Have you ever...?

Yes, thankfully over my trousers... I dont think thongs were made for men, and it would be a bad call to wear only that one item whilst in the middle of a college class. :D

HYE eaten a bug? (And yeah, I'll even accept flies while on your bike/travelling.)
No. Is it tragic due to being a cautionary tale of someone who ate too many dates and crapped themselves to death?

Have you ever had a day where you got an amazing piece of uplifting news, followed almost immediately by a crushing, terrible piece of news?
I think I might be running out of them right now.

HYE dropped a mobile phone in a mug of coffee?

ayase said:
Have you ever had a day where you got an amazing piece of uplifting news, followed almost immediately by a crushing, terrible piece of news?
This question is more upsetting to read than I expected. D:
I've seen some "Most Haunted" on when it was airing with Living. Ryo would have been better to ask the question, but I'll always think of reasons why things may have happened.

HYE danced with the devil in the- wait.... No! I'm not going to go there. :)
Instead, HYE trolled anyone and got a bad response from it? (As in lots of angry people/msgs.)
The people I troll don't realise I'm doing it. It's a long story. And it's not the sort of trolling you're thinking of probably.

Have you ever been to crufts? (One guess what I'm watching)