My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic...why do guys like this?

No-one said that everyone was doing it to score ICP (Internet Cool Points). Just that the people I see on other forums raving about it include a lot of people who I know to act largely out of ICP desire.
Tachi said:
despite being publicly frowned upon? its no different if you had a 32 year old man watching this drivel and announced it to a town centre, to a man openly announcing that all anime is tentacle hentai and he watches it everyday. people will look at his with the same shame in their eyes. and thy man shalt jumpeth off a bridge for his shame.

A guilty pleasure? well, there's some things that shouldn't see the light of day tbh. And watching this show at any age higher than 5 is worthy of that shame.

I feel much sorrier for a person who lets popular opinion dictate what they harmlessly do with their free time than for someone who happens to like something when part of the 'incorrect' demographic.

Don't actually understand the middle of the first paragraph. Presumably he announced it by choice and therefore he's fine with it.

I just don't see why people, aged way above the intended audience will publicly (albeit on the internet) confess to enjoying such a show.

Being an anime fan, a part of a niche group where the majority of the public regard it as one of two extremes "cartoons" and "cartoon porn" either way its not acceptable to the majorities eyes for people over the age of childhood to watch what they deem as cartoons, now i think we can collectively agree that this mindframe is very narrow minded of the masses. But this.... this is completely different, its like having a fully grown person, around 25 years old, openly saying " i love to watch the tweenies", for the most part i'd expect even the anime fans to look at the person and think "ok... your weird as hell"

Sorry if it offends anyone, but imo this is a young childs cartoon, not anime, not something to be proud of and defo not something i'd openly admit to if i was in the persons shoes. But to each their own.
How is it any different from grown ups saying they enjoy kiddy anime like Naruto? ;x

Heck, the plot of most of the Naruto filler is far more stupid than the average episode of Teletubbies, and yet somehow it's more acceptable to follow that? I'm not singling you out here as I have all of the Naruto filler on DVD myself :/

I don't see why this MLP cartoon (personal dislike of it aside) is somehow more offensive to sensibilities than watching something equally child-friendly like Panyo Panyo Digi Charat or Pokemon. Lots of people here collect retro cartoons like Transformers and Thundercats, and if there was a new series of either made to the same quality level as the original I'm sure they'd grab those too (maybe there will be soon with the latter...).

Also, plenty of grown ups watch cartoons with their kids and enjoy them without being shunned by humanity. I don't see why it's big or clever to rally against people who happen to like something that isn't perceived as cool at a particular point in time.

Yeah i know your not singling me out dw,

Hmm, when you mention old anime and such, i will take it to another destination... fireman sam, when i go round to the gf's house i notice that its on the tv all the time, now its the CGI version that kids watch, personally i find it abit annoying because i preferred the original one (nostalgia plays a factor into this) i used to love watching the looney tunes (and yeah, if i could buy a boxset i would in a heartbeat) but the main difference between the fireman sam of yesteryear and the current one is that i have a connection to the original. the newer one isn't to my liking at all. So when you mention people watching older shows there's a nostalgic factor involved, whereas the current shows are aimed at the current young generation. So by all means watch thundercats (which was aimed at kids around early teenage years i swear) as its in your generations childhood, but to watch a current young generations cartoons imo isn't something people should do by choice, obviously people watch them with their kids but i doubt there's many who watch it for themselves (have no kids) for fun. As over time you mentally mature and the appeal of a show that probably (as most childrens shows do) focus on morals (that you've already learnt through growing up) its not going to have much more going for it than "morals, friendship and rainbows"

As for Naruto, its aimed at teens, not under 10y/o kids as far as i know. There is the case of the filler fodder, but the main story arcs of naruto contain blood and swearing (to an extent) they touch base on things that a teenager can understand and process as much as an adult can. A child on the other hand, (theoretically speaking as a can't be general about it for obvious reasons that would loophole my sentence) wouldn't process it the same way, they might not see the fun side to the fighting, too young to know that its not true, that its make believe on the tv, it can mentally scar or encourage fighting (not the same extent... i'd brick myself if a toddler watched naruto and then took to walking around with a knife).

