Manga are releaseing DBZ. 2+2 DOES equal 5!

Just looked at the booklet and I couldn't see the add. Did anyone other than Conan actually seen it?
Also, about the campaign to troll manga, I can't condone to it and if you wanna do it, please organise elsewhere.

While we are an independent website and we will always be, we are not 4-chan so bullying tactics will not go unpunished.
/politician's speech
"So I hear you're releasing the Dragonball Z boxsets."
"I don't know where u heard that mate. It's not true."
"We aren't lying."

I have an image in my mind of a man nonchalantly emptying a revolver into his foot, round after round. Manga are either being untruthful (as in, lying and then lying about lying) or they are really not releasing DBZ. That twitter account of theirs really is like a barrel being constantly resupplied with fish.
chaos said:
Just looked at the booklet and I couldn't see the add. Did anyone other than Conan actually seen it?
Also, about the campaign to troll manga, I can't condone to it and if you wanna do it, please organise elsewhere.

While we are an independent website and we will always be, we are not 4-chan so bullying tactics will not go unpunished.
/politician's speech
I really don't like how you insinuate that I'm making up this story to lie to a lot of people in order to rally them against manga.

Manga has been frankly awful in thier PR since about summer (right about when they arsed the Haruhi release up) and I will tell them that every time they make any insulation that they somehow deserve better for their half arsing.

That is not trolling, that is telling the truth.

And if you want me to lie, sir, then I shan't.

Besides, the way they're behaving, we might as well say they're the best company in the world and it wouldn't matter a damn, they'd still go LALALA NOT LISTENING!

Edit: You know what, I'll be helpful instead. All manga needed to have said the first time someone brought it to their attention was "We have nothing to confirm or deny at this time". A small incantation of 10 magical words would have stopped this before it got to this point.

But no, insinuating that your customers are morons is truly the way to go, isn't it?
I don't think it's unreasonable for Chaos not to want you to go around calling for Twitter-bombing campaigns on his forum, Conan :p

I don't think anyone here would join up to such a thing, though. The entire reason we all get so annoyed with Manga's methods of sharing information is because we want things to work so much better than they always end up doing.

I agree that Manga could have handled this better, but I think it took them too long to realise the scope of the problem (and their usual mocking tone on Twitter really doesn't win them much love from older fans). Lessons have hopefully been learnt.

Rui said:
I don't think it's unreasonable for Chaos not to want you to go around calling for Twitter-bombing campaigns on his forum, Conan :p

I don't think anyone here would join up to such a thing, though. The entire reason we all get so annoyed with Manga's methods of sharing information is because we want things to work so much better than they always end up doing.

I agree that Manga could have handled this better, but I think it took them too long to realise the scope of the problem (and their usual mocking tone on Twitter really doesn't win them much love from older fans). Lessons have hopefully been learnt.

It was the part where he insinuated that I made up the story that insults me.

I have no such optimism, we've been here before when the BBFC slip caused everyone to go "O BOY! DRAGONBALL?!" and they went "NO, MORAN!" the last time. This is history repeating itself for the dumb twits (manga) who refuse to learn.

And may they suffer eternal for it.

They're certainly getting the Golden Turd-on-a-stick for "Worst PR" this year, that's for sure.
2011 and still wanting to own DBZ on DVD? lol.

No filler = no buy. If I want the manga I'd read it.
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ConanThe3rd said:
I have no such optimism, we've been here before when the BBFC slip caused everyone to go "O BOY! DRAGONBALL?!" and they went "NO, MORAN!" the last time. This is history repeating itself for the dumb twits (manga) who refuse to learn.

Indeed I don't know why they didn't come clean back then when the BBFC listing clearly states that it is additional material for Dragon Ball Z: Collection 1
Maybe this whole thing, and knowing how the fandom would react, is in itself a massive PR stunt to get us talking about Dragonball Z again? After all, why would Manga UK be so seemingly stupid as to put an advertisement in the MCM guide, when they know it will be available online before the expo?
Joshawott said:
Maybe this whole thing, and knowing how the fandom would react, is in itself a massive PR stunt to get us talking about Dragonball Z again?
Yeah, 'cause what's the worst that could happen there? Y'know, other than what's actually happening. No-one is talking about DBZ, they're too busy railing at Manga's apparent attitude problems. And when it is formally announced, there will now be a few days worth of bitterness built up around the issue which wasn't there previously.

Any publicity is good publicity? If you say so...
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
Maybe this whole thing, and knowing how the fandom would react, is in itself a massive PR stunt to get us talking about Dragonball Z again?
Yeah, 'cause what's the worst that could happen there? Y'know, other than what's actually happening. No-one is talking about DBZ, they're too busy railing at Manga's apparent attitude problems. And when it is formally announced, there will now be a few days worth of bitterness built up around the issue which wasn't there previously.

