MVM finally announce licenses

Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
So there releasing hack are they And Mayo, iv heard about that ages ago il buy it but I think il buy it from a region 1 because knowing our releases they might cut something since it's a ecchi anime
I swear if it's not any good I'm going to gives those hacks a good seein too. Lol get it
...except they won't because that happened ONE TIME. And it was a bonus feature.

Actually the last episode was just revealed uncensored a few days ago in Japan...its almost borderline is all i can say. Hopefully said scenes are still motions though
CloudedMinds said:
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
So there releasing hack are they And Mayo, iv heard about that ages ago il buy it but I think il buy it from a region 1 because knowing our releases they might cut something since it's a ecchi anime
I swear if it's not any good I'm going to gives those hacks a good seein too. Lol get it
...except they won't because that happened ONE TIME. And it was a bonus feature.

Actually the last episode was just revealed uncensored a few days ago in Japan...its almost borderline is all i can say.
Is it? Why not just tell us under spoiler tags? What does "almost borderline" even mean?
"Borderline porn" is where he was going.

//QUANTUM I just received, but I will pick up their release of Mayo Chiki!, whenever it might be.
Are they under some sort of Dark Commi-nazi contract that forces them to buy one ****** fanservice show whenever they look like they are being smart?

Cuz Mayo Chiki is nothing to talk about.
At first I was meh, and then I realized that mayo chiki show was one I was thinking of watching as one of my occasional trashy guilty pleasure shows.

Might pick it up.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Shiroi Hane said:
A harem anime that ends with... that? I'm kind of impressed. I don't see anything that would cause the BBFC to get the scissors out, though it may earn the series an 18 cert.

lol @ "may" :p
It will definitely be one worth tracking the BBFC website for xD

Either that, or MVM will just release the censored version.
I believe it is a dream/delusion rather than an actual occurrence, but I haven't seen the BD version and don't remember that bit from the TV series (I gather it is either an uncensored or extended scene from one of the existing episodes).
Hmmm, if they're going to release Broken Blade on BD I'll hold off importing the Sentai release providing it's not messed up somehow :)

I can't see them doing a much WORSE job than Manga mind you :lol: