General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

I really love the calming animes.

Kids on the Slope, Escaflowne, Wolf's Rain and Samurai Champloo so far have had the best effect on me for that so far so I'm looking forward to Mushishi now based off your comment :)

I've been chatting in another thread about bleach, I have 2 seasons of that to get through before I get 10 & 11 for xmas. HELP MEEEEEEEEE. hehehe.
10 and 11 are definitely two of the best. Basically, any season that has the Captains fighting in it is awesome.

Escaflowne is lovely - the OP is probably one of my favourite ever. *sings* ''Kimi wo... kimi wo... aishiteru''
Also, because his facial expressions crack me up so much:

-Danielle- said:
I really love the calming animes.

Kids on the Slope, Escaflowne, Wolf's Rain and Samurai Champloo so far have had the best effect on me for that so far so I'm looking forward to Mushishi now based off your comment :)

I've been chatting in another thread about bleach, I have 2 seasons of that to get through before I get 10 & 11 for xmas. HELP MEEEEEEEEE. hehehe.

Its such a beautiful show, honestly, nothing better than sitting down with a cup of tea when its dark outside (+1 if its raining and cold), snuggling up and watching Mushishi. I purposely waited till season 2 ended so I could do just that and marathon it haha. I hope you enjoy it :)

Rush though them :p Season 9 is an entire filler arc so 100% attention isn't needed but I found it quite enjoyable overall. Seasons 10 & 11 contain the actual story, no filler arcs (maybe bar a few filler eps), Season 10 features some real cool back story too.
Spotted this in HMV Wimbledon today. Ya'll excited for Attack of the Titan?


Actually come to think of it, "of the" would fit a bit more than "on", though "Attack on Titan" rolls off the tongue much better. Which title do you prefer?
Ath said:
Spotted this in HMV Wimbledon today. Ya'll excited for Attack of the Titan?


Actually come to think of it, "of the" would fit a bit more than "on", though "Attack on Titan" rolls off the tongue much better. Which title do you prefer?

I guess it makes sense to have Attack 'on' Titan when you have to be 'on' (or a centimeter away) a Titan to kill it.
I thought Attack On Titan sounded dorky at first but now I like it. It's good to have a unique title which sticks in the mind by virtue of being awkward, and makes searching for it online very easy :D

Feels like ages since I've been in a UK shop which actually had anime on the shelves.

When I first heard about Attack On Titan, I thought it was a sci-fi space show, precisely because of that name.

Also LOL to pretty much every HMV in the land still stocking copies of Itsudatte My Santa!
Some poor soul appears to have asked on Manga UK's facebook page if there's any chance of them releasing GE999 on BD in the UK. I'll be interested to see if there is indeed any polite way to write "when hell freezes over".
Ooooooh twin, I might wait until the clocks go back so it's nice and dark and watch Mushishi then instead as I love doing the same as you. I usually watch it all tucked in bed, my living room NEVER gets use but now we have pup pup, I'm enjoying being downstairs so when it's time for the fire to be on, ooooof, I think that's gona feel cosy! hehe. I've attempted a restart with anime and managed 4 episodes of the NHK so I'll see! :)

Owly, is the anime you speak of dubbed at all please? Damn my dubbed ways :p

Rui, the shops here in Manchester are vastly dwindling on anime too. Forbidden Planet and Travelling Man ensure there's no shortage of Manga but FOP has one small set of shelves, so does HMV and our CEX is POO, just Bleach and Naruto basically.
I had a really random thought. I was talking to a friend of mine about Scottish independence and I noted that on the White Paper, there's nothing about would be done in regards to institutions like the BBFC in an independent Scotland. Because I wonder how that would affect Anime Limited, who are based in Scotland? Considering that they already release titles in France, I doubt Andrew and the gang would pull out of the rUK market (and tbh, I imagine the majority of their customers come from rUK?).

If Scotland creates an institution like the BBFC, would that mean Scotland and rUK would have to pay a little bit extra to absorb the cost of two different rating boards, or if Scotland doesn't have a formal rating board (or at least, one as restrictive as the BBFC), could we see releases being staggered between the two territories? (like a Scottish release first, then one in rUK with BBFC logos), or would Anime Limited wait until they had BBFC certification before releasing a title in both territories at once, effectively making Scotland wait for a different country?

And to a similar point, what would Manga UK and MVM (and other niche distributors) do about an independent Scotland? If Scotland has its own rating board, would the cost of having to get a release passed through such a rating board be seen as profitable compared to the amount of potential customers in Scotland that would be lost by not releasing in the territory?
I would hope that the good people of Scotland would take the opportunity to do away with the BBFC entirely north of the border. Like most sensible countries which don't need to tax small distributors disproportionately for no reason, the way we currently do.

It might work like the US and Canada where the Canadian releases can sometimes be later due to distribution and have different pricing (even taking into account the fluctuations between the USD and CAD), but I imagine it would depend on where the replication takes place and how the BBFC certification fits into the production process. To be honest if they start splitting things up between the two regions the UK market is going to be headed towards collapse in favour of an actual global one even faster (it seems at least half the regulars here are Scottish), and if Scotland does leave, I bally well hope that the rest of the country takes it as a hint and starts modernising its laws to fit the current state of the world. Which it should really have done to begin with.
