General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

When you specify "the films" for GitS, is that indicative of dislike for the Stand Alone Complex series? If not, that should fit the bill nicely. I'd suggest Baccano and possibly the Tatami Galaxy as well, although I don't think any of these are on Blu Ray.

Would agree that Monster is a good shout too.
What!? Terror in Resonance isn't on CR!? I've just involuntarily subscribed to them as well. pissed, as I was sort of looking forward to that.
vashdaman said:
What!? Terror in Resonance isn't on CR!? I've just involuntarily subscribed to them as well. pissed, as I was sort of looking forward to that.

How did you involuntarily subscribe to them?

And Zankyou no Terror is on Wakanim.
2 week free trial and I forgot to unsubscribe before it ran out.

The Wakanim site doesn't seem to be working for me right now. I'll check it out though, cheers.
Theoretical scenario - but what if, say, Wakanim went bust halfway through the season. Would CR then be able to pick up Terror in Resonance for the UK?
I believe Anime Limited hold the rights, rather than Wakanim, so they could presumably arrange for a deal somewhere else (whether or not Wakanim went bust, depending on the terms of their agreement).

We're a month in to the current season now What things are people watching/liking/not liking?

Personally, this season has rather a level playing field for me, with no less than 5 series that have a good shot at being AOTS. It also seems to be a rather comedy driven season.

My current rankings (points out of 100):
1) Hanayamata (77) - I could just eat up this sort of stuff day in day out all day every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it. The fact that this series has unquestionably the best visuals of the current season helps as well of course. I will be buying the manga.
2) Sabagebu (74) - The surprise hit of the season. I went into this thinking it could be decent. But I didn't expect what I got at all. Hilarious, for the most part, and Momoka is probably the best MC of the season. I can't help but think that this anime has got to be so much better than the manga.
3) Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (72) - Unlike Sabagebu, I definitely knew what I was getting into here, having read a chunk of the manga earlier in the year. So far the execution of the anime adaptation has been as good as could be expected, and I look forward to the introduction of my personal favourite character from the series in the next episode. I will be buying the manga of this, too. Probably would have done even without the anime.
4) Zankyou no Terror (68) - From having just watched the first two episodes so far, this is looking like having the title of 'most overhyped new series of the season' under wraps. That doesn't mean that it's bad, though, and it's definitely caught my interest. This series certainly has the potential to be great, but will it live up to it?
5) Rokujouma no Shinryakusha (67) - Although I didn't have any first hand experience previously, I had done quite a bit of looking into this LN series a while back, so knew roughly what I was getting into. Yurika is hilarious, although I do feel slightly bad laughing at her all the time. I'll probably get the LN series, although it isn't yet locked...
6) Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (66) - ...which this one was before the anime. Main reason this isn't in contention for AOTS is because I know the anime series won't get to the best parts of the series. That's significant enough to counteract the effects of the existance of Est.
7) Jinsei (60) - This series was not made with an anime adaptation in mind. That much is obvious. In fact, the anime adaptation doesn't seem to have been made with an anime adaptation in mind either - as most of the important details are flashed over quickly, with the expectation that people will go onto the series' website to actually find out about them. That said, the series is fun, the concepts are great (if you can bring yourself to replay them over and over until you actually catch what is being said) and I love the characters. Oh and the OP is really catchy. I will be getting the novels, which this is so much better suited for,
8') Rail Wars (56) - Again, only seen 2 eps of this one so far. A bit disappointed with this, to be honest, although it isn't as bad as some people seem to be making it out to be - the disappointment comes from the fact that I had hoped this series would be in contention for the top spots, rather than bouncing along under the status of 'I guess I might as well keep going'. I doubt I'll be buying anything, though.

Stopped watching:
9) Free! Eternal Summer (43) - 2 episodes watched. Seemed to be suffering from 'It-sold-well-so-let's-make-any-possible-sequel' syndrome. Thus nowhere near as good as the first season, and continues a string of let-downs from KyoAni. Here's hoping AmaBuri doesn't join them next season...
10) Glasslip (39) - 1.5 episodes watched. Nothing happened. Characters not of interest. The whole scenario seemed to indicate that things weren't going to go in a way that I liked.
11) Majimoji Rurumo (28) - dropped after the first episode. If you've seen it, you should know why.
12) Momo Kyun Sword (??) - dropped before the narrator finished their initial speech. Again, if you've seen it, you should know why. Not really right to give a score after so little, but I'm confident it belongs at the bottom.

Not seen enough of yet:
Yama no Susume Second Series: Watched the first episode. Still waiting on CR to release the second. I like this series, though, and thus expect it to be good.

