Final Fantasy XIII, you are my only hope...

Nyani said:
That's a very wide statement there. I've played FF games since the SNES as a kid and the only modern one I've not finished (not counting 13 as I don't have it yet) is 12 and the CC ones. .

So I guess you were in the import scene back then, considering FF wasn't released here on the SNES.
I personally play as many RPG's as I can get my hands on though (no, I've not played shin megami as the story dosn't interest me)

I've lost respect for you ;-;

Then again, I gave up half-way through Lucifer's Call/Nocturne, because of its solid difficulty. Digital Devil Saga, you should try out though. The story is sold and really good imo, but the pacing is 'horrendous'. I believe FFXIII uses the same style as Digital Devil Saga
Nyani said:
Dave said:
If you ask me what my favourite RPG would be probably I would say Final Fantasy 7, that maybe because of sentimental reason as being the first one I played, so I don't know if it fare judgement to give. But from there onwards it has been steady stream of disappointment for me with both Final Fantasy 8 & 10 both being big let downs after starting so well (have not played 9 or x2, or 12 just yet pass comment).

Its not the disappointment I felt with the games that I have trouble with its that they get all the attention and sales over other RPGS which I frankly think deserve more recognition. A title like Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call is woeful under recognised and deserve a next generation remake on ps3/xbox 360. It just seems people brainwashed by final fantasy they don't bother to try out any other series out. It seem a bit sad that square can keep releasing mediocre final fantasy and still sell millions. While a title from Shin Megami who gets critical praise won't get enough sales to warrant a releases on ps3/xbox 360. Dooming its future to be produce on cheaper formats like DS/PSP.

That's a very wide statement there. I've played FF games since the SNES as a kid and the only modern one I've not finished (not counting 13 as I don't have it yet) is 12 and the CC ones. I personally play as many RPG's as I can get my hands on though (no, I've not played shin megami as the story dosn't interest me). If you'd played the earlier SNES ones as a child like I did maybe you'd realize why we atleast give new FF games a -try-. :) (And personally, 8 is my favorite, and 6, and 9 was also very good but you need to have an open heart to enjoy it as it's a bit softer).

I am talking about final fantasy series after no. 7. I have no issue with the series it before it. Having finished ff5 (enjoyed the flexibility of job system to play game how you feel ) and played ff6, they are both good games.

To Say shin megami story doesn't interest you is very wide statement to make when shin megami games like Lucifer call, digital devil saga, persona and devil summoner style of story are very different from each other.

Final fantasy 8 was plainly awful to me and it started so well, but the story collapsed and the story seem to tack on the final villain in the last few moments of the game. Good RPG build up to the final confrontation from near the begin of the game and not add them at the last minute.

Having to draw all your magic was the biggest mistake of all. With it linked to your stats, so every time you used it you got weaker and the trouble to find a rare magic like ultima you avoid using magic all together. How can you have RPG where it include magic but the game forces you not to use it. So end up just using phyiscal attacks and waiting ages for summon to appear. The thing I enjoyed most from ff8 would be probably the card game.

The problem with final fantasy series recently is they can produce lacklustre games like x2 or 12 and sell over 5 million copies. While universally critical praised game like persona 4 can only sell 600k, that the problem.
Chrono Mizaki said:
Nyani said:
That's a very wide statement there. I've played FF games since the SNES as a kid and the only modern one I've not finished (not counting 13 as I don't have it yet) is 12 and the CC ones. .

So I guess you were in the import scene back then, considering FF wasn't released here on the SNES.

I'm not originally from here.
Shin Megami Tensei can be very off-putting for people who WANT the story given to them though instead of working for it. Not to say that Nyani sucks at RPGs (She doesn't if she finished FF:VIII), but that's the feeling I get from most people who're aware of the MegaTen. But yeah, it's pretty bad when good JRPGs don't get any love and Final Fantasy X INTERNATIONAL EDITION WITH TIDUS WEARING YUNA'S CLOTHES sells 2 Million+
Nyani said:
I've not played shin megami as the story dosn't interest me.
Have you not played either Persona 3 or 4? You should give them a go. Both have great, accessible stories (particularly P4) and are easily my two favourite JRPGs of the last few years. I didn't like Nocturne/Lucifer's Call much; there's too much bland dungeon crawling and too little narrative for my tastes (/casualscum). And the difficulty level could be a right bastard an' all.
Nyani said:
Chrono Mizaki said:
Nyani said:
That's a very wide statement there. I've played FF games since the SNES as a kid and the only modern one I've not finished (not counting 13 as I don't have it yet) is 12 and the CC ones. .

So I guess you were in the import scene back then, considering FF wasn't released here on the SNES.

I'm not originally from here.

God, I feel sorry for you xD Britain isn't exactly a great country :lol:
Lupus regarding Shin Megami - It's really more that I'm not too interested in the whole demons and modern/post apocalyptic(not quite the word I'm actually looking for but since I don't go for the type I'm not sure what to word it as :p) type of game. I like atleast a bit of sunshine(so to speak:p) in my games and from what I've read of it it's not really that type.

Fab regarding Persona - Nah I havn't. I'm not really into the sort of modern day + technology types, goes for most games tbh.
Goes for other sources of entertainment too, just not very drawn to the modern day or tech ones. (Ok though stearing away from RPG I did like Portal and MGS :p)

I'll admit I'm a fairly girly girl. :) Not the liking babies, purses, and chocolate level, but, yea. :p

Though it's been a while since I've had time to just sit and play an RPG. I'm the type to play for very long periods of time at once and working gets in the way. :p I think the last I played that I super enjoyed were the Golden Sun games. (I've not been able to afford to buy any games for a few years now. :/ But I got a couple for christmas this year! Yay! Now to find time...)

