Gaming Arrival Thread

Every review and user comment I've seen for Bullet Witch has been ****.

I preordered it a few days ago anyway.

Also got Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force's very good!
Aaron said:
Every review and user comment I've seen for Bullet Witch has been ****.

I preordered it a few days ago anyway.

Also got Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force's very good!

Let us know what the game (Bullet Witch) is like with a review
Sod what people say. A review is an opinion.

Try it for yourself before decideing if it is crap or not.

On topic.. I hope they decide a release date for Metroid Prime 3 soon.
Bullet Witch is came today. It's nothing life changing, but it's kept me wanting to play.

On paper, it's not very good...the missions are very basic, the enemies are thick as a plank and the graphics are very glitchy in parts.

But to actually play it is's pretty frantic and you can make some great explosions here and there. The spells aren't necessary, but certain ones are cool. The customisation is very easy to work out too.

Most of the negative things in the reviews are actually kinda right, but I had no problem looking past them.

I also wish Alicia was a real person so I wouldn't feel so weird for thinking she's lovely. :(
My Canadian import of Ar Tonelico with Artbook arrived. Soooooooo looking forward to playing it, though I can't decide whether to start on that, or Atelier Iris 2.
just went to Cex recently and traded some games in and got the following games
- Castlevania = PS2
- Yakuza = PS2 (i already own the japanese version but i want to play it inenglish and fully understand the story and and stuff)
- Shinobi = PS2
i went to gamestation yesterday and walked away with 4 games!
iv never bought so many games in one go!
they got a great offer..
4 for 20 quid! (they say these are pre-owned but the games i got were like mint condition!)
so the games i got were:
- Castlevania Curse of Darkness = PS2 (i'm a big Castlevania Fan)
- Suikoden IV = PS2
- Genji = PS2
- Red Ninja =PS2 (random game i picked up as i was taking too long and my mate kept pestering me to hurry up)
I got Shin Megami Tensai: Digital Devil Saga 2 on PS2 promo today. Cost a fiver from ebay (immaculate and unused). Looking forward to it.

Also got Gears of War last week and first tried it yesterday. The 360 has reintroduced me to western gaming with a bang, woot.
man i snapped and bought 2 more games today!
i traded the lame red ninja in and got
- Prince of Persia boxset
- Devil may cry 3 Special edition

both brand new and sealed from GAME for 24 pounds!