Any publicity is good publicity? If you say so...
I never said it was the perfect publicity plan xD

But think about it...why else would they have put the ad in the MCM thing if they weren't supposed to announce it until the expo itself?
Lawrence said:
You know, despite what I said previously, I thought about it in class today and decided having Dragon Ball Z on DVD might be kinda cool.
I mean this is the once license, out of many, that has been continually requested. And when we finally get it, we bitch about it?

Come on guys, at least Manga are trying.
If we follow Manga's official line, they don't have it (and apparently their Advertising department has a lot to answer for)!

Like I said, if they had said "We have nothing to announce at this time" this would have been over by now, we'd grumble and we'd see what would happen on Sunday before we go Pitchforks on Frankenstein's Manga.

But now that they're actively taunting the consumers (BOY, U DUMB AT MATH AND ASSUMPTION, ME MEANGA KING OF THE AWSOME!) we're now utterly frustrated, wonder what the hell they're doing with a twitter account if they're only going to use it to piss into the wind and frankly, ready to jump the table if Dragonball Z isn't announced (or in my case, if I was going to London, if they announce Queens Blade or something equivalently retarded)

ayase said:
Joshawott said:
Maybe this whole thing, and knowing how the fandom would react, is in itself a massive PR stunt to get us talking about Dragonball Z again?
Yeah, 'cause what's the worst that could happen there? Y'know, other than what's actually happening. No-one is talking about DBZ, they're too busy railing at Manga's apparent attitude problems. And when it is formally announced, there will now be a few days worth of bitterness built up around the issue which wasn't there previously.

Any publicity is good publicity? If you say so...
If anything, people are making plans to buy Dragonball Kai/box/that bizarre HD version funi's doing from the importers out of sheer frustration on the subject
ConanThe3rd said:
I really don't like how you insinuate that I'm making up this story to lie to a lot of people in order to rally them against manga.
It wasn't an insinuation, it was an honest question, I didn't read through the thread in the first place, just a few selected posts carefully sent to me, where you incite people to bombard manga's twitter. Sorry for not knowing you enough to believe anything you say, our past interactions didn't all end up on best terms and not being able to see it myself, I doubted your original post.

ConanThe3rd said:
That is not trolling, that is telling the truth.
Telling the true can be a form of bullying.
What I'm doing is, at worse, hurting some feelings, maybe getting the PR department another long glance from human resources.

What you do, by condemning such action, is to allow Manga to go on this destructive course of action, continue to treat their consumer base as dirt and, ultimately, drive themselves off the cliff into ether being bought out again or going bust.

Honestly, what is a couple of Kleenex, a cussing out of some random fat-guy on internet (if even that) compared to allowing cooperate suicide?
ConanThe3rd said:
What I'm doing is, at worse, hurting some feelings, maybe getting the PR department another long glance from human resources.

What you do, by condemning such action, is to allow Manga to go on this destructive course of action, continue to treat their consumer base as dirt and, ultimately, drive themselves off the cliff into ether being bought out again or going bust.

Honestly, what is a couple of Kleenex, a cussing out of some random fat-guy on internet (if even that) compared to allowing cooperate suicide?
But, you know, props to you for pointing out that Manga shouldn't lose their cool and go OTT about things. o_O
ilmaestro said:
ConanThe3rd said:
What I'm doing is, at worse, hurting some feelings, maybe getting the PR department another long glance from human resources.

What you do, by condemning such action, is to allow Manga to go on this destructive course of action, continue to treat their consumer base as dirt and, ultimately, drive themselves off the cliff into ether being bought out again or going bust.

Honestly, what is a couple of Kleenex, a cussing out of some random fat-guy on internet (if even that) compared to allowing cooperate suicide?
But, you know, props to you for pointing out that Manga shouldn't lose their cool and go OTT about things. o_O
That post would make sense if I was losing my cool or going OTT.

Point is, I'm the customer and, by and large, the buck stops at customers when a business goes bust, so to insult them and not listen to their legitimate complaints when they are made is a good way to make them suddenly see that import shop and go "Ya know, maybe those orange boxes are kinda crap" and buy DBZ Kai or worse, just pirate the damn thing.
This isn't really a case of them screwing over a customer though (unlike numerous other incidents). No customer is being deeply inconvenienced by waiting 5-6 extra days for an announcement to be confirmed or put to rest. And if that potential customer has already held on for this many years without importing the series, it's not like the extra week's wait is going to suddenly break them, surely.

I'd also argue that the orange boxes are going to be targeted at a much more casual level of fan than the bunch of us here who already imported years ago.

Rui said:
This isn't really a case of them screwing over a customer though (unlike numerous other incidents). No customer is being deeply inconvenienced by waiting 5-6 extra days for an announcement to be confirmed or put to rest. And if that potential customer has already held on for this many years without importing the series, it's not like the extra week's wait is going to suddenly break them, surely.

I'd also argue that the orange boxes are going to be targeted at a much more casual level of fan than the bunch of us here who already imported years ago.

I never said it was a case of screwing the customer over. It's more screwing with rather than anything.

Also, just because you target an audience that might not be as savy with Twitter as your main to hardcore audience doesn't give you the cart blanché right to be a twat.