Manga are releaseing DBZ. 2+2 DOES equal 5!

Its good to see DZ finally getting an official UK release, unfortunately I already have it.

I hope this paves the way for more TOEI stuff like One Piece to get a release here
devilrules666 said:
You have to think that alot of casual fans who watched on tv will pick up the dvds through. still i won't be picking it up. I can't stand dragon ball z
Except will those casual TV watchers actually remember that it was once on TV in the first place?

It has been about 700 years since it was shown on TV.
Joshawott said:
I love how he's ignoring tweets that actually show the photo.

Make that deleting tweets.

Talk about desperately trying to get the cat back into the bag, after it's got out, messed on the carpet, coughed up furballs, and had kittens.

Given that the every anime forum in the land, and some without are talking about it, there comes a point where you should accept that your surprise party has been spoiled with good grace. How many times have MVM's new releases been leaked by the likes of NEO?
Just Passing Through said:
animefreak17 said:
unless it hasn't got that stupid widescreen look im not getting it

When Animefreak refuses to buy an anime, it's time for a distro to look for a new line of work! :eek:
no iv already got it.

i was just saying if it doesn't have the wide screen look then il buy it
"Those black bars are there to make show look really cool, everyone knows that widescreen is better than the original aspect ratio" (LK Naruto Abridged Spoof Show Reference! XD)

They probably should have thought about it harder before allowing an advertisement for something they deny they have to be printed and made Available before the Expo, they should just give up and just keep whatever else they have to announce (Optimistic I Know!) a secret til the Expo If they can?
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TheLasersharkKH said:
"Those black bars are there to make show look really cool, everyone knows that widescreen is better than the original aspect ratio" (LK Naruto Abridged Spoof Show Reference! XD)


But, yeah. What are they trying to do denying it? Maybe they couldn't legally announce it until MCM, but if not, they're just being freaking stupid -_-
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animefreak17 said:
the wide screen cuts the lower and top of the animaton, yeah a wide screen would be cool but not cutting the animaton,
It's not so much the cropping. (Since even though you're losing 20% of the height, you're gaining 10% width. Same with HD remasters of shows like Friends and Seinfeld*.)

It's the excessive filtering. Seriously, it's.. a blur.

*I hate when those 2 get grouped together. One's "ie" and the other is "ei"
Probably would help having DBZ/Kai back on TV, heck maybe Nick Toons since they show it in the US.

I would probably get it myself however at the moment my thoughts are mainly it will be delayed or it will be cancelled whether for the first or further volumes.

Also since I don't follow all the different formats etc, it's just basically the screen size being more of an issue with this?
Joshawott said:
I love how he's ignoring tweets that actually show the photo.
I love how they're also ignoring tweets with regards to delayed shows, i'm getting a feeling that they're trying to hide a cancellation.
reborn said:
Joshawott said:
I love how he's ignoring tweets that actually show the photo.
I love how they're also ignoring tweets with regards to delayed shows, i'm getting a feeling that they're trying to hide a cancellation.
Any particular titles brought up a lot?
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
the wide screen cuts the lower and top of the animaton, yeah a wide screen would be cool but not cutting the animaton,
It's not so much the cropping. (Since even though you're losing 20% of the height, you're gaining 10% width. Same with HD remasters of shows like Friends and Seinfeld*.)
It is totally the cropping, since you're losing height that was intended to be in-frame, and gaining width that the thing wasn't framed for. Watch virtually any WS presentation of a (live action) TV show like that, and at some point I guarantee you a boom mic on screen, because that "extra" area was never meant to be seen.

The weird things they've done to the transfer are also an issue, but more one of personal taste imo.