I'll probably also pick up Tokyo ESP (which I was holding out on in the hope that someone would pick it up over here) and Barakamon (which I've heard good things about) soon.
Ao Haru Ride I dropped the manga of.
I've heard good things about Locodol but not quite convinced. Ditto Aldnoah Zero. Akame ga Kill is also a possibility to pick up if I really run low on things to watch somehow (unlikely as I'm also watching a few backlog things).
The rest of the currently airing series I have no interest in.
I'm still absolutely stunned at the fuss being made over Akame ga Kill. I think on Kotaku it had been voted the second best title of the season after SAO II or something like that. Really?!

Tbf, it's got better in the last two episodes, but I'm really not getting it yet. It feels like the cheapest of by-the-numbers Shonen series, with cheap animation and flat characters. People are saying it gets good later in terms of the manga, but by my rules, a show has to at least be vaguely consistent across its run. Yes, it's got flashy violence in it, but so many other, better shows do too. I want some more meat to it.
Lutga said:
I think this was the problem, the result of the poll just being a symptom. ^^;

[Akame ga Kill] feels like the cheapest of by-the-numbers Shonen series
No, that is definitely still Beet the Vandel Buster, for me. That said, my reaction to the first episode of Akame was literally "wow, the only show this reminds me of is Beet the Vandel Buster", so I can't say you're far wrong.
Randomly discovered I have The Girl who Leapt through Time on DVD, but I'm sure I've never seen it. Funny as it's just after I was talking about Hosoda in the other thread. Will probably watch it this week.
I gave Manga's first One Piece movie collection a pass, as I thought it was probably the best materials they could get for them. Then last night, I happened to give Mardock Scramble movie 1 a rewatch. I put the Blu-ray in, and at the head of the disc is a trailer for One Piece movie 1, on Blu-ray from Kaze, and damned if it doesn't look fine!

Even if Manga were only releasing on DVD, they should have used the HD masters if they were available!

One Piece Movies 1-3
One Piece Movies 4-6
One Piece Movie 7
One Piece Movie 8
One Piece Movie 9

All on French Blu-ray
Just Passing Through said:
I gave Manga's first One Piece movie collection a pass, as I thought it was probably the best materials they could get for them. Then last night, I happened to give Mardock Scramble movie 1 a rewatch. I put the Blu-ray in, and at the head of the disc is a trailer for One Piece movie 1, on Blu-ray from Kaze, and damned if it doesn't look fine!

Even if Manga were only releasing on DVD, they should have used the HD masters if they were available!

One Piece Movies 1-3
One Piece Movies 4-6
One Piece Movie 7
One Piece Movie 8
One Piece Movie 9

All on French Blu-ray

Very odd, wasn't their argument that it was an old made for TV movie, so you'd think no high quality materials would exist. Are we also sure that Kaze used footage from movie one when advertising as it looks like they have a 1-3 collection aswell.
Very strange in light of the comment Manga UK made on Twitter (reported by NormanicGrav in the news thread). Maybe there were some grotty old preexisting PAL converted materials they could use, which Kaze passed over?

Rosencrantz said:
Just Passing Through said:
I gave Manga's first One Piece movie collection a pass, as I thought it was probably the best materials they could get for them. Then last night, I happened to give Mardock Scramble movie 1 a rewatch. I put the Blu-ray in, and at the head of the disc is a trailer for One Piece movie 1, on Blu-ray from Kaze, and damned if it doesn't look fine!

Even if Manga were only releasing on DVD, they should have used the HD masters if they were available!

One Piece Movies 1-3
One Piece Movies 4-6
One Piece Movie 7
One Piece Movie 8
One Piece Movie 9

All on French Blu-ray

Very odd, wasn't their argument that it was an old made for TV movie, so you'd think no high quality materials would exist. Are we also sure that Kaze used footage from movie one when advertising as it looks like they have a 1-3 collection aswell.

Even if it was just made for TV, that wouldn't affect the actual animation medium. If it was on film, it would be available at a resolution beyond BD, even if the original was 4:3 and of non-theatrical budget, and animated on computer as anime is today, you should have decent colour and clarity at anything from 480i upwards. The trailer for movie 1 on the Mardock Scramble BD makes it look like option one, a transfer from the original film elements. The masters that Manga used have been through the film to NTSC video to standards converted PAL video filter, along with a whole lot aging and colour fade.

The Kaze trailer was definitely for movie 1, Woonan's Gold and all that with scenes from the film. It certainly wasn't a generic trailer
Man, I found the animation in that Nobunaga Concerto anime to be so awkward and hard to watch. I didn't make it past 10 minutes. I think Flowers of Evil did much better job of that kind of thing.
Aww, I got used to the weird floaty animation after the first episode; I actually really like the designs but just can't take the strange movement effect they've created. It's a shame that the style has limited its appeal as Nobunaga Concerto is one of the coolest shows this season :D

I agree about the designs! I really liked them too, but yeah it's the weird movement that throws me off. Maybe I'll try and slog through an ep, see if it gets better then.