Games you gave up on


Straw Hat Pirate
We had 'anime you gave up on' a while back, so here's the gaming version! Basically, which games did you find too dire, tedious or near-impossible to be worth completing (or even keeping)?

Last year, I had something of games clearout and finally got rid of a load of RPGs I knew I was never going to complete, including-

Vagrant Story: I never really bought into all the hype surrounding this title, maybe I just failed to grasp the game mechanics but personally I thought it was rather tedious, and after struggling my way to a boss battle where I was doing 0-2 damage per hit, I decided enough was enough.

Koudelka: Another tedious RPG; I got stuck on Disc 2 and couldn't be bothered to carry on.

Saga Frontier 2: Actually got quite far on this one, but the encounter rate was too high and area maps too convoluted for my liking.

Drakan: The Ancients' Gates: Fun at first, until I kept getting annihilated on the dragon-flying sections. And the fact that magic was next to useless and the game doesn't pause while you go to the menu for some much needed healing only made it all the worse.

Alundra 2: Possibly a candidate for most dire game ever, I could go into a big rant about how awful this game was. I persisted for 18 hours but after being stuck for 45 minutes on puzzle involving throwing a barrel onto a moving platform without falling into the lava below, finally gave up.

I've also ditched quite a few platformers, some of the newer Spyro and Crash games (loading times on Wrath of Cortex were awful) and various other games best forgotten. :)
I'm sure there are loads for me, but the only one I can really remember is Drakengard.
The fighting was fun at first, but soon became tedious. The story did interest me a bit, but unfortunately not enough to keep me playing the game. =P
I never give up on any of my games completely! But for ones that I have sort of left for now and will one day return to:

Breath Of Fire V - Dungeon crawler at the highest terms and that the creators force you to restart the game alot, because it's uber hard the first time through. Also, save points are hard to come by - expect 3 hours+ without saving during a dungeon. I'll complete it one day! The other Breah of Fire games are better.

Unlimited SaGa - Hmm..I don't know why, but the game doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps moving a cutout on an invisible board with complete randomness helps! Shocking :x

Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind - I've tried..and tried and have traversed endless mountainous scenery. I'm still on level 7 and getting nowhere! I'll stick to my J-RPGS thanks!

That's all for now ;)[/b]
Vodun (voodoo) dicussion
Which boss?

I gave up on Final Fantasy 8. I'm such a criminal. I love that game; but I stopped at the final boss. I really need to replay it someday.

Countless other games I have begun & abandoned. ;_;
To be honest I give up on most games, recently im wondering what the point is in it when I occasionally buy them as as soon as I get near the end I dont finish it. Its a habit that I need to kick. Its not that I get stuck its when I know im at the end of a game I dont even try.
neptune2venus said:
Unlimited SaGa - Hmm..I don't know why, but the game doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps moving a cutout on an invisible board with complete randomness helps! Shocking :x

I have to agree on this one. Unlimited Saga sucked me in with its character designs, but I found it tedious, moreso than the previous volumes in the SaGa series.
i haven't given up on any game, alundra 2 did pose a slight problem but i got over it..even if my brother says otherwise...but again i can't think of one game i gave up on
Mutsumi said:
Which boss?

I gave up on Final Fantasy 8. I'm such a criminal. I love that game; but I stopped at the final boss. I really need to replay it someday.

Countless other games I have begun & abandoned. ;_;

I love that game! Is the final boss hard then? I have not completed it yet.

I have given up playing FFX and Kingdom Hearts to play FF8!
Freya said:
Mutsumi said:
Which boss?
erm i think it called the ultimate life form it the boss when you finish the good and evil story

Ooooo, Biolizard! I LOVE that boss! Possibly my favourite boss battle in a Sonic game ever. I only wish I could actually get to the boos again; I'm only played it on someone else's save.
Dark Cloud - Seriously, moving through the same tunnels over and over and getting to like the 100th floor just to get your sword broke by a Snake and then having to head all the way back. Boring and damn it just didn't proceed at all >.<

.Hack//INFECTION - "I swear i've seen this section of land before...wait where am i? Why the heck is that bear got a polygon sticking out it's throat?? Why is this monster level 99 in a level 2 area!? WHY AM I TRACKING THROUGH THIS ENDLESS VOID OF GREEN!!??" And then of course the dull story...i mean really dull.

Zelda: Majora's Mask - I haven't given up on it, it's more like "Can't be arsed to finish it". I did everything apart from 4 final masks to collect and beat up Majora which i can do now if i wanted to...but i don't want to until i have all the masks (I want to see what i get if i do get them all) and then i go after Majora...but i can't be bothered to get them or know how to obtain them so meh...

Escape From Monkey Island (All of them) - These were just plain hard....i enjoy them to bits..i just wish i could do them.

Black & White - Just couldn't get on with it, with so many clicks here and so many there and teaching a pet who seems to like throwing people or blowing stuff up...i just lost the umph to play it.

Sonic Heroes - All i can say is MAJOR dissapointment.

Theme Hospital - Damn it i LOVE this's just so damn annoying that i always lose interest when i get near the end. I have never completed it, i wish that i can!! ARRG!
Starfox Adventures - I played it for about 20 mins when I got it then sold it a year later, it was too much like a Zelda clone for me.

Super Mario Sunshine - I thought it would be good but the water cannon thing is rubbish and needs to be used to much, it would have been better without it.
Jammy said:
Theme Hospital - Damn it i LOVE this's just so damn annoying that i always lose interest when i get near the end. I have never completed it, i wish that i can!! ARRG!

WHOA! Talk about a bit of old skool! Theme Hospital was the GREATEST! I'll agree it got freaking difficult near the end. Not to worry though - the ending sucked. You didn't miss anything.
I Agree

Jammy said:
.Hack//INFECTION - "I swear i've seen this section of land before...wait where am i? Why the heck is that bear got a polygon sticking out it's throat?? Why is this monster level 99 in a level 2 area!? WHY AM I TRACKING THROUGH THIS ENDLESS VOID OF GREEN!!??" And then of course the dull story...i mean really dull.

OMG! That is so true! I was baka and bought all four of them at once and now they sit in the back of my cupboard... I liked the anime that came with it though. ^_^
Personally I really enjoyed the .hack games- I can see they wouldn't appeal to everyone but I found them curiously addictive...although admittedly I couldn't be bothered to get to Level 99 and collect every item.
I too really like the .hack games and should really get back to finishing part 4 and stop buying and playing other games instead (damn you Tenchu and your addictive ninja action :lol:)
.hack//infection annoyed me. It said it came with origianl japanese cast. I thought great. Then it tells you you've got to complete the game first. I just put it back in its box and took it back to the store. Plus I found it boring.