Chrono - Has its ups and downs. :p On a plus note, I no longer get spontaneous nose bleeds. :p
Nyani said:
Lupus regarding Shin Megami - It's really more that I'm not too interested in the whole demons and modern/post apocalyptic(not quite the word I'm actually looking for but since I don't go for the type I'm not sure what to word it as :p) type of game. I like atleast a bit of sunshine(so to speak:p) in my games and from what I've read of it it's not really that type.

Fab regarding Persona - Nah I havn't. I'm not really into the sort of modern day + technology types, goes for most games tbh.
Goes for other sources of entertainment too, just not very drawn to the modern day or tech ones. (Ok though stearing away from RPG I did like Portal and MGS :p)

I'll admit I'm a fairly girly girl. :) Not the liking babies, purses, and chocolate level, but, yea. :p

Though it's been a while since I've had time to just sit and play an RPG. I'm the type to play for very long periods of time at once and working gets in the way. :p I think the last I played that I super enjoyed were the Golden Sun games. (I've not been able to afford to buy any games for a few years now. :/ But I got a couple for christmas this year! Yay! Now to find time...)

Chrono - Has its ups and downs. :p On a plus note, I no longer get spontaneous nose bleeds. :p

Funny enough one of ends for Shin Megami: Lucfier Call was quite uplifting in contrast with the dark tone of the rest of the game.

Be honest it not all sunshine in the final fantasy series, just thinking what aeris went through in ff7 is just heart breaking.
It's not all sunshine no. Definately not. But there is enough of it. :) 9 has alot of fluffy stuff, and some of the bad things get fixed. :p Even though the games all have their tragic parts as long as there is enough happy it's ok. :p
The glimpse of Aeris at the end does help though, and it's not so heartbreaking if you also include AC and her returning to Zack (even though I played FF7 when it came out and it was a long time before AC :)). (Though FF6 didn't have as much happy as modern ones, and had loads of tragedy, but I find my need for happy grows stronger as I get older :p)
I enjoyed (but definitely not a favorite)FFX-2 since it had alot of sunshineyness (even though it had that depressing part), But I'm allowed, since I am part girly girl. :p though Yuna bugs me... Didn't like FFX though.
VIII i liked for the romance part, it was a tad cliche but it also done tastefully (i.e no sex scenes, they annoy the crap outta me) story was fairly unique and this game actually had a proper villan unlike some of the later games

X was also good for a similar reason, and the story was pretty good as well
The English FFXIII trailer is excellent; for young girls, at least. What a wonderfully generic selection for the English theme song, and the dialogue ("...I became Lightning") seems good enough only to satisfy idiots/CG.

Assuming that song is going to be on the game and not just used for trailer purposes, it makes me think of the contrast between it and FFVIII. FFVIII had an epic orchestra piece used for its opening (iirc, the opening was used as a trailer, too) and needed no voiced dialogue to make me cum. FFXIII has a girly pop song and failed to interest me even with voice acting.

Square, where art thou?

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Aion said:
and the dialogue ("...I became Lightning") seems good enough only to
Square, where art thou?
Whoa, whoa, you talk about bad dialogue and you don't mention "They're not humans... they're targets." or "You think you die and that's it, it's all sugar and rainbows?" God damn what happened to the masterful dialogue?

Also, Aion, if you want a good JRPG like a classic Final Fantasy game go buy a 360 and Lost Odyssey, it's the closest you'll get.
When listening, all I heard was 'cocoon' and 'la seeth' x100. It must be deep with game world terms being used for the trailer so frequently!

I need to buy a new TV first, but ty for caring. (I've been meaning to buy a HDTV for 3-4 years...) LO is one of the few RPGs I'd look into simply because it was made by the SH team.
Off topic, but Aion, your icon is of a cute little hedgehog yet?

Is that a subtle way of saying you are surrounded by pricks, or am I looking too deep? If it is then lol, cunningly witty.

Also, have a look at these new OLED TVs if you are thinking of going HD. Supposedly these new OLEDs are really good.
Mutsumi said:
Is that a subtle way of saying you are surrounded by pricks, or am I looking too deep? If it is then lol, cunningly witty.

That's certainly an interesting interpretation, and works well - if I do say so myself - when you take into the consideration the fact that most humans are pricks.

However, the truth is that it's an in-joke Ayase and Paul would get. Paul said I had a slight case of Shinji Ikari syndrome, and Ayase referred back to what Paul said recently. Paul also called me a tsundere.

Shinji Ikari syndrome:'s_dilemma
This is on its way to me, thanks to HMV. I'm praying it arrives on Saturday so I can get stuck into it over the weekend.
I pre-ordered from Amazon like a month ago, I really don't have high expectations anymore, I just see Final Fantasy XIII as a Tales game now without the costumes. I at least hope (lol) that Vanille pleases me, otherwise I just gave Square Enix forty quid on a game that inspired Avatar.
I've ordered mine from for £34.99, which is cheaper than amazon. Best of all, I've heard they are ******* awesome on delivery and it's been shipped out today.

One guy claims that his game was shipped out on the day he ordered it, and he got it by morning. Plus delivery have been extremely positive.

Fingers cross I get it tomorrow. Then I can have a quick go before I go to my dads. If not, then I can't play it until Monday ;-;
Gah, didn't came today. So I can't play it until Monday. And plus, I'm in a dilemma now. I can't decide whether to put FFXIII on hold and try to complete Heavy Rain when I come back on Monday... or just play FFXIII.