Manga Ent cancels further Blu-ray Fullmetal Alchemist B

Ryo Chan said:
mangaman74 said:
I will own up to having imported FMA Brotherood bds from the US. They were released around 3 months earlier and (if ordered from playusa) cost around £8.00 cheaper per set.

I could handle the wait (although in this case I had ordered volume 1 before Manga announced it was releasing it) but I can't accept having to pay £8.00 per volume more.

Also the reason why I got a multi-region blu-ray player (like my dvd players before it) was because I don't have enough faith in the anime market that every series or film that I want which gets released elsewhere will get released here or, in the case of series, that they will always be completed.

I don't exclusively import (I have the UK releases of Eden of the East, Sengoku Basara and Devil May Cry to name a few) but having a multi-region player means I can choose what I want to buy and where to get it from.

where did u get a multiregion bluray player from can't find one for the life of me

I got my player from Multiregionmagic. Their website is,

I should get paid for this - must have mentioned them around four or five times on this site now at least.

My player cost me a fair bit (just over £400 including £10 shipping) but I think it was worth it - not only can I pick and choose with anime releases but I also have access to the likes of Criterion releases which are region A only.

If you are willing to look around there tend to be one or two cheap multi-region players about as well (HMV stocked one for a while).
Ryo Chan said:
Unfortunatly for you, the funi releases are region free
Not any more.

britguy said:
Isn't there anyway for Manga to get titles released closer to their US counterparts especially titles that they sublicense?
This title wasn't a sublicense, but not only do they have to wait for BBFC to rate their stuff they are constantly being held back by problems with getting dub materials etc., plus they have to wait on whoever is helping with the masters etc.
ayase said:
This announcement is just more proof that regional markets are **** and work against the consumer.

What we need is one release in a single, global marketplace with no region locking, no trade barriers and no sales or import taxes.
Actually, you need two, because imo there is no way that the industry would survive if everything was sold at the current price point that is palatable to the mainstream US/UK consumer, and there is no way most people on here would accept only being able to buy at the price points you see in Japan. I do definitely agree that only one English language release is a much better idea than a split US/UK release, though, for anything that comes in more than one BD box.

Ryo Chan said:
where did u get a multiregion bluray player from can't find one for the life of me
There are several out there that can be region switched with a simple remote code or such. I think I've told you before about the Tevion model that was/is sold through Aldi, for instance. Not exactly cutting-edge players, but they get the job done if you can't afford two players.
slykura is the Madman rep, so it's probably true.

Oh well, looks like the series is on-hold until I get a region A player. I had found a UK-based-site that imported players from the US, and they had a brand name one (Samsung or Toshiba I think) for £120 including shipping and VAT. Can I find it now? Can I feck.
Ryo Chan said:
And why should i be bothered about manga having something like that when i can easily buy it from the US alot sooner safe in the knowledge it won't be messed up.

Anime companies wonder why the UK doesn't take off asmuch as the us when it comes to anime, it's cause the UK groups couldn't give a toss about the anime fan

All just personal thoughts here - I'm not representing anyone in this case barring myself (hence using my old account). Now on with the post:

I'm actually pretty hurt by that comment about groups not giving a toss about the anime fan. It's a very difficult decision to make to cancel a title's release in the UK and one that's really a last resort. Manga Entertainment are as passionate about anime as I am so that kind of decision doesn't come lightly.

I don't want to speak for Manga here (mostly as it's not my place to!) but while I was at Beez and now at Kaze I've been focussed on widening what is available in the UK either without delays, ahead of the USA or hunting classics down that are difficult to do. It's not easy work and it change doesn't happen overnight or without hiccups on the way. Even when things do go right it's often criticized or not noticed - which doesn't make it any less worth doing :).

So to say UK groups couldn't give a toss about the anime fan is an exaggeration to say the least surely? Unless I don't count!

I'm not saying it's any less unfortunate (I was following the series on BD too actually) but at the end of the day this is a standalone hiccup. One which does, in the meantime, have Region B solutions if it's a burning issue too. Doesn't mean you need to abandon UK releases full stop...^^;;.

There we go - that's my 10p said - normal broadcast will resume in future!

CloudedMinds said:
Well looks like Funimation are set to region lock FMA:B from Vol 3 onwards...wonder what caused that to happen?
They don't fancy any extra sales? ^^;

Funimation are the bane of the anime industry anyway (at the same time as being the only thing keeping the Western side of it alive, ridiculously), pretty hilarious that people would want to bitch at UK companies who have very little wiggle room, and then support Funi directly given the sort of effort they put in to a market that they can effectively run roughshod over.
I like how region locking is both the cause and solution to the problem for me here. And thus, I still don't have a region B blu-ray player. The regioning debacle seems like a complete mess for anime from all directions and I want no part of it.

I'll probably buy Manga's DVDs over Funi's blu-rays though for this, simply because I don't care that much about FMA:B (watched the last series far too recently for nostalgia) and the issues I heard with the blu-ray subs being forced on makes it all seem like a big nuisance. Hopefully I can get the DVDs for Christmas or in a sale during the holidays and enjoy my crummier looking alchemist action.

Rui said:
I like how region locking is both the cause and solution to the problem for me here. And thus, I still don't have a region B blu-ray player. The regioning debacle seems like a complete mess for anime from all directions and I want no part of it.
Not to mention the fact that as far as Blu-ray anime releases are concerned, region locking is utterly pointless. The most expensive (Japan) and cheapest (US) markets share the same damn region code (which begs the question: why hasn't the Japanese domestic market collapsed?) whereas countries with much closer pricing (UK/US) have different codes. Which just serves to screw over the UK again as not only will our comparatively small market mean we won't see many releases, but the vast majority of consumers won't be able to watch imports either. Great eh?
Ayase: Yeah. I have a region A player, which plays everything I will ever want to watch. I could buy a region B player for charity towards the UK anime industry, or I could just buy DVDs only here and import all my blu-rays and completely avoid the problem.

UK companies which actually region lock their blu-ray discs are mad. It's expensive here anyway, nobody's going to reverse import as long as America exists, so why not just negotiate unlocked discs and abandon the whole silliness?

ayase said:
(which begs the question: why hasn't the Japanese domestic market collapsed?)
It requires only a rudimentary examination of anime on BD releases in the two countries to find the answer to this question. I would explain further, but I feel like if I leave it a little longer someone else like Reaper might come along and save me the effort. ^^;
Main question for me is that how am I gonna import the blu-rays from AU madman if funi actually region lock the blu-rays?

If they don't do it then fine I'll import them but still I find it annoying (got both of my FMA blu-rays recently) and now I feel like I threw money away, also I don't really want to buy a region type blu-ray player since I don't want to or for that matter have enough money for this to begin with.
britguy said:
To be fair, the poster who say it will be region a only posts with out a source and has 16 posts to their name. I'll keep faith until volume 3 comes out =)
Slykura is Sylvester Ip - if you've ever played any UK disc authored by Madman you may have seen his name come up on the credits page at the end of the disc.
link2link8 said:
Main question for me is that how am I gonna import the blu-rays from AU madman if funi actually region lock the blu-rays?

If they don't do it then fine I'll import them but still I find it annoying (got both of my FMA blu-rays recently) and now I feel like I threw money away, also I don't really want to buy a region type blu-ray player since I don't want to or for that matter have enough money for this to begin with.

The only Aus online retailer I know is, though I've never actually used them. But looking there now, FMA is just about twice the price as I got the US releases from Axel. I hope there is someone cheaper. I've seen some Aus stuff on Axel too, but not a lot, and nothing in their anime section.