School Idol
In actual news (Not from the Mail):
Tory MP Redwood leads calls for English Parliament (BBC News)
Social Democrats win Swedish General Election (BBC News)
30% of German Energy will be from renewable sources, the largest percentage in an industrial nation (New York Times)
Wikileaks data reveals Police in New South Wales, Australia are using hacking software to spy on computers and smartphones (Sunday Morning Herald)
Queen hopes Scotland will think "Very Carefully" before voting in the independence referendum (Belfast Telegraph)
Tory MP Redwood leads calls for English Parliament (BBC News)
Social Democrats win Swedish General Election (BBC News)
30% of German Energy will be from renewable sources, the largest percentage in an industrial nation (New York Times)
Wikileaks data reveals Police in New South Wales, Australia are using hacking software to spy on computers and smartphones (Sunday Morning Herald)
Queen hopes Scotland will think "Very Carefully" before voting in the independence referendum (Belfast Telegraph)