General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

Lutga said:
Theoretical scenario - but what if, say, Wakanim went bust halfway through the season. Would CR then be able to pick up Terror in Resonance for the UK?
Rui said:
I believe Anime Limited hold the rights, rather than Wakanim, so they could presumably arrange for a deal somewhere else (whether or not Wakanim went bust, depending on the terms of their agreement).
Anime Limited already have it on Animax also.

Just Passing Through said:
Even if it was just made for TV, that wouldn't affect the actual animation medium. If it was on film, it would be available at a resolution beyond BD, even if the original was 4:3 and of non-theatrical budget
With the proviso that it depends on whether the film materials are still available and what condition they are in.
Shiroi Hane said:
Lutga said:
Theoretical scenario - but what if, say, Wakanim went bust halfway through the season. Would CR then be able to pick up Terror in Resonance for the UK?
Rui said:
I believe Anime Limited hold the rights, rather than Wakanim, so they could presumably arrange for a deal somewhere else (whether or not Wakanim went bust, depending on the terms of their agreement).
Anime Limited already have it on Animax also.

They do now, yes - it was announced a couple of days after this conversation took place.

I have a question

Who here is good at raping and rhyming

I was thinking

How awesome would it be if we did rap battles of anime cause that video in the other thread put up is actually a good idea......If they can make rap battles of history then how awesome would it be if we did it with anime charecters.........

Lelouch vs light

Vash vs spike

Luffy vs natsu

Naruto vs ichigo

I mean come on who here wouldn't want to see rap battles of charecters douking it out like those battles of history

I'm up for it in on fire
animefreak17 said:
It's my spell checker!!!!!!
DON'T rely on a spell checker. Spell checkers just check if the word is spelled correctly, they do not check that you are using the correct word. In this instance raping is spelled correctly so it will not tell you that you should have been using rapping.

If I am unsure about the spelling of something I use a dictionary like this one,
animefreak17 said:
Who here is good at raping and rhyming

(on topic now)

I'm not good at rapping so I wouldn't even bother mentioning.
mangaman74 said:
animefreak17 said:
It's my spell checker!!!!!!
DON'T rely on a spell checker. Spell checkers just check if the word is spelled correctly, they do not check that you are using the correct word. In this instance raping is spelled correctly so it will not tell you that you should have been using rapping.

If I am unsure about the spelling of something I use a dictionary like this one,

Ok il try and make sure to look over my spelling next time
-Danielle- said:
I lol'd at that misspelling. Just because it's so not something AF would come out with yet he has because of spell check! :p lol :)

Well he does sometimes wish Angels were real so they could destroy the world, gotta watch the quiet ones :p
Rosencrantz said:
-Danielle- said:
I lol'd at that misspelling. Just because it's so not something AF would come out with yet he has because of spell check! :p lol :)

Well he does sometimes wish Angels were real so they could destroy the world, gotta watch the quiet ones :p

and let's not forget teaching dogs how to talk. :p
I'm having an anime dry patch, badly. I miss watching it but I don't at the same time. Terrestrial TV is keeping me occupied enough oddly enough not to mention looking after the puppy. I have a backlog I want to get through though so I can watch new stuff I get for xmas.

How long do you lot get a dry patch for, if any?

Think longest for me has ben like 1-2 months and considering I haven't posted in the viewing journal for ageeees, it's looking like it may happen again :(
For me, I'm in a pretty hefty patch at the moment - but mainly just because I'm really trying to get rid of my backlog before all the great Q4 titles hit (I've got way too many things on pre-order).

Normally I'll go through a self imposed dry patch if I buy a new game and get heavily invested in it for a while (ie. Final Fantasy 14) - but I'll usually come back after a month or so.

For me it usually works out that way - hefty anime watching period, or hefty gaming period. One or the other.
Maybe try some shows that you wouldn't normally watch or something that's known for being very very good, sometimes when you watch too many mediocre shows you hit a slump cause nothing sticks out to you (just from experience not saying you are/were) and you loose that "wow" factor.

I've had a dry patch that lasted 2-3 months before. I just had no urge to watch any Anime, I still enjoyed it I just didn't want to watch any. I think in my case it was a matter of burning myself out by watching too much.
I thought maybe starting one of the animes I bought in my last haul but haven't seen yet (Shuffle or Mushishi) might restart me but I have Welcome to the NHK and my third rewatch of FMA Brotherhood still to finish and I think I'd feel dirty adding those 2 to my uncomplete watch list along with ScrYed :p hehe.

It doesn't help I'm in the middle of a Live Action show called Revolution and the boy's watching cycling either as that's sucking up time.

I may try and start up on the weekend after all I finished like 3 animes in 1 weekend last time I did that :)

It's sad though as like Tuesday's is New Girl and The Mindy Project and Thursdays is Suburgatory. Damn you E4! :p
Haha, you sound very much like me actually, you have so much stuff on your watch lists that it's all a bit overwhelming.

Everytime I go to sit down and watch something, I don't know what to watch bar weekly airing Anime that's seen religiously. I have so many films to watch on top of Anime and a few live action TV Show boxsets I've picked up :S I can take a good half hour to decide, just sat there..staring at my shelves ..

Oh, Mushishi, lucky! Wish I could wash my brain and watch that without any knowledge again, such a relaxing and easy viewing experience.