Have you ever...?

Yes, from multiple latitudes. It's a sight I'd like to see again.

Have you ever felt truly understood by someone else?
No. I didn't used to let anyone do that, and now there are no circumstances in which I wouldn't want to go out.

Have you ever impulsively travelled somewhere simply because you felt like being in those surroundings?
Yes, my recent visit to Scotland was such an occasion, and one of which I enjoyed. :)

HYE eaten something so over-the-top unhealthy, i.e. multi-layered burgers with 8000 cals?
Twice. Once in a hotel lobby, then in while riding the train, which caused me to miss my stop by three stations.

Have you ever had a conversation in which you debated the difference between vowels and diphthongs?
No. Is a diphthong some sort of scanty item of swimwear?

Have you ever played devil's advocate without actually telling anybody that's what you were doing?
Ok so at first I thought you were talking of a game... The answer was no. Then I realised what you were actually talking about... The answer is yes. A lot in my youth.

Have you ever had an unwanted guest?
Yes, various times many years ago. After some point I decided unwanted guests will not ever pass my house's gate anymore, so if any of them rings then I just let them know they are unwanted and suggest to move away.
HYE thought it would be better to forbid to answer in this thread with a simple "no"?

Well...depends on the question....should I kill myself...yes.....ok why...just yes...BUT WHY KUPO!!!!..JUST ...YES!

Have you ever back seat gamed, as in sitting with a friend while they play a game.. and keep giving them helpful "advice."
Nope, I tend to be the "good luck" charm.

Have you ever stayed up past your bed time watching Tom hanks films? If the answer is no, why not? And would you ever consider doing it? If yes which film(s)?
Bedtime, what is that concept. :p

I've stayed up later than I should have watching some movies/TV.

HYE ridden on the San Francisco underground trains?
No, although I did work experience in a factory that designs and builds the ones the MoD use.

Have you ever been on a luxury cruise?