Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

I've played most of the main FF games and it's hard to work out what it's "supposed" to be. Each game is far too different in almost every regard save the main themes and style (which is only similiar some of the time). I really think the hysteria is based entirely on nostalgia and such hysterics need to calm down and get over the fact that videogames aren't as revelatory once you've played a lot of them and you're not 10 years old any more.
Lupus said:
As for X, I think this speaks for itself.

No, it doesn't. It's just a joke. You keep posting things like that and saying "well, it speaks for itself". No, it actually doesn't; if you want to say something about how Tidus is inferior to Squall or Cloud, then say ffs.

Personally, I liked Tidus and I don't see how he's any less stereotypical or less developed than Cloud and especially Squall.
Explain what you think makes Tidus good.

EDIT: Actually... now I think about it, none of the leads in FF are actually that great, it's always the support roles who make the lead shine. The only lead I can really say I liked is Cecil.
Aion said:
You should only ever trust player reviews these days.

Some players are so dour & negative that they cannot find enjoyment in a good game & instead must find flaws in whatever way they can. Some players' views are so twisted by their own negativity that they will convince themselves that something is a flaw simply because it is different to what they wanted it to be, disregarding whatever merits it may possess. Do you truly believe such people are qualified to actually give a proper review? You would be more likely to get an unbiased view of gay marriage from a denim-clad tattooed Texan yokel.

Final Fantasy 13 will be a fantastic game. It is a sad, disappointing person who can call themselves an RPG fan & claim they will not enjoy it, for it is entirely their own fault that it is so.
An ignorant fool is a happy fool, I guess.

If you want respect, play more than just Final Fantasy before commenting on what will be "genre defining", and don't expect everyone else to be a simple-minded FF fanboy, blind to everything else in existence.

I tire of dealing with idiots, so I'll just say this and let you people get on with masturbating over pretty images: I liked FFXII to start with, despite it being totally different from every FF before it, aside from FFXI. Now, taking that into account, was it my feelings for FFVII or FFXII's failings becoming more troubling that resulted in my dropping and 7/10ing it?
Aion said:
An ignorant fool is a happy fool, I guess.

If you want respect, play more than just Final Fantasy before commenting on what will be "genre defining", and don't expect everyone else to be a simple-minded FF fanboy, blind to everything else in existence.

I don't care whether a game is genre-defining. I don't care whether it is better or worse than it's predecessors. Such negative attitudes are far below me, for I will enjoy something for what it is, & whatever flaws there may be I simply get over it & continue to enjoy the game. Being so negative, you are only denying yourself the enjoyment by convincing yourself you will not enjoy it. Lighten up, get yourself a good girlfriend, & enjoy things for what they are, else you'll be miserable all your life. :)
Aion said:
Also, Chrono: In FFVII, fairly early on you can get two extra characters. And, when you can access the sea, an entirely optional, huge island, full of monsters perfect for leveling up opens up, the island in question having a big town with a lot of side stuff to do in it. Sure, like every game, FFVII was linear to a certain extent in order to connect the dots, but there's a difference between being given a single path to follow and being pushed along by the story.

And that is true, but you're still restricted by the linearity. But kudos to the Bronco Plane as it does lead you to an optional island [now that I think of it, I never accessed either].

The point I made is that Final Fantasy VII is quite linear in my first experience, which isn't shocking considering my first FF game was IV, then IX, and then VI. And these three games opened up with excellent results, whilst FF7 opened up a little, but still became severely restricted until you have 'full control' and you can go wherever you want.

Never managed to complete VIII, so I don't know how that opens up either.

As for Final Fantasy X. I loved it when I was younger. It was my fourth FF game. But as I got older, it was quite flawed. The characters were horrible and one-dimensional. If they were excellent or even above-par, I would not care about being forced on the path by the storyline.