The point is, different shows are directed at different aged viewers for a reason. in some peoples eyes overlapping is completely wrong (for instance, i don't see the point in an adult watching this show) and for others that blend in the lines is fine. Its a matter of conflicting opinions, its personal preferrence at the end of the day, and the majority of people in general who tend to stick to their own age ratings will no doubt think its weird for a person to openly admit to liking this or any show like it really.

On the other foot now, explain to me, please somebody. Why you wouldn't sit infront of the tv and choose to watch a barbie film for your own amusement, i presume most will come up with the same argument/debate against it being acceptable or something they'd do.
This argument mirrors the view that many 'normals' might take regarding anime fans based on the fact that anime is animated and that 'cartoons are for kids'. :/

It is not immature to enjoy something aimed at kids. In fact, I think it is MORE mature to be able to find enjoyment in more things. Making your own happiness and all that.
I genuinely feel sorry for people who feel a need to stick to their own age ratings ;_; I'd have to watch TV shows about house renovation or something.

Tachi said:
On the other foot now, explain to me, please somebody. Why you wouldn't sit infront of the tv and choose to watch a barbie film for your own amusement, i presume most will come up with the same argument/debate against it being acceptable or something they'd do.

I actually tried watching one of the new Barbie mini-movies a year or so ago when there was nothing else on and my husband and I agreed that the production values were surprisingly high.

However, I did not follow through with it as I have never liked Barbie. Nothing to do with age or gender there, just inability to feel even slightly interested in the series concept. Now if we're talking the Avatar cartoon (Airbender) I have all the DVDs and watch it without a trace of nostalgia, and I don't care if it's aimed at 10 year olds in the slightest.

Ahh, now thats one thing i'll admit to being guilty to is the avatar series, i found that good fun.

its like a step down from the original naruto to me.

Im just saying, i wouldn't appreciate or enjoy a show aimed at 3 year olds, i know that. but anything from about 10 up i'm fine with. Hell if you look at it this way; DBZ was on a kids channel for years and kids of all ages enjoyed it.... then my argument falls apart. But this show, id expect to see on like; cbeebies.
So the rules are actually quite complex for each type of show? :S

Shows aimed at 10 year old boys are ok for everyone to like.
Shows aimed at 5 year old boys can only be watched by boys and girls aged 5-10.
Shows aimed at 5 year old girls can be watched by boys aged 5-10 or girls of any age.

And so on?

Exceptions are exclusively allowed if the person watched the show when they were the correct age, and later rewatched it.

And are the accepted demographics the original target audience or are they based on the fandom? For example, Naruto is aimed at young boys, but its most active fanbase in Japan (in terms of participation in activities) is generally slightly older girls. Which is the socially acceptable fanbase?

What if I loved Sailor Moon when I was 15 and now I want to watch Pretty Cure? They're not related but what if Pretty Cure makes me feel the same emotions that Sailor Moon did back then? I think it's important to remember youthful feelings.

I think I'll just stick to watching what I want, it's a lot simpler than this social minefield sounds. If I stuck to things aimed at old ladies I'd be stuffed, and when I was a kid there was nothing decent aimed at girls at all anyway, so I learned to be free-thinking ^^;

Rui, there's subtext, DON'T YOU SEE THE SUBTEXT?

ayase said:
Thing is, this kind of attitude has tended to make me unpopular rather than popular, which suggests that I've never been very hip. Is the appreciating things ironically a requirement for hipsterism? How do they tell the difference?
I think it's different popularity. You might be the king of a forum, but you'll still get beaten up if you went to school with a bag with the characters on.
Jaymii said:
I think it's different popularity. You might be the king of a forum, but you'll still get beaten up if you went to school with a bag with the characters on.
What do you mean "might be"?

I guess I can accept that people do, but I still fail to see why anyone would be dishonest in order to appear cool on the Internet. You have nothing to gain and nothing to lose here. IRL, you hide your true nature because there is loads to gain or lose by saying the wrong thing (as Tachi's statements about social acceptance attest). Employment, respect, friends, lovers... you can lose them all IRL by saying or doing the wrong thing. You can say what you like on the internet and it changes nothing (especially if you remain anonymous) which is why I presume people are more likely to be honest about their opinions here.

