HellCat said:
So it's been a month and sadly still no sign. I'm sorry if I come off as a narc but I was very psyched for this multi country release and the delay and resulting lack of communication has really killed my interest. I currently have the US release of the Blu-Ray and was happily planning to purchase the UK one to support the title and release plan in both markets. But I'm at the point where quite frankly I feel like I'd rather just import the US ones and know I'm actually going to get the title as promised.
It'll be launched in another week or two from us - the explanation as I say is because there was a decision made above us at Beez to not BBFC the title. This means I couldn't set up an exclusive relationship with HMV or such for the title and we had to construct a UK version of the Beez Shop for it to be sold on.
So long short is this one isn't our fault sadly and it's as frustrating for me as it is for you I can guarantee you. I have kept people in touch with it as regularly as possible both via here, other forums and twitter so I'm not sure where you're getting the lack of communication issue from. I also regularly reply to my direct messages so a quick PM asking about it wouldn't have killed either!
Either way though I am sorry you feel that way and as soon as I have information on new works I'll be sure to tell people. But ultimately in this case we're just the distribution agents for the title which makes it a lot harder than a regular license of ours.
It'll be completed soon but we can't magic a UK page up overnight sadly. When it is live I have some interesting plans to keep it going though with more extras for releases though so watch this space. As I say should be within the next 2 weeks!
Beez Entertainment