actual characters, too. That's the non-forum-admin Rui speaking. I'd like to gather some more though, so please do keep coming up with ideas (the old post linked will also be considered, thanks). Some great ones suggested so far but quite a lot are from a few shounen series so I want to gather as many as possible for variety!

Some more representation from the mecha, shoujo, oldies etc fans would be neat.

Ideally I'd like to see us with a decent starter set but with customs still going out as prizes or to contributors (with more opportunities than there have been historically when possible). I fancy that the members who participate more and would benefit most from having a custom title would eventually tend towards earning their own that way by virtue of being around more anyway.

Constructive comments like the ones coming in are good stuff.
