ayase said:
vashdaman said:
Seems pretty reasonable to cut this kind of rubbish in my opinion. How do the makers even get away with creating this kind of questionable content in the first place?
A challenger appears!
If it's fictional, people should be free to create and distribute whatever the hell they like. What constitutes "questionable" is subjective, hence any and all censorship of fiction is an unacceptable assault on free expression. People need to realise this, even if all they are cutting at the moment is things you don't personally like or care about. "First they came for the Communists..."
I can understand why actual footage of someone being murdered would be banned. Real suffering has been caused to a real person who has rights within the law. But there are deaths depicted in hundreds of thousands of films which censors never bat an eyelid over. Understandably so, because in a fictional narrative with made up characters no suffering has been caused to anyone. To decide that fiction is harmful to reality or that fictional characters have rights is to become either a totalitarian or a nutjob.
Hmmm, yes I have heard similar arguments made before, and on paper I really want to agree with such an argument but in reality I don't know that I can, or at the very least I'm torn on the subject.
Obviously fictional characters do not have rights, I would never argue that, but clearly fiction does have the power and potential to be harmful. Don't get me wrong I don't want super censorship of our films, music and everything, but I do feel rather uncomfortable with how children are depicted in these sorts of cases. Yes its subjective, but if we're honest in this situation child characters are dipicted in a sexual manner not for any meaningful puropse, but simply to arouse and exploit a certain audience, and in doing so encouraging something that really shouldn't be encouraged.
I guess its a similar argument to the whole sex doll thing. If a manufacturer wanted to legally sell child looking sex dolls in UK stores, would you be ok with that or not? I wouldn't. No it's a real child, but yes it does encourage pedaphile's. How can we lock them up and damn them when we've only added fuel to their fire with such things.
Granted this particular situation is no where near as extreme, but it does contain certain similarities and it is more mainsteam and widely accessible.