FFXIII is a game that has the kind of story you're forced to push to that direction. After all, you're playing a bunch of fugitives who's a threat to everyone. In that respect, you cannot speak to anyone you want to or wish to. Besides, the people who loved it or liked it so far is because of the battle system and a few very likable characters. If that can save it, in which FFX didn't... then I would enjoy this game.

And I'm an FF fan that has been exposed to a port of the SNES FFIV for the Playstation. I've played really old FF games, as well as up to XII. And quite a few spin-off. I'm actually quite an old fan who's been playing FF for nearly 11 years. And I'm still looking forward to FFXIII, despite its flaws.

Assuming you're referring to JinTypeNoir (who else but a Japanese prick would be posting about it on EuroFags?), you won't encounter a bigger penis on the internet. Not even I can compare to a Japanese outcast who posts 20 paragraph messages on a European gaming website.

Like it or not, but he makes a very good point. Kudos to him for making gigantic posts to make a point, because he backs them up well. Besides, you make gigantic posts, so can I say you have just as big of an e-penis?

As for the Tidus Arguement: Good God. I cannot justify his character, not at all. Wait, maybe just a little. He's more bearable than Vaan, and I can understand that Tidus has been exposed to a new world, so he will act like an child.

But he does it in such a way that I want to shoot him. He's just a narrator for the story, but with a difference: He actually had importance at the end.

If I can justfiy FFXIII right now without playing it, it would be for 'Lightning'. I definitely know she will be better than those two.
Aion said:
If you want respect, play more than just Final Fantasy before commenting on what will be "genre defining", and don't expect everyone else to be a simple-minded FF fanboy, blind to everything else in existence.

You just hate Final Fantasy because you're a Dragon Quest fanboy and you hate that Final Fantasy is more popular in the West.

See, I can make up facts about you too and pretend that they discredit your opinions ;]

Honestly, though, wtf? Why do you keep ignoring my questions about how it is you think you know what I've played? If you're going to persist in using this point (which is not grounded in reality, I'm afraid) to avoid actually engaging in any kind of proper discussion, then at least explain it.
We've had discussions about what you've played before, you and I - on EG. I asked you about what titles you'd played, giving reccs, and you were FF onry.

(I even remember when we had a nice chat about your hypocritical 'I'm selective about what I watch, so I'm a good guy, but downloading fansubs is wrong' when we first started our loving internet affair. What can I say: I alternate between being a goldfish and an elephant.)

I think, since then, you've played Disgaea... no doubt because you picked up a PSP for FF:T and CC.

Play Suikoden V and then we'll talk. Until then, you have no opinion of value.
Okay, so someone asks for recommendations about RPGs and I recommend Final Fantasy ... therefore, that's obviously the only videogame series I've ever played? Err, what? It's a complete non sequitur. So, you've actually been repeating this ******** over and over and that's what you're basing it on? That I once recommended Final Fantasy to some person at some time on Eurogamers - thus I must obviously have only played Final Fantasy games? That doesn't make any sense. Please stop telling me that my experience with RPGs is so limited when I'm fairly certain I've played lots and lots of JRPGs, western-style RPGs, tactical RPGs, etc., thank you.

The reason I recommend Final Fantasy to any new RPG player is because I think those games represent the best the genre has to offer. And it's true, even the "bad" Final Fantasy games are better than most other JRPGs. You say that FFXII is horrifying in how terrible it is compared to the rest of the series ... and then still rate it 7/10. If a 7/10 games counts as hideously terrible when compared to the other games in the series, then I'm pretty sure it's an exceptional series by your standards, too

Also, as far as I remember, I bought a PSP on the day it came out, long before FF:T was announced and before anyone knew what Crisis Core was. And I think I played Disgaea on PS2, in 2004. But you seem to think you know more about me, so please fill me in as to the actual details of my buying a PSP and playing Disgaea :]
Aion said:
Bah humbug

Lets all just accept that the Final Fantasy games are all really really good, but that some people still don't like them, & that there are also many other really good RPGs that some people prefer.
CitizenGeek said:
Okay, so someone asks for recommendations about RPGs and I recommend Final Fantasy ...