And rather than commenting any further on the social acceptability issue I'll just put my "I agree with Rui" T-shirt on (with the small suffix "except for her opinion of MLP:FiM").
Tachi said:
Ahh, now thats one thing i'll admit to being guilty to is the avatar series, i found that good fun.

its like a step down from the original naruto to me.

Im just saying, i wouldn't appreciate or enjoy a show aimed at 3 year olds, i know that. but anything from about 10 up i'm fine with. Hell if you look at it this way; DBZ was on a kids channel for years and kids of all ages enjoyed it.... then my argument falls apart. But this show, id expect to see on like; cbeebies.

You'd be surprised at some of the content thats in alot of kids shows, and the likes of cbeebies have it tough.

Put it this way, whilst Chavvy McScally and Chelsea BostonScrape dump their kids in front of the TV and use it as a babysitting tool whilst they pro-create further, that child is hopefully learning something from CBeebies (provided the aforementioned couple has the brain capacity to select CBeebies and not ITV2 for re-runs of Jeremy Kyle), proper, decent parents will watch the shows with their children and use it as a tool to interact and help develop their child. The producers have to include something in there that works for the parent on some level to make them come back.

And then you have Rastamouse, which is just cool no matter what age you are.
ayase said:
Jaymii said:
I think it's different popularity. You might be the king of a forum, but you'll still get beaten up if you went to school with a bag with the characters on.
What do you mean "might be"?

I guess I can accept that people do, but I still fail to see why anyone would be dishonest in order to appear cool on the Internet. You have nothing to gain and nothing to lose here. IRL, you hide your true nature because there is loads to gain or lose by saying the wrong thing (as Tachi's statements about social acceptance attest). Employment, respect, friends, lovers... you can lose them all IRL by saying or doing the wrong thing. You can say what you like on the internet and it changes nothing (especially if you remain anonymous) which is why I presume people are more likely to be honest about their opinions here.

And rather than commenting any further on the social acceptability issue I'll just put my "I agree with Rui" T-shirt on (with the small suffix "except for her opinion of MLP:FiM").

Sorry for the double post...

Put it this way, some people are "cool" by buying a Thundercats t-shirt and wearing in a "heh, remember this!?" kind of way, and then there's me who wears his Batman/Transformers/Whatever t-shirt because *shock* he actually likes them and takes an interest in them.

The first type of person can spot the second type of person a mile off I don't know how, they just can, and the second type of person (me) that they're essentially kind of mocking. It's a phase really, certain people, fickle types generally, will pick something up because a certain clique has deemed it to be cool, then once it becomes "mainstream" they abandon it and find something else.

It's pathetic really, and all it basically is is some shallow person wanting to stand-out from the crowed in a kind of acceptable manner, it gets people like us thinking "yeah, we're cool" for a short while and then gets others going "oh my gawd! I so need to get into that" and so on. It was something I noticed thanks to having a younger sister, and it seemed to be almost exclusively a girl thing, but in these "metrosexual" times, its become widespread through both genres and its kind of sad and pathetic on their part really.
Lawrence said:
Rui said:
What if I loved Sailor Moon when I was 15 and now I want to watch Pretty Cure? They're not related but what if Pretty Cure makes me feel the same emotions that Sailor Moon did back then? I think it's important to remember youthful feelings.


Actually Rui makes an interesting point, Pretty cure is supposed to be aimed a girls aged 4-8 or so, however the last few seasons have drawn in an incredible amount of older viewers, mainly male. It's gotten to the point, they sell the occasional £40-50 figure in market aimed solely at otaku.

And it's so widely enjoyed simply because it was genuinly one of the better anime of that season (not a hard feat imo).

I seem to recall seeing something about Sailor Moon attracting a fair few adult male viewers back in the day.
Shirayuri said:
I preferred it when…
Jaymii said:
This thing works visa versa; I hardly recommend seven year olds watching Family Guy and South Park, but they do.

The difference being that grown men/teenagers choosing to watch My Little Pony are old enough and mature enough to make their own decisions and if its something thats generally regarded as immature, then thats upto them, a seven year old watching South Park isn't really right as that show deals with themes that aren't suitable for minors.

Whilst the 2 things may have some similarities, they're worlds apart really.