did the Dominion manga (which had been out for two years at that point) have some influence on the development of Patlabor?
That's all an interesting line of thought. For my own part, my anime collection isn't arranged alphabetically on my shelves: it's organised partly thematically, partly by creator. Because of all that, I have my Ghost in the Shell and Mamoru Oshii stuff next to the Masamune Shirow-derived titles, so sitting right next to New Dominion Tank Police is the pair of Patlabor movies. I guess that's because I had those two down as "maverick mecha", if you will, so I think the connection is undeniably there.
I have a genuine nostalgia for Manga's mangling in their old dubs. In a time where you can have multiple audio tracks on a disc (or even a stream) it no longer feels like quite the travesty to the source material it once did
This is another interesting thing. Although I could never say I'm really a fan of the old Streamline dub of Akira, it's certainly nice to have it as one of the three audio tracks on the most recent UK BD edition of the film. I've never really seen the
point of watching anime dubbed, but I'll admit that my view has softened in recent years. Part of that is probably from giving the dub of GitS Arise a try, which I reckon does give it a bit of a better script with some sharper dialogue, but also because of Miyazaki's The Wind Rises. That is honestly the best piece of dubbing work you will ever hear, I reckon; it's the closest you could ever get to just switching out the language while keeping the tone of everything intact, and the very few alterations there are to the script actually even make it a bit richer than the original, I would argue. But I still love Hideaki Anno's voice performance in the lead role in the original soundtrack too!
Cheekily though, Manga did use ‘Oh Yeah’ to promote the Yello soundtrack in the trailer, despite it not appearing in the film...
That was the very trailer I recently saw on that VHS tape I mentioned before, and just automatically assumed that track was included in the film!
Space Adventure Cobra is one of the earlier DVD Manga titles that I just never got around to buying before it went OOP. I still keep an eye out for it second-hand, and the fact that there's also a Manga Force packaging of it out there too helps bump up the number of extant copies. The last time I saw it on a shop shelf, I read the back of the box and just kind of assumed the dub included on it was the one from that trailer. Another bad assumption. That's a shame, because I would like to have heard it.
I can still hear the voiceover on the teaser for it as I type this, promising "It's gonna be one
hell of a film!" Even the trailers for those old dubs are something from a bygone era.