Learn to read, my queer little friend. I asked you what you'd played besides FF, you had no answers and I told you what games you should play before chatting up FF like the clueless fanboy you are.

Happy Christmas, btw.

Also, FYI:

FFVII = 9.5/10
FFVIII = 9/10
FFIX = 8/10
FFX = 5-6/10
FFXI = ???
FFXII = 7/10
FF: T - 7.5/10
FF: Crisis CCore - 5-6/10
I have, Sir Fcukwit 3, it's just that I started with FFVII. I can't grade them accurately because they were before my time and, FFVI aside, they're unrefined.

The days where I can enjoy BoF I-II are long gone, I'm afraid.

I have a feeling I own more RPGs than you've played, love.

(Happy xmas to you, too.)
Downloaded VII couple days ago for my PS3. Hopefully I'll be able to complete it this time since the last time I played it I was still on the first disc and had just escaped from Midgar. That must have been at least 3 years ago.

Really, I'm sick of this petty **** going about, and I know I've said some petty stuff myself in regards to the series, so I'm willing to concede that FF is a decent series, but most of the games just aren't my cup of tea.
Aion said:
I asked you what you'd played besides FF, you had no answers and I told you what games you should play before chatting up FF like the clueless fanboy you are.

Excuse me, my socially retarded friend, but I recall no such conversation. And I'm not going to list off every single RPG I've ever played. That requires far too much effort, and I'm pretty sure you'd just invent another 'fact' about me that would you allow you to disqualify my opinion anyway.

Also, am I to believe that you think a person's enjoyment of any particular videogame is conditioned on how many other similiar genre videogames they've played? If a new gamer says "I really enjoyed game A because it excelled in B, C, D", would you really turn around and say "well, no, you couldn't possible have enjoyed that game because you haven't played niche title X, Y or Z". That is obviously the logic you're using here and not only does it not apply to me (I've been playing JRPGs almost continuously since I was 12, I am now 19 ...), but it is absolutely ridiculous. Remind me to discredit your opinions on Eden: It's an Endless Word, given that your MAL anime/manga list clearly shows you haven't read enough niche manga titles based on Gnostic mythology.
Right, just thought i'd jump in on this 'bitch-fest' and offer my two cents on the whole debate.

Final fantasy used to be my 'wank' series, me and my friends loved the **** out of it, we even went as far as being as gay to play final fantasy 7 in the playground in primary school, what the **** was i doing lmao.

But anyway yeah i used to love the final fantasy series, i'll be honest i've only played and completed 6-10. But 6-9 i regard as still amazing games today (8 being my favourite). The downfall to the series IMO happened with X, i bought that game and a game called shadow hearts on the same day, needless to say shadow hearts was far the superior game in my mind and remains one of my all time favourites today.

My point being even as a kid i knew 10 was very lackluster compared to the rest, the plot borrowed a lot from a game called wild arms 2, characters ranged from **** to 'oh yeah...', the main is basically the david beckham of the series (your playing as a blitzball star ffs...). It just lacked imagination all around, the only character i actually liked was auron, apart from that i couldn't care less. The music however was top notch i'll give it that.

After 10 i just felt the series just became more redundant by each entry, maybe it's a sign of the times but i just don't care for it anymore. 13 may be a saviour but honestly from what i've seen and heard it just has looked more of the style over substance formula from the get go.

Anyway overall, 6-9 awesome enjoyable games. After that i couldn't care less.
Final Fantasy has always been style over substance. The substance has always been incredible, but I don't think anyone can deny that FF places a huge emphasis on massive production values. It's what made the series successful: FFVII had enormous production values, while the actual gameplay was very enjoyable and added some very neat tweaks to the system, but it was nothing revelatory. FFVI, too, had big production values. A big part of the appeal of FF, I would have thought, was that it always looks/sounds amazing, no?