Fool me once, shame on you, fool me seveal times and lead me on a two year wild goose chase that makes me think less of the guy who frount runs this whole stupid affair, get through a table.
With all the issues manga have been having (or had) with QC on their releases I'd be more likely to pre-order the US release instead of restoring my UK version pre-order (it isn't like funimation releases aren't fault free).Lutga said:Manga really need to announce this at MCM London otherwise they'll lose many pre-orders to the U.S. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure the U.S. Never got rid of the pre-order for the film, whereas UK Amazon did?
Considering the amount of funimation releases that are AB recently have had manga making their own masters and have made a complete pigs ear out of them, I'd rather not take the risk that they'll do it again (besides, will we even be getting the forth film since relations between manga and funimation have gone south after they were sold by starz).Shiroi Hane said:FUNimation have authored the UK BDs for the Eva movies thus far anyway, so there shouldn't be much scope for anything to go wrong.